7 research outputs found

    Pembentukan Konsep Pengaturan Upah di Atas Upah Minimum Yang Berkeadilan Bagi Pengusaha dan Pekerja

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    This research aims to propose ideal pattern of wages above minimum wage which could bring justice for entrepreneurs and labors. This research used normative research which examine the existing legal norms with conceptual approach, proposing a solutive concept on the problem of the wages above the minimum wage. The results show that the recent concept of wage above minimum wage is difficult to be implemented because it is strictly based on consensus. Thus, there must be determination of minimum value of the increase made by the government. The ideal amount should be as much as the percentage of the increase of minimum wage from the recent to the coming year, or if there is no increase by the coming year, as much as 50 percents of inflation. This concept must be governed in the implementing regulation such as government regulation


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    Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga telah mengelurakan Surat Keputusan Menpora Nomor 01307 Tahun2015 yang kemudian menimbulkan polemik antara Menpora dan PSSI.PSSI kemudian juga menerimasanksi administratif dari FIFA karena dianggap telah mendapat intervensi dari pihak ketiga. PSSIkemudian menggugat SK Menpora tersebut ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara karena menganggapMenpora tidak punya wewenang menjatuhkan sanksi administratif kepada PSSI. Permasalahan dalampenelitian ini adalah bagaimana kedudukan PSSI sebagai organisai olahraga serta bagaimanakewenangan memberi sanksi administratif kepada PSSI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PSSIadalah organisasi olahraga yang tunduk kepada peraturan nasional Indonesia dan peraturan FIFA secarabersamaan. Hal ini berarti, kedua lembaga tersebut memiliki kewenangan untuk memberi sanksiadministratif kepada PSSI apabila PSSI melanggar ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Menpora atauFIFA.Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga telah mengelurakan Surat Keputusan Menpora Nomor 01307 Tahun2015 yang kemudian menimbulkan polemik antara Menpora dan PSSI.PSSI kemudian juga menerimasanksi administratif dari FIFA karena dianggap telah mendapat intervensi dari pihak ketiga. PSSIkemudian menggugat SK Menpora tersebut ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara karena menganggapMenpora tidak punya wewenang menjatuhkan sanksi administratif kepada PSSI. Permasalahan dalampenelitian ini adalah bagaimana kedudukan PSSI sebagai organisai olahraga serta bagaimanakewenangan memberi sanksi administratif kepada PSSI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PSSIadalah organisasi olahraga yang tunduk kepada peraturan nasional Indonesia dan peraturan FIFA secarabersamaan. Hal ini berarti, kedua lembaga tersebut memiliki kewenangan untuk memberi sanksiadministratif kepada PSSI apabila PSSI melanggar ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Menpora atauFIFA


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    The construction of Meikarta, a place which is claimed as The New Jakartaon an Approximately 500 acres (ha) land has attracted public attention.There have been 117.797 reservation for apartments unit of Meikarta.However, the rejection from the government due to the incomplete buildinglicense of Meikarta has caused 2 main problems regarding the validity of theagreement of the apartment and its legal consequences caused by theincomplete building license. The purpose of this research are to examine thelegal validity of sales and purchase agreement of apartment which itsconstructing license is incomplete and To determine and describe the legalconsequences of it. This research will be conducted using normative legalresearch method. Normative Legal Research Method is a legal researchconducted by examining literacy sources or secondary sources.An Agreementof an apartment like Meikarta which its building license incomplete is nulland void.The status of an agreement that is null and void brings legalconsequences for each parties to restore themselves to the previous positionbefore the agreement was conducted, so that each parties should return backright of other party and vice versa

    Dinar Candy, pornography, freedom of expression, and the law

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    Dinar Candy expressed her feeling to PPKM by wearing bikini in the road-side which caused her be stipulated as the suspect of pornography. Dinar Candy’s case brought to the conception on the limitation of pornography interpretation and the determination on freedom of expression in action of wearing bikini. The research is conducted through a qualitative approach using secondary data. The results show, first: pornography is limited by ‘subjective reason’ such as if the pornography is aimed for personal interest, then the action is not pornography. The other is ‘action-room limitation’ in which an action can be formulated as pornography if the standard and characteristic in the room where the action is done considering that the action is obscene or aims to sexual exploitation. The room refers to specific places such as beach, roadside, hotel, or other specific place, not wide social room. Second: If someone’s feeling is expressed by wearing bikini in a room which based on its decency standard allows to wear bikini, then the action can be determined as freedom of expression. In contrary, in a room where bikini is considered against morality, or it is spread to public, then such action is against the pornography law. How to cite item:  Donandi S, S. (2022). Dinar Candy, pornography, freedom of expression, and the law. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 13(2), 202-213. DOI:https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v13i2.6517


