516 research outputs found

    X-Linked Immunodeficient Mice With No Functional Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Are Protected From Sepsis-Induced Multiple Organ Failure

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    We previously reported the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors ibrutinib and acalabrutinib improve outcomes in a mouse model of polymicrobial sepsis. Now we show that genetic deficiency of the BTK gene alone in Xid mice confers protection against cardiac, renal, and liver injury in polymicrobial sepsis and reduces hyperimmune stimulation (“cytokine storm”) induced by an overwhelming bacterial infection. Protection is due in part to enhanced bacterial phagocytosis in vivo, changes in lipid metabolism and decreased activation of NF-κB and the NLRP3 inflammasome. The inactivation of BTK leads to reduced innate immune cell recruitment and a phenotypic switch from M1 to M2 macrophages, aiding in the resolution of sepsis. We have also found that BTK expression in humans is increased in the blood of septic non-survivors, while lower expression is associated with survival from sepsis. Importantly no further reduction in organ damage, cytokine production, or changes in plasma metabolites is seen in Xid mice treated with the BTK inhibitor ibrutinib, demonstrating that the protective effects of BTK inhibitors in polymicrobial sepsis are mediated solely by inhibition of BTK and not by off-target effects of this class of drugs

    Inhibition of Bruton's TK regulates macrophage NF-kappa B and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in metabolic inflammation

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    Background and Purpose: There are no medications currently available to treat metabolic inflammation. Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) is highly expressed in monocytes and macrophages and regulates NF-\u3baB and NLRP3 inflammasome activity; both propagate metabolic inflammation in diet-induced obesity. Experimental Approach: Using an in vivo model of chronic inflammation, high-fat diet (HFD) feeding, in male C57BL/6J mice and in vitro assays in primary murine and human macrophages, we investigated if ibrutinib, an FDA approved BTK inhibitor, may represent a novel anti-inflammatory medication to treat metabolic inflammation. Key Results: HFD-feeding was associated with increased BTK expression and activation, which was significantly correlated with monocyte/macrophage accumulation in the liver, adipose tissue, and kidney. Ibrutinib treatment to HFD-fed mice inhibited the activation of BTK and reduced monocyte/macrophage recruitment to the liver, adipose tissue, and kidney. Ibrutinib treatment to HFD-fed mice decreased the activation of NF-\u3baB and the NLRP3 inflammasome. As a result, ibrutinib treated mice fed HFD had improved glycaemic control through restored signalling by the IRS-1/Akt/GSK-3\u3b2 pathway, protecting mice against the development of hepatosteatosis and proteinuria. We show that BTK regulates NF-\u3baB and the NLRP3 inflammasome specifically in primary murine and human macrophages, the in vivo cellular target of ibrutinib. Conclusion and Implications: We provide \u201cproof of concept\u201d evidence that BTK is a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of diet-induced metabolic inflammation and ibrutinib may be a candidate for drug repurposing as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of metabolic inflammation in T2D and microvascular disease

    Cannabinoid receptor 2 deficiency exacerbates inflammation and neutrophil recruitment

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    Cannabinoid receptor (CB)2 is an immune cell-localized GPCR that has been hypothesized to regulate the magnitude of inflammatory responses. However, there is currently no consensus as to the mechanism by which CB2 mediates its anti-inflammatory effects in vivo. To address this question, we employed a murine dorsal air pouch model with wild-type and CB2-/- 8-12-wk-old female and male C57BL/6 mice and found that acute neutrophil and lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus Chi monocyte recruitment in response to Zymosan was significantly enhanced in CB2-/- mice. Additionally, levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 and the chemokines C-C motif chemokine ligand (CCL)2, CCL4, and C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 in CB2-/- pouch exudates were elevated at earlier time points. Importantly, using mixed bone marrow chimeras, we revealed that the proinflammatory phenotype in CB2-/- mice is neutrophil-intrinsic rather than stromal cell-dependent. Indeed, neutrophils isolated from CB2-/- mice exhibited an enhanced migration-related transcriptional profile and increased adhesive phenotype, and treatment of human neutrophils with a CB2 agonist blocked their endothelial transmigration. Overall, we have demonstrated that CB2 plays a nonredundant role during acute neutrophil mobilization to sites of inflammation and, as such, it could represent a therapeutic target for the development of novel anti-inflammatory compounds to treat inflammatory human diseases.-Kapellos, T. S., Taylor, L., Feuerborn, A., Valaris, S., Hussain, M. T., Rainger, G. E., Greaves, D. R., Iqbal, A. J. Cannabinoid receptor 2 deficiency exacerbates inflammation and neutrophil recruitment

