577 research outputs found

    Management Lessons from Ants: A Literature Review

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    The basic purpose of this study is to highlight the management lessons from the Ants and incorporate our lives and organizations for a success. This is an explorative study inn which different research papers, articles from internet and books are reviewed. Ant is a small living thing but it is considered a very organized and social insect. From the review of different sources, it is concluded that teamwork, planning for future, specializations of employees, division of labor, good communication network, Swarm Intelligence, risk taking, Self-Motivated and Self-directed, work hard, utilize the time in more productive way, feel ownership to employees, and not make any factor as a hurdle for getting job done

    A Reassessment of Charles Dickens’ Hard Times as a Socialist Critique against Capitalist Ethos

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    The purpose of the present paper is to make a reassessment and revaluation of Charles Dickens’ Hard Times to expose how capitalism and the ills of England’s Industrial Revolution inflicted its wrath on labour and bourgeoisie in the 19th century England. It also aims at manifesting how humans were forced to become machines under the aegis of capital and how the dominance of reason, intellect and wit in the 18th century minimised the effective side of humanitarianism during the clash between capital and labour. It also reflects the miserable conflict between head and heart or reason and sentiments. It also makes a severe attack on the educational theory of “facts” and “statistics.” Through the two pivotal advocates and champions of industrial capitalism in the novel--Gradgrind and Bounderby--the paper provides a socio-economic critique of the times of early phase of capitalism, Laissez Faire and Utilitarianism when the processes of production were ideologically privileged over the inhuman existence of the workers


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    Background: The most abundant anion in our body, along with sodium, is chloride (Cl), which is primarily obtained through dietary sources. Studies indicate that greater dietary Chloride intake raises blood pressure, and higher serum Cl seems to be linked to decreased cardiovascular risk and death. This indicates that serum Chloride reflects risk pathways independent of blood pressure, serum sodium, and serum bicarbonate. It is uncertain how serum chloride affects a patient's long-term survival after developing pulmonary arterial hypertension. Methods: This study included patients with hypertension, idiopathic or heritable, who had a basic metabolic panel when they were diagnosed with hypertension. Results: Over time, serum chloride had no obvious impact on systolic blood pressure. Only serum bicarbonate among electrolytes demonstrated an independent impact on longitudinal blood pressure. Conclusion: This study has shown the association of chloride with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Recommendation: More studies are now needed to elucidate the mechanisms of the association between low serum Chloride levels and mortality outcomes if more studies confirm and extend our findings. Our findings may be applied in clinical practice to recognize persons with high-risk hypertension as Chloride measurement is a critical component of routine clinical screening.


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    Background: Hyperglycemia is a condition where the body experiences an increase in blood glucose levels and insulin can’t be used appropriately. Patients with diabetes mellitus experience hyperglycemia where there is an increased level of angiotensin hormone which can cause hypertension. The main approach of this study is to correlate the association of blood glucose levels with hypertension. Materials and methods: The type of this study was descriptive correlation. A total of 210 subjects were selected for this study of which only 166 samples were the responders and a Random sampling technique was used to analyze the subjects. The level of blood glucose was examined with semi-automated analyzer and a sphygmomanometer was used for blood pressure analysis. Results: The obtained data were integrated with “The Pearson correlation test”. Of the total population included in this study, females were the responders and most of the responders had “Diabetes mellitus”. Conclusions: Samples with high levels of blood glucose had a great risk of high blood pressure. The level of Blood glucose is interrelated with the level of blood pressure in individuals with the condition of hypertension. Recommendation: It is recommended for aged people to always maintain their blood glucose level to lower their risk of cardiovascular diseases including hypertension

    Aesthetics of Poetry and Postmodernist Poets: A Review

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    Postmodernism is a period in which multiple modes or versions of different poetries exist and flourish. Poetry produced in the postmodern era and has an extremely solid nearness in cafes, bars, and even clubs, fundamentally outperforming its more conventional settings and areas. Poetry is becoming ever more synonymous with testing in English schools. poetry is not by learning the rules of scansion, or studying prosody and other theoretical aspects of poetry, although this is important, but by imitation. And what the poet imitates in the poets that he admires is the sound of the poetry, its rhythms, rhyme schemes, patterns, etc., not the lexical meanings of the words. Using the same words as the poets one admires would constitute plagiarism, not imitation, although one may certainly make allusions to other poems by means of what is sometimes called “poetic license”. poetry is cast as unstable and unreliable but simultaneously inescapable; language is both captor and captive .Poetry study at GCSE level could become a limited and controlled experience, restricted to the confines of the classroom and the pages of exam board anthologies.  In this work, we have studied a theory of different poets in view of the aesthetic content of poetry. These poets are exceptionally dynamic and their poetries are different from the theories of art and all other poetries. The industriousness of the expository strategies of aesthetic formalism close by the more up to date scholarly apparatuses of basic hypothesis and social feedback has been examined. They are very active, leading tertulias, engaging with poetry readings and performances in literary and non-literary circles, and endorsing verse on the internet, with the result that the genre is now more open and available to the general public than ever before. For the Transcendentalists all true poets are “children of music”.&nbsp

