3,128 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis on Relationship Between Current Account, Capital Account and Gross Domestic Product in India

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    This paper examines the link between Current Account, Capital Account and GDP using pairwise Granger Causality Test. This study analyzed the trend and pattern of balance of payment during the before and after devaluation period. It is furthermore assess impact of devaluation on balance of payment using paired sample‘t’ test. The result exposed that the one way causality rerunning from GDP to Capital Account. We also found that one way causality rerunning from Current Account to GDP. The result indicates that there is significant improvement in balance of payments during the pre- to post-devaluation period

    Gel - A new drug dosage form for Ayurved medicines

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    Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is the science dealing with processing of Ayurved medicines. Due to globalisation of Ayurved science it is need of time to convert our dosage form into palatable and convenient form towards the patient without compromising the effect of the medicines. So here an attempt was made to convert a medicine Rasakarpura Drava into new dosage form Rasakarpura Gel. It is also thought that other raw materials like Tuttha, Sphatika, Tankan etc; some water soluble formulations like Rasakarpura etc; and some water based dosage form like Arka, Hima, Phant etc. can be converted into gel form due to its water solubility and external skin absorbent nature. Is it possible

    Comparative Evaluation of Rate of Canine Retraction, Root Parallelism, Canine Rotation and Anchorage Control between Micro-Osteoperforation and Low Level Laser Therapy : an in-vivo Study

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    Aim: To evaluate and compare the Rate of Canine Retraction, Root Parallelism, Canine Rotation and Anchorage control between Micro-Osteoperforation (MOP) and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). Material and Methods: Twenty-one Participants were selected and randomly divided into Group 1 (MOP Side) and Group 2 (LLLT Side). All participants had to undergo individual Canine Retraction. Participants underwent MOP on the one side and LLLT on the other side. Canines were individually retracted using closed coil NiTi (9 mm) springs at 150gms force. Study models were made at T0, 28th day (T1), 56th day (T2) and 84th day (T3). OPG was collected at T0 & T3. Different parameters like Amount of Canine Retraction, Canine Rotation, Anchorage Control and Root Parallelism were evaluated. Results: Mean retraction of 4.45±0.52 mm is seen in MOP side and 4.62±0.71 mm on the LLLT side. No significant difference is found in Anchorage Control (p=0.68) and Root Parallelism (p=0.171) between both groups. Higher incidences of disto-palatal Canine Rotation are seen in MOP Group (0.36±0.57), but is statistically not significant (p=0.01). Conclusion: There was statistically no significant difference found in rate of Canine Retraction, Root Parallelism, Anchorage Control and Canine Rotation between MOP and LLLT Group

    Comparative Analysis of GPSR and GPVR Protocol for Various Parameters in VANET with Power Control

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are deployed to make communication between vehicles possible using ad hoc wireless devices. Nowadays, these networks have become an emerging technology due to the variety of their applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). By creating a vehicular network, each vehicle can exchange information to inform drivers in other vehicles about the current status of the traffic flow or the existence of a dangerous situation. They can also be used to improve traffic management conditions such as route optimization, flow congestion control and to provide on-board infotainment such as Internet access, the location of free parking places, video streaming sharing, etc. GPSR protocol utilized for wireless sensor networks in base paper. First of all various parameters must be take care for whom our research would revolve and then finding the demerit of existing protocol. By analyzing the problem of existed protocol a new protocol need to be designed. In our dissertation work GPVR (Greedy Perimeter Vector Routing) protocol is designed. After that various parameters like throughput, end to end delay, packet loss ratio and energy would be compared of both protocols that is existed one and proposed one. In our research work GPSR protocol is enhanced by using position vector calculation and simple redundancy elimination. After analyzing results of both protocols, finally we came to the conclusion that proposed protocol that is GPVR performs better. This research work carried out in NS2 software because it is peril and menacing free, In simulation various possibility can be made regarding smash of vehicles, in rural and urban area. So computer simulation is very crucial in VANET research. VANET Simulation extended into two parts that is traffic simulation and Network simulatio

    Unlocking The Potential Of Hemoglobin Enhancement Agents: A Comprehensive Review

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    Hemoglobin is an important protein found in red blood cells and is responsible for the two-way respiratory carrier, transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and facilitating the return transport of carbon dioxide in the body. The development of hemoglobin enhancers is an area of medical research interest aimed at improving oxygen delivery and potentially treating various health conditions. This review aims to explore the role of hemoglobin activators, their mechanism of action, current applications, and potential benefits. Mostly beetroot, dates and findla are mainly consumed as food additives for hemoglobin. And to help increase hemoglobi

    Supply Chain Management and Big Data Analytics (SCMBDA): Perception to SCM Business

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    The standards of big data and analytics are being very much buildup with the aid of commercial enterprise executives, media, software program providers and consultant executive. But it is not simply buildup, as some groups are genuinely utilizing big data and analytics in real life experience. Big data and analytics in Supply Chain Management (SCM) has found discovered becoming alluring because of its unpredictability and the extraordinary part. This research proposal highlighting how ?Big Data analytics can be used most productively in managing the supply chain.? They can be utilized to evaluate ?what happened, why it happened, and to develop a plan for change. Based on pre-defined business rules, they can identify where an action is needed, they can help to prepare more accurate forecasts,? and, primarily, they are able to help to determine the best course of motion with WHAT-IF analysis. Materials and Methods used in research proposal describe the promising field of big data analytics in SCM, discusses the benefits, outlines an architectural framework and methodology, describes examples reported in the literature, briefly discusses the research problem. Possible outcome covered in research proposal how the SCM area can be affected by these new propensities and advancements

    Bright Side of Bilberry: Exploring It’s Impact On Age Related Macular Degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration, often called AMD or ARMD, is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness. It usually affects the older population mainly those who are 60 years and older. It is the degeneration of the macula, which is the part of the retina responsible for the sharp, central vision needed to read or drive. Because the macula primarily is affected by AMD, central vision loss may occur. There are mainly two types of AMD the Wet form and the Dry form. The dry form is more common than the wet form, with about 85 to 90 percent of AMD patients diagnosed with dry AMD. The wet form of the disease usually leads to more serious vision loss. Anthocyanin-rich bilberry, a plant-derived antioxidant, has been utilized as a popular supplement for ocular health worldwide. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, the anthocyanin-rich bilberry extract ameliorated the intracellular elevation of reactive oxygen species and activated NF-κB, a redox-sensitive transcription factor, in the inflamed retina. Because of these properties, bilberry can be a complementary treatment for those who are looking for the treatment of AMD
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