24 research outputs found

    Digital Gene Expression Analysis Based on Integrated De Novo Transcriptome Assembly of Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]

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    Background: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. [Lam.]) ranks among the top six most important food crops in the world. It is widely grown throughout the world with high and stable yield, strong adaptability, rich nutrient content, and multiple uses. However, little is known about the molecular biology of this important non-model organism due to lack of genomic resources. Hence, studies based on high-throughput sequencing technologies are needed to get a comprehensive and integrated genomic resource and better understanding of gene expression patterns in different tissues and at various developmental stages. Methodology/Principal Findings: Illumina paired-end (PE) RNA-Sequencing was performed, and generated 48.7 million of 75 bp PE reads. These reads were de novo assembled into 128,052 transcripts ($100 bp), which correspond to 41.1 million base pairs, by using a combined assembly strategy. Transcripts were annotated by Blast2GO and 51,763 transcripts got BLASTX hits, in which 39,677 transcripts have GO terms and 14,117 have ECs that are associated with 147 KEGG pathways. Furthermore, transcriptome differences of seven tissues were analyzed by using Illumina digital gene expression (DGE) tag profiling and numerous differentially and specifically expressed transcripts were identified. Moreover, the expression characteristics of genes involved in viral genomes, starch metabolism and potential stress tolerance and insect resistance were also identified

    The process and lessons of exchanging and managing in-vitro elite germplasm to combat CBSD and CMD in Eastern and Southern Africa

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    Varieties with resistance to both cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) can reverse food and income security threats affecting the rural poor in Eastern and Southern Africa. The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture is leading a partnership of five national (Malawi, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) cassava breeding programs to exchange the most elite germplasm resistant to both CMD and CBSD. This poster documents the process and the key learning lessons. Twenty to 25 stem cuttings of 31 clones comprising of 25 elite clones (5 per country), two standard checks (Kibandameno from Kenya and Albert from Tanzania), and four national checks (Kiroba and Mkombozi from Tanzania, Mbundumali from Malawi, and Tomo from Mozambique) were cleaned and indexed for cassava viruses at both the Natural Resources Institute in the United Kingdom and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services, in Kenya. About 75 in-vitro plantlets per clone were sent to Genetic Technologies International Limited, a private tissue culture lab in Kenya, and micro-propagated to ≥1500 plantlets. Formal procedures of material transfer between countries including agreements, import permission and phytosanitary certification were all ensured for germplasm exchange. At least 300 plantlets of each elite and standard check clones were sent to all partner countries, while the national checks were only sent to their respective countries of origin. In each country, the in-vitro plantlets were acclimatized under screen house conditions and transplanted for field multiplication as a basis for multi-site testing. Except for Tomo, a susceptible clone, all the clones were cleaned of the viruses. However, there was varied response to the cleaning process between clones, e.g. FN-19NL, NASE1 and Kibandameno responded slowly. Also, clones responded differently to micro-propagation protocols at GTIL, e.g. Pwani, Tajirika, NASE1, TME204 and Okhumelela responded slowly. Materials are currently being bulked at low disease pressure field sites in preparation for planting at 5-8 evaluation sites per country. The process of cleaning, tissue culture mass propagation, exchange and local hardening off/bulking has been successful for the majority of target varieties. Two key lessons derived from the process are that adequate preparations of infrastructure and trained personnel are required to manage the task, and that a small proportion of varieties are recalcitrant to tissue culture propagation

    Mixed Infections of Four Viruses, the Incidence and Phylogenetic Relationships of Sweet Potato Chlorotic Fleck Virus (Betaflexiviridae) Isolates in Wild Species and Sweetpotatoes in Uganda and Evidence of Distinct Isolates in East Africa

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