79 research outputs found

    Role of the Nepali Army for Geo-Strategic Importance in the Past Four Centuries

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    The history of the Nepal army is brave and glorious in the context of the world military. They protect their own motherland and also making independence, integrity, sovereignty for the nation is its motto. The great campaign for the nation’s security, freedom and protection of the nation through movement is the main goal. It has made an incomparable contribution to the nation; war with the British-Nepal, Nepal-Tibet-China and World War also. It has been successfully achieved with skillful leadership of the military in the past four and half centuries. This paper is fully gathering important information of Nepal army for past to present now. It is getting to answer the question: What was the role of the army to protect the nation? What skill full tactics made to British war? Was Nepal’s army leading a symbolic role of national unity? Why is the Nepali army bravery in the world? All evidence is taken using analytical methods, briefly of the army’s history, role and geo-strategic importance, activities of historical expectation, skills used in different wars for national unity and integration. The army was organized in 1744 by the Gorkha state of Prithvi Narayan Shah and it was the first military structure in South Asian countries. The War of British-Nepal has been a proud history since 1814 and also written as golden words by the side of Britain to the Nepali army. It is very useful evidence for all Nepali people and from other countries of the world that the military will be bright in the future

    Industrialization of Socialist-Oriented Economy Development in Nepal: Contribution, Possibility and Challenges of Private Sectors

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    The state produces goods and services to distribute to its citizens and its process is somehow related to social welfare. The government that has created an industry-friendly environment for the establishment of industries to provide goods at a price that people can afford. Investors are invested in the industry by making full use of resources and available materials to provide employment opportunities for industrialization in Nepalese economic development. Investors are not allowed to produce and distribute voluntary goods. The role of facilitator in production and distribution by fulfilling of basic criteria is prescribed by the socialist state. Socialism is believed in the advancement of the human race, the pursuit of equality among all human beings, the end of the system of exploitation of one human being by another, and the establishment of universal love between human beings. Although the government was instructed by the constitution to develop a socialist-oriented economy, the government could not achieve complete success. The policy of the state has to encourage private sector investment, due to inability that makes programs. Nepal has not able to move towards industrialization. If immediate steps could be taken to create an investment friendly environment in the industry to minimize the challenges of problems in the private sector, ample employment opportunities would be created. The government of Nepal has given priority to Indian imports and the policy of imposing higher customs duty on imports of raw materials than manufactured

    Socio-Economic Status of Women on Tharu’s Community in Nepalese Society

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    Nepalese society has multi ethnic cultural variations so that the socio-economic status of Tharus’ communities has also poor for comparison of other communities. In Nepali society, women are also left behind. The condition of women in that community living within this structure is even more deplorable. It is very difficult to find a woman as a head of household in this community. Since the head of household makes all the decisions, so that most of the men are the head of household. Similarly, women are suffering from poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, illness and household activities in Nepal. The burning issues of women empowerment on national integration are to expose in economic development. It can help on household condition likewise decision making process is very poor in the whole of south Asia, especially in Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The analysis focuses upon the status of women in terms of their socio-economic status, income pattern and household decision making power in comparison to their male counterparts. The economic contribution of Tharus’ women has poor and traditional. The condition of Woman has lead to family and decision making process has been also backwardness factors. They want easy to access fortheir health facility, education, social participation, income increase, confidence buildup of decision making and policy forming on human rights of family

    Anti-inflammatory Components from Functional Foods for Obesity

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    Obesity, defined as excessive fat accumulation that may impair health, has been described throughout human history, but it has now reached epidemic proportions with the WHO estimating that 39% of the world’s adults over 18 years of age were overweight or obese in 2016. Obesity is a chronic low-grade inflammatory state leading to organ damage with an increased risk of common diseases including cardiovascular and metabolic disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, osteo-arthritis and some cancers. This inflammatory state may be influenced by adipose tissue hypoxia and changes in the gut microbiota. There has been an increasing focus on functional foods and nutraceuticals as treatment options for obesity as drug treatments are limited in efficacy. This chapter summarises the importance of anthocyanin-containing fruits and vegetables, coffee and its components, tropical fruit and food waste as sources of phytochemicals for obesity treatment. We emphasise that preclinical studies can form the basis for clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of these treatments in humans

    Child Friendly Environment of Classroom on Basic Level in Nepal: Education Achievement of Community School

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    This study focuses on child-friendly classroom environments and basic level academic achievement and analyzes the role that teachers, parents, students, and school management committees play in school work. Nepal’s disadvantaged schools are concentrated in rural areas, but those schools are also trying to make themselves child-friendly schools. The objective was to analyze the problems seen in the construction of child-friendly schools by analyzing the classroom environment, the current condition of the school, the impact of the child-friendly classroom environment on the level of educational achievement. The school management committee, teachers, the interaction between the parents and the stakeholders on various issues has helped in the construction of the child-friendly school and the community has expressed its readiness to help as the school is their own. According to the parents, the school has been punishing the children for one reason or another and the school should be reformed as there are protests from all quarters. In order to achieve the set targets as per the educational policy of the state and for the all-round development of the children-It has become necessary for everyone to pay attention to remove the small weaknesses and analyze the results and engage in classroom management including child-friendly schools

    Socio-Economic Culture of Backward Communities: An Educational Achievement of Dalit Students

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    The Dalit community is a backward class, due to socio-economic and educational reasons. To providing equal opportunities in education but the problems also rised, if is not done, it will be difficult to achieving educational goals and opportunity of social change. Increasing the economic access of the Dalit community will lead to participation in development and inclusion of their children in education. The problems are expressed by educational progress of Dalit students due to Poverty, lack of consciousness, large number of families, landlessness, unemployment, lack of educational scholarships, lack of agricultural and business loans, lack of schools near slums, high fees, inferiority complex, traditional social norms, discrimination against children, wasteful spending, relocation and falling mentality. Due to this, governmental and non-governmental organizations have helped to Dalit parents in their economic and social development through Dalit oriented programs. The enrollment rate of basic level is 92% as per the national policy of the government and 8% of children are out of school according to government statistics and 25% out of school according to non-government data, the challenges of educational progress of Dalit children are still acute


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    <p>This research critically evaluates the impact of microcredit as a poverty reduction tool in Nepal, with a specific focus on its influence on household consumption and assets. Employing multivariate techniques, the study utilizes data from the Nepal Living Standards Survey 2011, encompassing 5,988 households. Recognizing the endogeneity inherent in household microcredit participation, the research employs the instrumental variable technique (IV method). After addressing endogeneity concerns, instruments such as the distance of the bank, distance of the cooperative from the household, and the size of the household's landholding are utilized. The eligible households in the intervention group were reduced to 475 out of the total 779, while in the control group, 2,953 households were selected from the initial 5,209. The Conditional Mixed Process (CMP) estimator is employed to provide flexibility in combining continuous and binary variables in the same model. The multivariate analysis reveals a positive and significant relationship between microcredit participation and household consumption, as well as assets in the intervention group compared to the control group. Household consumption is disaggregated into food consumption, non-food consumption, and total consumption. Similarly, household assets include ownership of livestock (buffaloes, cows, sheep, etc.), transportation (cycle or motorcycle), and appliances (refrigerator, television, CD player). The results and findings, coupled with a review of relevant literature, present a comprehensive body of evidence supporting the notion that microcredit programs have the potential to increase incomes and elevate families out of poverty. This paper concludes that microcredit emerges as a viable and potentially sustainable tool for poverty reduction in Nepal.</p&gt
