60 research outputs found

    Analisis atas Penerimaan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (Pbb-Kb) dalam Menunjang Peningkatan Pajak Asli Daerah (Studi Kasus pada Badan Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan)

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    Abstract This study aims to see how the Analysis of Tax Returns on Motor Vehicle Fuel (PBB - KB) in Supporting Increases in Original Regional Taxes (Case Study of the Regional Revenue Agency of the Province of South Sumatra). The data analysis method used in this study is descriptive data analysis with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The method is carried out using the self assessment system tax collection system.The results of this study show the Analysis of Tax Returns on Motor Vehicle Fuel (PBB-KB) from 2012 to 2017 included in the effective category, even though in 2015, 2016 and 2017 there was a decrease in receipt of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (PBB-KB). While the results of the trend analysis with data management carried out manually obtained the results of trend analysis of the receipt of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (PBB-KB), with positive moving prospects (increasing) for the next 5 years starting from the period 2018 to the year 2022.          Keyword : Regional Original Income, Tax Revenue, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax  AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana Analisis  Atas Penerimaan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor  (PBB - KB)  dalam Menunjang Peningkatan  Pajak Asli Daerah (Studi Kasus Pada Badan Pendapatan  Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan). Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem pemungutan pajak self assessment system.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan Analisis  Atas Penerimaan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (PBB-KB) dari tahun 2012 hingga 2017 termasuk dalam kategori efektif, walaupun tahun 2015, 2016 dan 2017 terjadi penurunan penerimaan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (PBB-KB). Sedangkan hasil analisis trend dengan pengelolaan data yang dilakukan secara manual memperoleh hasil analisis trend terhadap penerimaan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (PBB-KB), dengan prospek yang bergerak positif (meningkat) selama 5 tahun yang akan datang yaitu mulai periode tahun 2018 sampai dengan tahun 2022.Kata kunci : Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Penerimaan Pajak, Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (PBB-KB)

    Current and Emerging Treatment Options for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Focus on Immunotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Castration-resistant prostate cancer is a disease with limited treatment options. However, the ongoing elucidation of the mechanisms underlying this disease continues to support the development of not only novel agents, but also innovative approaches. Among these therapies, immunotherapy has emerged as a promising strategy. DESIGN: This review article summarizes the most recent data from investigations of immunotherapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer (literature and congress searches current as of August 2011). RESULTS: Immunotherapeutic strategies such as passive immunization, vaccines, and particularly checkpoint blockade have demonstrated some efficacy as single agents. Elucidation of effective combinations of agents and drug regimens is ongoing but will require continued careful investigation, including the standardization of surrogate endpoints in clinical trials. CONCLUSIONS: It is hypothesized that the combination of immunotherapeutic agents with traditional and novel chemotherapeutics will potentiate the efficacy of the chemotherapeutics while maintaining manageable toxicity

    Identification of a 4-microRNA Signature for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis and Prognosis

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) metastasis portends a poor prognosis and cannot be reliably predicted. Early determination of the metastatic potential of RCC may help guide proper treatment. We analyzed microRNA (miRNA) expression in clear cell RCC (ccRCC) for the purpose of developing a miRNA expression signature to determine the risk of metastasis and prognosis. We used the microarray technology to profile miRNA expression of 78 benign kidney and ccRCC samples. Using 28 localized and metastatic ccRCC specimens as the training cohort and the univariate logistic regression and risk score methods, we developed a miRNA signature model in which the expression levels of miR-10b, miR-139-5p, miR-130b and miR-199b-5p were used to determine the status of ccRCC metastasis. We validated the signature in an independent 40-sample testing cohort of different stages of primary ccRCCs using the microarray data. Within the testing cohort patients who had at least 5 years follow-up if no metastasis developed, the signature showed a high sensitivity and specificity. The risk status was proven to be associated with the cancer-specific survival. Using the most stably expressed miRNA among benign and tumorous kidney tissue as the internal reference for normalization, we successfully converted his signature to be a quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based assay, which showed the same high sensitivity and specificity. The 4-miRNA is associated with ccRCC metastasis and prognosis. The signature is ready for and will benefit from further large clinical cohort validation and has the potential for clinical application

    Angiogenesis inhibitors in the treatment of prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer remains a significant public health problem, with limited therapeutic options in the setting of castrate-resistant metastatic disease. Angiogenesis inhibition is a relatively novel antineoplastic approach, which targets the reliance of tumor growth on the formation of new blood vessels. This strategy has been used successfully in other solid tumor types, with the FDA approval of anti-angiogenic agents in breast, lung, colon, brain, and kidney cancer. The application of anti-angiogenic therapy to prostate cancer is reviewed in this article, with attention to efficacy and toxicity results from several classes of anti-angiogenic agents. Ultimately, the fate of anti-angiogenic agents in prostate cancer rests on the eagerly anticipated results of several key phase III studies