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    ABSTRACTIn Indonesia, the concept of indemnification for state loss by corruptor has not met the elements of proportionality, effectiveness, efficiency, and future reach. Therefore, re-conceptualization of indemnification for state loss by corruptor is necessary to confront the cunning corruptor in hiding the proceeds of corruption. The re-conceptualization can be constructed by determining remedy sanction for every legal subject sentenced guilty to corruption. The remedy sanction should not only consider the amount of money corrupted, but also the time value of the money, the budget spent to handle the case, and the potential profits obtained when the money is used well as it should be. By this sanction, the amount of money determined as remedy sanction would be proportional and would not only cover as maximum as property acquired for the result of corruption as regulated by the current regulation. In addition, by this sanction, a civil lawsuit for the properties considered as the result of corruption that could spend much money and time would be no longer necessary. Someone convicted on corruption suppose to be automatically considered did default to his promise to the state. The default could be based on his failure in acting according to his official duty or based on an agreement in business relation between the legal subject and state. Should the corruptor couldn’t pay the remedy of state loss in full or partly, the remedy should not be replaced by prison sentence, but the remedy or the difference money should be reckoned as a debt to the state loss. Thus, the debt would be attached to the corruptor and would be a lifetime responsibility for the corruptor as long as he could not pay the debt to the state. The debt even would be continued by the heirs if the corruptor were pass away. Furthermore, this concept could reach the possibility that the wealth resulted of corruption would be used in the future because under these provisions, the future wealth gained by the corruptor could be executed as a part of the extinguishment of debt without considering whether the wealth were the result of corruption or not

    The Implementation of Well-Known Trademarks Doctrine in Indonesian Commercial and Supreme Court

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    The implementation of well-known trademark in indonesia is still unsatisfying especially for foreign trademarks since many foreign trademarks that claimed themselves as well-known trademarks were not admitted for the trademarks were not yet registered or based on judges assessment, not fulfilling the criteria. This research aim is to analyse the implementation of well-known trademarks doctrine in Indonesian commercial and supreme court. The method used is normative-juridical with  statute and case study approach. The result shows that the commercial and supreme court have used the criteria of well-known trademarks as stipulated in Law no. 20 Year 2016 and Permenkumham no. 67 Year 2016 as well as WIPO Joint Recommendation in identifying a well-known trademark. However, the implementation is inconsistent. it is inconsistent because in one case (STARCO case), court prior to the first to file principle while in other case (Alexander Mcqueen case), court admit the trademark as a well-known trademark though it is not registered yet. The second case is coherence with the well-known trademark doctrine which the idea to protect a high reputed trademark even it is not registered. Secondly, the emptiness of the detailed criteria has made the judgement on well-known trademarks becomes widely opened for interpretation. Thus, the next convention and regulation must set aside the first to file principle and prior to the criteria only in identifying a well-known trademark. Moreover, the criteria of minimum number of registration or application should be revised by requiring the trademark to be registered or applied in at least 6 out of 10 countries with the biggest population in the world so that it is proven that the trademark is exist among the most world population. In addition, the standard level of legal enforcement must entail minimum two verdicts so that the enforcement has obtained a re-confirmation

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Komisi Pemilihan Umum Dalam Pemilihan Umum (Studi Kasus Pilkada Jawa Timur Tahun 2008)

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    Kecurangandan pelanggaran pemilu yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara pemilu dengan maksud untuk memenangkan salah satu calon sangat mungkin terjadi. Salah satu kasus kecurangan dalam pemilu yang menari kperhatian adalah kecurangan yang dilakukan oleh pasangan Soekarwo dan H. Syaifullah Yusuf yang berhadapan dengan calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa dan Mudjiono pada Pilkada Jawa Timur tanggal 14 November 2008. Untuk itu permasalahan mengenai pelanggaran pemilu dan tindak pidana pemilu menarik untuk dikaji. Selain itu, penting juga untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab Komisi Pemilihan Umum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pemilu yang terjadi pada pilkada di Jawa Timur Tahun 2008.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi pelanggaran secara Sistematis, Terstruktur, dan Masif yang mempengaruhi hasil akhir perolehan suara bagi masing-masing pasangan calon. Penyelanggara Pemilu (KPU) tidak dapat dipidana, karena dalam faktanya KPU tidak mengeluarkan kebijakan, instruksi untuk melakukan tindak pidana pemilu yang terjadi. Kata kunci: Pertanggung jawaban pidana, Komisi Pemilihan Umum, Pemilihan Umu