472 research outputs found

    Estimating Population Mean in Sample Surveys

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    The paper deals with a generalized estimator of population mean which includes several estimators as its particular cases. Under certain conditions, the proposed estimator is more efficient than existing estimators. Results are supported by numerical illustration

    A Study of Diasporic Divulgencies in the Works of Rohinton Mistry

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    Diaspora fiction deals with the issues of two different social milieus having discriminating margins, disintegration or combination of cultures and is also lingers over the related feelings such as nostalgia, loneliness, alienation, existential rootlessness, homelessness, quest of identity, protest, assertions and questioning etc. Rohinton Mistry is one such writer who is well known for his depiction of these psycho-sociological problems by the emigrants and immigrants. Rohinton belongs to the Parsi Zoroastrain religious minority while residing in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Being himself a victim, most of his works are concerned to scrutinize the complexities of contemporary rootlessness and alienated identities of the Parsi community he describes. While in India these Parsis are called “Ghatis” and when they move towards the United States and Canada, they are called “Pakis”, and Mistry considers both of them to be dehumanizing. He raises voice against the victimization of these emigrants and immigrants and highlights their struggle also

    Review of Malahara Kalpana of Rasa Tarangani

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    The word Malahara or Malhama is derived from unani system of medicine. Yogaratnakara mentioned this first by the name of Malahara Kalpana. It derives its name as it removes Mala (residue etc.) from Vrana (wounds), Vidradhi (abscess) etc. This is similar to ointments in modern pharmaceutics. Malahara Kalpana is the ointment preparation which has Siktha Taila (bees wax and oil mixture) or Ghrita, as the basic constituent. The other ingredients may include herbal, metal, or mineral contents depending upon the usage. Malahara has a property like Snehana (oelation), cleansing, Ropana (healing), Lekhana (scaraping), and Varnya (beautifying), depending on the drugs used in the preparation. Rasa Tarangani a Rasa Shastra treatise of 20th century by Acharya Sadananda Sharma has enumerated various types of Malahara Kalpana taking mainly Siktha Taila as a base. Though this Kalpana holds firm roots in treating diseases the mention and explanation of this particular topic is scattered in this treatise. Hence the present article is an attempt to elucidate and unfold the Malahara Kalpana of Rasatarangani

    Amended Consumer Protection Act 2019 Vis-A Vis Health Care of Patients

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    The approach is aimed at the identification of the gaps and loopholes which might prove detrimental in the achievement of proper goals as perceived by the patients and their attendants who have to visit hospitals for treatment. Undesirable and unwanted actions or inactions in situations of the utmost need of a medical professional constitute the two infamous conduct-related words –Medical Negligence and Medical Malpractice. The focus on the study undertaken was concentrated on finding out whether or not coming into force of Consumer Protection Act, 2019 could make any substantial difference as far as Justice in medico-legal cases is concerned

    Combined Effect of Vidanga & Kampillaka on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

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    Krimi have been considered a major public health problem through out the world (WHO, 1967 Wandan, 1983 McLaren, 1984). In our country this problem is equally significant. It effects the children more frequently than adult (CCRAS 1987). Krimi hamper growth and development of a person, create malnutritional condition and decrease immunity thus the effective solution of this problem is necessary. Krimi may be a cause of death of a diseased person. Of all the herbs used in treating worm infestation, Vidanga Beeja Churna (Embelia ribes) and Kampillaka Phalraja Churna (Mallotus phillipensis) were used for the present comparative study. In most of patients, who are suffering from worm infestation have an Vivarnata on the face. “Vivarnata” had been described by Acharya Charaka under the Lakshana of Purishaja Krimi and it has been also described in Rasavaha Srotodusti Lakshana. Krimis robe the digestive nutritive assets through the intestinal wall, which we are making with high effort. So the deficiency of Rasa Dhatu created. According to Dhatu Poshana Nyaya if the Rasa Dhatu is not sufficient then other Dhatu can’t form properly and ultimate weak resistance and poor immunity develops

    Misuse Of Public Interest Litigation: A Critical Study As How It Is A Major Threat To Judiciary

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    Regardless of how much advancement PILs have brought to the Indian Judicial framework, we can't unseen the other side of the coin at any expense as PILs are being mishandled a great deal these days alongside its broad and manhandled use. They have brought different traps and downsides as well. Thusly, to keep away from such instances of maltreatment of the PILs, the high court itself set out a definite rule that will be utilized to administer the administration and removal of the PILs. Numerous PIL activists in India have been utilizing the PILs as a helpful apparatus for pestering the legal framework. Since recording PILs is a modest cycle, numerous unimportant cases are being documented with no speculation of heavy court charges which one would typically pay for common prosecution cases. Subsequently, by recording such cases, bargains are haggled to get cash for the said bothered party to get the PILs. The basic clarification for such cases is that any weapon that can be utilized to safeguard oneself can likewise be utilized to assault somebody. Utilizing a similar rationale, one can bring down the Locus Standi prerequisites which license the inspired gatherings to record PILs which could address a public interest matter