    A community-based physical activity intervention to prevent mobility-related disability for retired older people (REtirement in ACTion (REACT)): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: The REtirement in ACTion (REACT) study is a multi-centre, pragmatic, two-arm, parallel-group randomised controlled trial (RCT) with an internal pilot phase. It aims to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a community, group-based physical activity intervention for reducing, or reversing, the progression of functional limitations in older people who are at high risk of mobility-related disability. Methods/design: A sample of 768 sedentary, community-dwelling, older people aged 65 years and over with functional limitations, but who are still ambulatory (scores between 4 and 9 out of 12 in the Short Physical Performance Battery test (SPPB)) will be randomised to receive either the REACT intervention, delivered over a period of 12 months by trained facilitators, or a minimal control intervention. The REACT study incorporates comprehensive process and economic evaluation and a nested sub-study which will test the hypothesis that the REACT intervention will slow the rate of brain atrophy and of decline in cognitive function assessed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Outcome data will be collected at baseline, 6, 12 and 24 months for the main study, with MRI sub-study data collected at baseline, 6 and 12 months. The primary outcome analysis (SPPB score at 24 months) will be undertaken blinded to group allocation. Primary comparative analyses will be on an intention-to-treat (ITT) basis with due emphasis placed on confidence intervals. Discussion: REACT represents the first large-scale, pragmatic, community-based trial in the UK to target the non-disabled but high-risk segment of the older population with an intervention to reduce mobility-related disability. A programme that can successfully engage this population in sufficient activity to improve strength, aerobic capacity, coordination and balance would have a major impact on sustaining health and independence. REACT is also the first study of its kind to conduct a full economic and comprehensive process evaluation alongside the RCT. If effective and cost-effective, the REACT intervention has strong potential to be implemented widely in the UK and elsewhere

    Growth-inhibitory and cell cycle-arresting properties of the rice bran constituent tricin in human-derived breast cancer cells in vitro and in nude mice in vivo

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    Tricin, a flavone found in rice bran, inhibits the growth of human-derived malignant MDA-MB-468 breast tumour cells at submicromolar concentrations. As part of the exploration of tricin as a potential cancer chemopreventive agent, we investigated the duration and cell cycle specificity of growth inhibition elicited by tricin in vitro and the effect of tricin on the development of MDA-MB-468 tumours grown in immune-compromised MF-1 mice in vivo. Preincubation of MDA-MB-468 cells with tricin (1-40 microM) for 72 h compromised cell growth after tricin removal, and such irreversibility was not observed in human breast-derived nonmalignant HBL-100 cells. Tricin (>/=5 microM) arrested MDA-MB-468 cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle without inducing apoptosis as adjudged by annexin V staining. In nude mice consumption of tricin with the diet (0.2%, w w(-1)) from 1 week prior to MDA-MB-468 cell implantation failed to impede tumour development. Steady-state levels of tricin in plasma, breast tumour tissue and intestinal mucosa, as measured by HPLC, were 0.13 microM and 0.11 and 63 nmol g(-1), respectively. Cells were exposed to tricin (0.11, 1.1 or 11 microM) in vitro for 72 h and then implanted into mice. The volume of tumours in animals bearing cells pre-exposed to 11 microM tricin was less than a third of that in mice with control cells, while tumours from cells incubated with 0.1 or 1.1 microM tricin were indistinguishable from controls. These results suggest that the potent breast tumour cell growth-inhibitory activity of tricin in vitro does not directly translate into activity in the nude mouse bearing the MDA MB-468 tumour. While the results do not support the notion that tricin is a promising candidate for breast cancer chemoprevention, its high levels in the gastrointestinal tract after dietary intake render exploration of its ability to prevent colorectal carcinogenesis propitious

    HLA-associated susceptibility to childhood B-cell precursor ALL: definition and role of HLA-DPB1 supertypes

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    Childhood B-cell precursor (BCP) ALL is thought to be caused by a delayed immune response to an unidentified postnatal infection. An association between BCP ALL and HLA class II (DR, DQ, DP) alleles could provide further clues to the identity of the infection, since HLA molecules exhibit allotype-restricted binding of infection-derived antigenic peptides. We clustered >30 HLA-DPB1 alleles into six predicted peptide-binding supertypes (DP1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8), based on amino acid di-morphisms at positions 11 (G/L), 69 (E/K), and 84 (G/D) of the DPβ1 domain. We found that the DPβ11-69-84 supertype GEG (DP2), was 70% more frequent in BCP ALL (n=687; P<10−4), and 98% more frequent in cases diagnosed between 3 and 6 years (P<10−4), but not <3 or >6 years, than in controls. Only one of 21 possible DPB1 supergenotypes, GEG/GKG (DP2/DP4) was significantly more frequent in BCP ALL (P=0.00004) than controls. These results suggest that susceptibility to BCP ALL is associated with the DP2 supertype, which is predicted to bind peptides with positively charged, nonpolar aromatic residues at the P4 position, and hydrophobic residues at the P1 and P6 positions. Studies of peptide binding by DP2 alleles could help to identify infection(s) carrying these peptides

    Urticaria and angioedema

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    Urticaria (hives) is a common disorder that often presents with angioedema (swelling that occurs beneath the skin). It is generally classified as acute, chronic or physical. Second-generation, non-sedating H1-receptor antihistamines represent the mainstay of therapy for both acute and chronic urticaria. Angioedema can occur in the absence of urticaria, with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor-induced angioedema and idiopathic angioedema being the more common causes. Rarer causes are hereditary angioedema (HAE) or acquired angioedema (AAE). Although the angioedema associated with these disorders is often self-limited, laryngeal involvement can lead to fatal asphyxiation in some cases. The management of HAE and AAE involves both prophylactic strategies to prevent attacks of angioedema (i.e., trigger avoidance, attenuated androgens, tranexamic acid, and plasma-derived C1 inhibitor replacement therapy) as well as pharmacological interventions for the treatment of acute attacks (i.e., C1 inhibitor replacement therapy, ecallantide and icatibant). In this article, the authors review the causes, diagnosis and management of urticaria (with or without angioedema) as well as the work-up and management of isolated angioedema, which vary considerably from that of angioedema that occurs in the presence of urticaria