    Analyzing BSNL's Financial Inclusion Strategy

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    Since India is the second-largest telecommunications market in the world, the telecom industry is vital to the country's economy. BSNL is the largest telecom firm in India and is wholly owned by the government, making it an uphill battle for the corporation in recent years. A comprehensive resuscitation package for BSNL was launched by the government in 2019 in an effort to save the company from the severe financial crisis it was experiencing. The purpose of this research is to examine BSNL's financial statements for the years 2018 through 2019 in order to calculate the ROI of the company's revival package. Companies' financial statements (income statement and balance sheet) are summaries of financial reports that present the operating results and financial position of the companies, and the information contained therein is valuable for evaluating the effectiveness of the company's operations and the health of its finances. In order to do so, a number of methods (tools) have been developed by financial specialists to aid in the study and interpretation of such data. In this study, we used the Comparative Tool to compare BSNL's Financial Inclusion before and after it implemented its revival package, and we concluded that while the company's expenses have decreased by nearly half, its revenues have continued to fall—a trend we attribute primarily to the fact that its 4G services are not yet available across the country. After a long period of significant failure, it was determined that the Revival Package provided by the Government of India to BSNL had positive results, and that these results would improve if the remaining Revival Package projects were also completed as soon as possible.&nbsp

    Integration of Human Development and Financial Inclusion across Indian States

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    In this study, we look into the relationship between financial inclusion and economic growth in India. Secondary sources were used for this study. Research is conducted throughout 2019. Here, we examine the status of financial inclusion across 28 of India's states. The findings imply that most states have a very low degree of financial inclusion, and further study indicates a direct association of financial inclusion with growth and standard of life, and an inverse relation with poverty. Working on this problem led us to discover a beneficial Pearson's r illustrates a positive relationship between financial inclusion and GDP per capita. As a result, financial inclusion promotes economic development by increasing people's access to and use of formal financial systems, which helps advance human development. On top of that, it helps the Indian economy grow

    Digital Speech Interpolation Advantage of Statistical Time Division Multiplexer

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    This paper discusses Digital Speech Interpolation (DSI) advantage of Statistical Time Division Multiplexer (STDM) for Random Packet Loss scenarios. In order to harness this advantage each source speech is compressed at 6.4 kbps, Voice Activity Detector (VAD) is used for each source, and packet loss mechanism is introduced to achieve maximum DSI advantage. It is observed that for maximum of 9 users channel capacity, extra 3 users, i.e. total 12 users can be accommodated with 3% speech frame losses, which results in an advantage of 12/9 = 1.33

    Scrub Typhus with Acute Bilateral Cerebellar Ataxia: A Rare Presentation

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    Scrub typhus, also known as Bush typhus, is a zoonotic infectious disease predominantly affecting rural and semi urbanareas. It is caused by the bacterium Orientia tsutsugamushi. Scrub typhus is predominantly seen in monsoon and post-monsoonseasons. It a vector-borne disease and has a varying clinical presentation ranging from mild acute febrile illness to lifethreatening multiorgan dysfunction. Neurological manifestations can occur in the form of meningitis, meningoencephalitis,polyneuritis cranialis, intracerebral hemorrhage; rarely, it can cause cerebellar dysfunction. Herein, we report a case of acutebilateral cerebellar ataxia, one of the rare neurological complications of scrub typhus


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate achievement motivation of B.Ed teachers working in B.Ed colleges in tamilnadu of vellore district are the population of the study. 220 samples were drawn from the entire population as samples from both government and private. Achievement Motivation by Pratibha Deo (Pune) and Asha Mohan (Chandigarh). The scores range from 5,4,3,2, and 1. The minimum score obtained can be zero and maximum can be 200. This tool consists of 50 questions on with 5 point likert scale. T-test and F test was used to analyze the data collected from the sample. It was hypothesized that there is no significant difference between the groups of different types of variables, such as gender, locality of the institution, mode of management, subject taught, teaching experience, age and marital status. The findings of the study are there is a significant difference between government employ and self employ of parental occupation towards achievement motivation
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