    National and International Protection of Trade Secret

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    Abstract This research article contains an introduction to ‘Trade secret as an Intellectual Property’, primarily focused on principles of TRIPS and relevant laws related to trade secret in USA, UK, China and Japan. The paper also Includes Trade Secret Licensing, Factors, restrictions and validity along with Non-Disclosure/ confidentiality agreement. So basically the effort is to draw a comparison between available measures to deal with trade secret issues in India and other countries

    Intellectual Property Rights: A Thorough Study Of Industrial Design

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    Industrial plan is a course of configuration applied to actual items that are to be made by large scale manufacturing. It is the inventive demonstration of deciding and characterizing an item's structure and provisions, which happens ahead of the assembling or creation of the item. Conversely, fabricate comprises simply of rehashed, frequently mechanized, replication, while make based plan is a cycle or approach where the type of the item is controlled by the item's maker to a great extent simultaneous with the demonstration of its creation. Industrial Design (ID) is the skilled act of planning items, Gadgets, Articles and Administrations utilized by a great many individuals all throughout the Planet Consistently. Industrial planners ordinarily center around the actual appearance, usefulness and manufacturability of an item, however they are frequently engaged with undeniably really during an Improvement Cycle. All of this eventually stretches out to the generally enduring worth and experience an item or administration accommodates end-clients. Each item that you communicate with consistently in your home, office, everyday life setting is the aftereffect of a plan cycle. During this interaction, horde choices are made by an industrial planner (and their group) that are pointed toward working on your life through the first-rate plan

    An Analysis of Strategy of Internet Marketing in Indian Scenario

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    The use of internet has a direct effect on country’s economy. A study from Indian Council for Research and International Economic Relations (ICRIER) reveals that on an average 10% increase in internet subscriber results in 1.08% of increase in output. Thus, the increasing internet penetration has a huge impact on country’s GDP. Internet is overcoming the constraints like lack of alternative infrastructure, lack of proper roads and lack of information fairly efficiently and quickly. Internet has brought more transparency into the system which is giving everybody equal opportunity. Internet users are able to compare prices, search hard-to-find items or information, communicate and learn in new, improved ways. Governments can serve citizens much more quickly and cost effectively through e-governance. It has changed the way business is conducted in today’s world. This article will focus on Internet marketing and the strategies used to make the efforts successful. The Internet poses both opportunities and threats to the field of marketing. When developing a strategic marketing plan, organizations will need to determine if and when internet marketing will be utilized. The success of the Internet as a medium for marketing depends upon how well the system outperforms alternative systems. This article will also explore how an organization can establish a customer base with the site-centric and symbiotic marketing approaches

    A Study on Investors Perception towards Mutual Fund Investments (With Special Reference to Alwar City)

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    This examination on Investors acknowledgment towards and late improvement and headway of Mutual Fund premiums in Alwar city goes under the board an area of organization publicizing. In the wide thought of organization publicizing it exclusively centers around the exhibiting of cash related organization specifically basic resources. Well ordered Indian budgetary market is getting the chance to be engaged and the supply of various fiscal instruments ought to be in parity to the premium perspectives of the monetary authorities. The prime drive of any hypothesis is to get most extraordinary returned with a base danger and normal resources allow to the budgetary masters. The examination gives an information into the sorts of risks which exist in a mutual save plan. The data was assembled from shared save budgetary authorities similarly as non basic store examiners of this industry. The investigation bases on the association between theory decision and factors like liquidity, cash related care, and demography. It was found commonly safe resources and liquidity of store plot are having influence on the budgetary authority's acumen for placing assets into the mutual save. With the more broad thought of the distinctive components of organization publicizing, thing care, mark tendencies, and money related authority's satisfaction are the specific regions of the examination. The other displaying limits like thing progression publicize division, channels of exhibiting, thing life cycle, scale headway procedures and their impact of Marketing are completely disposed of from the audit of this examination. So likewise the availability of substitute aftereffect of normal hold units and their impact on this organization thing it also rejected in the examination. In reality, even in the normal store monetary authorities lead also the researcher concentrate only the urban theorists and their anxiety for this examination work. The rustic speculator's perspectives are totally barred from the investigation