    Comparative mRNA and microRNA Expression Profiling of Three Genitourinary Cancers Reveals Common Hallmarks and Cancer-Specific Molecular Events

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    Genome-wide gene expression profile using deep sequencing technologies can drive the discovery of cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Such efforts are often limited to profiling the expression signature of either mRNA or microRNA (miRNA) in a single type of cancer.Here we provided an integrated analysis of the genome-wide mRNA and miRNA expression profiles of three different genitourinary cancers: carcinomas of the bladder, kidney and testis.Our results highlight the general or cancer-specific roles of several genes and miRNAs that may serve as candidate oncogenes or suppressors of tumor development. Further comparative analyses at the systems level revealed that significant aberrations of the cell adhesion process, p53 signaling, calcium signaling, the ECM-receptor and cell cycle pathways, the DNA repair and replication processes and the immune and inflammatory response processes were the common hallmarks of human cancers. Gene sets showing testicular cancer-specific deregulation patterns were mainly implicated in processes related to male reproductive function, and general disruptions of multiple metabolic pathways and processes related to cell migration were the characteristic molecular events for renal and bladder cancer, respectively. Furthermore, we also demonstrated that tumors with the same histological origins and genes with similar functions tended to group together in a clustering analysis. By assessing the correlation between the expression of each miRNA and its targets, we determined that deregulation of 'key' miRNAs may result in the global aberration of one or more pathways or processes as a whole.This systematic analysis deciphered the molecular phenotypes of three genitourinary cancers and investigated their variations at the miRNA level simultaneously. Our results provided a valuable source for future studies and highlighted some promising genes, miRNAs, pathways and processes that may be useful for diagnostic or therapeutic applications

    Human Non-neutralizing HIV-1 Envelope Monoclonal Antibodies Limit the Number of Founder Viruses during SHIV Mucosal Infection in Rhesus Macaques

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    HIV-1 mucosal transmission begins with virus or virus-infected cells moving through mucus across mucosal epithelium to infect CD4+ T cells. Although broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) are the type of HIV-1 antibodies that are most likely protective, they are not induced with current vaccine candidates. In contrast, antibodies that do not neutralize primary HIV-1 strains in the TZM-bl infection assay are readily induced by current vaccine candidates and have also been implicated as secondary correlates of decreased HIV-1 risk in the RV144 vaccine efficacy trial. Here, we have studied the capacity of anti-Env monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against either the immunodominant region of gp41 (7B2 IgG1), the first constant region of gp120 (A32 IgG1), or the third variable loop (V3) of gp120 (CH22 IgG1) to modulate in vivo rectal mucosal transmission of a high-dose simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-BaL) in rhesus macaques. 7B2 IgG1 or A32 IgG1, each containing mutations to enhance Fc function, was administered passively to rhesus macaques but afforded no protection against productive clinical infection while the positive control antibody CH22 IgG1 prevented infection in 4 of 6 animals. Enumeration of transmitted/founder (T/F) viruses revealed that passive infusion of each of the three antibodies significantly reduced the number of T/F genomes. Thus, some antibodies that bind HIV-1 Env but fail to neutralize virus in traditional neutralization assays may limit the number of T/F viruses involved in transmission without leading to enhancement of viral infection. For one of these mAbs, gp41 mAb 7B2, we provide the first co-crystal structure in complex with a common cyclical loop motif demonstrated to be critical for infection by other retroviruses

    Cilostazol and atherogenic dyslipidemia: a clinically relevant effect

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    Introduction: Cilostazol is a reversible, selective inhibitor of PDE3A able to significantly improve walking distance in patients with intermittent claudication. However, beyond its antiplatelet and vasodilator properties, cilostazol seems to have significant effects on atherogenic dyslipidemia.Areas covered: The effects of cilostazol on plasma lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins and postprandial lipemia are reviewed. A literature search (using Medline and Scopus) was performed up to 24 October 2010. The authors also manually reviewed the references of selected articles for any pertinent material.Expert opinion: Cilostazol is able to significantly lower plasma triglyceride levels, with a concomitant increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations. Additional effects on pro-atherogenic lipoproteins and apolipoproteins include those on remnant-like particles, HDL subclasses, apolipoprotein B and postprandial lipemia. Cilostazol can improve the pro-atherogenic lipid profile in patients with peripheral arterial disease or type 2 diabetes. Further studies are needed to establish whether cilostazol treatment exerts clinically relevant effects on atherogenic dyslipidemia in high-risk patients
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