347 research outputs found


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    1 year old girl with history of recurrent respiratory infections associated with wheeze

    The Hulk’s Unconscious in His Conscious World: A Psychoanalytic Critique

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    This study investigated Bruce Banner’s alter ego, The Hulk, represents the conflict between human nature’s conscious and unconscious sides. It explores the Hulk’s inner life, concentrating on how his unconscious thinking manifests in his conscious reality. The first goal is to comprehend the psychological notion of individual identification. The second goal is to observe the universe through the eyes of hulk, and the third goal is to investigate ego, id and super ego in both the mortal and immortal (post human) worlds. The qualitative method is chosen to acquire secondary information from associated domains in order to fulfill these goals. The first step in this research is to read the character closely to understand the direction of humanity. The analysis of terminologies involved in human personality and their connections to inner and outer world is the second step. The study of final phase is to write findings, which include a review of the interpretation. This research yielded three conclusions. To begin with, the interactions between the Hulk and other characters, including allies and foes, in his conscious universe are covered in this essay. Secondly, it examines the ways in which these encounters reveal the Hulk’s inner conflicts and offer light on his psychological condition


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    45 year old gentleman, presented to the Emergency Department with right iliac fossa pain & fever

    Caffey disease – A rare case report.

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    8 month old male infant with localized swelling of the thigh, fever and irritability


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    Study Of Non-Performing Asset (Npa) Mitigation Practices In Co- Operative Banks In Thane, Maharashtra, India

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    Non-Performing Assets (NPA) refers to the categorization of Credit/ loans or advances in the books of a lender (financial institutions/banks) in which there is no payment of interest and principal have been made and are “past due” for a specified period of time. NPA is employed by financial institutions that ask loans that are in jeopardy of default. There is no doubt that increasing NPA has become a matter of concern for any bank or financial institution whether it is commercial or co-operative. There are instances where many co-operative banks have faced strict action and closure from the central bank. The present paper is an attempt to study and analyze the causes of NPA in selected co- operative banks in Thane. It studies the causes of NPA at the micro level for co-operative banks and brings out the main causes liable for assets turning into non- performing. This paper further highlights the importance of NPA in Credit risk management mitigation in Cooperative banks in Thane. The findings of this paper will significantly contribute to the effective asset allocation to cooperative bank and help them to grow and succeed

    Efficacy of Panchavalkal Kwatha Dhawana followed by Panchavalkal Ghruta application in case of Dushta Vrana

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    Background: The Vrana is important topic in academic point of view, patient care and research of newer technique and drugs for easier and effective management. In ancient text a number of drugs and technique are talked about for Shodhana and Ropana of Vrana, one of them are medicated Ghruta preparation. In the present research work Panchawalkal Kwath Dhawana followed by Panchawalkal Ghruta application is used in the management of Dushta Vrana. Material & Method: On inspection wound was observed at thoroughly and case was diagnosed as Dushta Vrana and it was planned to be treated with application of Panchawalkal Kwatha Dhawana followed by Panchawalkal Ghruta application daily. Daily dressing in same manner was done upto the healing of Vrana. Internally medicine was provided as Triphala Guggula 500 mg twice a day and Gandhaka Rasayana twice a day for 30 days. The wound was assessed daily for pain, swelling, discharge, size, and shape. Conclusion: Panchwalkala Kwatha Dhawana eliminates the impurities wound which results in formation of healthy granulation tissue and its enhanced healing along with Panchavalkala Ghruta application acts for proper enhanced circulation to the wound which resulted in faster healing of wound

    Formulation and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potential of Glycerosomes Containing Allium sativum, Zingiber officinale Extracts

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    The aim of the present investigation is to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of A. sativum and Z. officinalis extracts mediated glycerosomes formulation by thin film of lipid hydration method.  The water content present in the A. sativum and Z. officinale was 42.3 and 27.2 % respectively. The yield of A. sativum and Z. officinale extract using ethanol as solvent through the Soxhlation process was found to be 4.7 ± 1.05 and 12.7 ± 1.108 % respectively. The crude drug of A. sativum and Z. officinale showed foreign organic was found to be 0.2 and 0.21 % and volatile oil was found to be 1.8 and 2.4 % only.  The ash study revealed that total, acid-insoluble, water-soluble, and sulfated ash values were for the crude drugs of A. sativum and Z. officinale. The ethanol extracts showed maximum extractive yield. The phytochemicals detected in A. sativum bulb ethanol extract are Alkaloids, Carbohydrates, Cardiac glycosides, Phenols, Sterols, Triterpenoids, Saponins, Flavonoids, and Fixed oils and in Z. officinale rhizome ethanol extract are Alkaloids, Carbohydrates, Cardiac glycosides, Anthraquinone glycosides, Proteins and Amino acids, Triterpenoids, Saponins, Flavonoid, and Fixed oils. The prepared glycerosome was spherical with a slightly irregular shape.  The negative potential of glycerosomes demonstrates the greater stability of the vesicular dispersion.  The ASEE glycerosome formulations (F1 and F2) exhibited better antibacterial activity and greater antifungal activity against the gram-negative bacteria in comparison with the ZOEE glycerosome formulations (F3 and F4).   The present research work strongly concluded that the A. sativum and Z. officinale and their glycerosome formulations are good candidate drugs and formulations for the safe and effective treatment of microbial infection

    Effect of Size of Aggregate on the Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete

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    Now a day, due to rapid urbanization, natural resources are consumed on large amount. So to protect the natural resources various measures are being investigated by engineers. However, due to increased awareness of the need for conservation of non-renewable mineral resources, increased consideration is being given to the use of pervious concrete in most countries. No fines concrete is considered as one of the alternative to the traditional concrete. Pervious concrete would be a natural choice for use in structural applications in this age of green building. It consumes fewer raw materials than normal concrete. And hence it is required to study the behavior of no fines concrete. In this paper an attempt has been made to investigate the strength of pervious concrete by conducting various laboratory tests on the pervious concrete made, using different sizes of aggregates and different voids ratio. It is concluded that gradation of aggregate has remarkable effect on the compressive strength of pervious concrete

    A Biochemical Approach to Understand the Concept of Snigdha Guna of Ghee and Ruksha Guna of Terminalia arjuna on Behaviour of 3T3-L1 Cell Line with Respect to Adipocytic and Anti-Adipocytic Activity : In Vitro

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    Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. Ayurveda is based on peculiar fundamental principles like Shatpadarth, Tridosha Theory, Panchamahabhuta Theory, Prakriti, Ojas, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, and Atma etc. The concepts of Ayurveda are expressed with Gunas. The increased elements are treated by opposite Guna. In support of the above concept, an experimental study on the 3T3-L1 cell line is carried out for examine the adipocytic and anti adipocytic activity of Snigdha and Ruksha Guna respectively. The results were assessed with the help of evaluation of sublethal concentration by using XTT assay and lipid assay. The aim of basic research in Ayurveda through bioscience is to explore scientific innovation and opportunities in fundamental concept of Ayurveda. Fundamental research needs to be done to highlight the concept of gurvadi guna through the in vitro study
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