233 research outputs found

    Taraba State University Campus LAN

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    This research is necessitated because of under-utilization of computing resources due to lack of a campus local area network in Taraba State University (TSU), Jalingo. Related literatures on design and implementation of campus local area network were reviewed. A hybrid Bus-Star topology and hierarchical model were in the design. This was achieved using Edraw Max 7.9 Network Design Software, AutoCAD, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Google Earth Pro. The research presented a comprehensive TSU–Campus LAN and recommendation for implementation to facilitate enhanced e-learning, online applications and multimedia communication services for all campus residents in TSU, Jalingo. Keywords: Campus, LAN, Edraw, Topology, TS

    Investigating the cooling rate of cane molasses as quenching medium for 0.61% C high carbon steels

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    The effect of cooling rate of cane molasses as quenching medium for 0.61% C high carbon steels was investigated. Samples of high carbon steel were spheroidized annealed and then machined prior to the hardening process. Molasses solution of viscosity equals to that of engine oil was prepared by adding water. The samples were normalized and then austenitised at 800oC and soaked for 40 minutes and then quenched in water, engine oil, raw molasses and the prepared molasses solution. Cooling rate curves of all the quenching media used were developed. The highest cooling rate of 60oC/s was attained by the prepared molasses solution. Hardness of the test samples was evaluated. The test results obtained show that the highest hardness value (525 HVN) was obtained from the sample quenched in the prepared molasses solution. Microstructures of the various samples were analyzed using OM and SEM. In all the tests samples martensite structure was observed. It was observed that the prepared molasses solution has higher severity of quenching than that of engine oil but lower than that of water. The research showed that cane molasses can harden high carbon steel without cracking the component in the same way as engine oil, hence, molasses could be a very good alternative to engine oil for use as quenching medium

    Social Media in Relation to Cooperate Social Responsibility in Fast Food Industry

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    This paper focuses on analyzing the role of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+,Youtube) with regards to corporate social responsibility (CSR), specifically in the fast food industry. The objectives are to identify the use of social media platforms by fast food restaurants, identify if social media integrate corporate social responsibility in their business thereby limiting marketing of unhealthy meals on their websites, and lastly, to find out if marketing of fast food products on social platforms affect users, especially the young people between the age of 15 to 25. The study analyzed and monitored 70 fast food restaurants and their social media activities. 63 0ut of 70 were found to have at least three social media platforms where they promote their products to end users and none of the restaurants have any restriction in marketing any kind of product using social media. Results from questionnaire survey also found that many social media users get adverts from fast food restaurants with 13.85% being affected to buy the food most times and 47.69% sometimes. 81.54% of the participants also agreed that social media can do a great job in limiting the free marketing of unhealthy products by fast food restaurants. Keywords: Social Media, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Stakeholders, fast food

    Performance Analysis of Intelligent Computational Algorithms for Biomass Higher Heating Value Prediction

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     Higher heating value (HHV) is an essential parameter to consider when evaluating and choosing biomass substrates for combustion and power generation. Traditionally, HHV is determined in the laboratory using an adiabatic oxygen bomb calorimeter. Meanwhile, this approach is laborious and cost-intensive. Hence, it is essential to explore other viable options. In this study, two distinct artificial intelligence-based techniques, namely, a support vector machine (SVM) and an artificial neural network (ANN) were employed to develop proximate analysis-based biomass HHV prediction models. The input variables comprising ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon were paired to form four separate inputs to the prediction models. The overall findings showed that both the ANN and the SVM tools can guarantee accurate prediction in all the input combinations. The optimal prediction performances were observed when fixed carbon and volatile matter were paired as the input combination. This combination showed that the ANN outperformed the SVM, having presented the least root mean squared error of 0.0008 and the highest correlation coefficient of 0.9274. This study, therefore, concluded that the ANN is more preferred compared to SVM for biomass HHV prediction based on the proximate analysis

    Water Condition of Tajwid Lake in the Langgam District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province

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    Tajwid Lake is an oxbow lakes that located in the Langgam District, Pelalawan Regency,Riau Province. The potency of the Tajwid Lake is currently under reviewed by the governmentof Pelalawan as it will be developed into a tourist destination. Water quality in the lake Tajwidmight be changed as a result of human activities conducted around the lake. A study aims toprovide basic information on water quality and determine the trophic status of the lake wasconducted in February 2016. There are three stations (Station 1, Station 2 and Station 3) and thewater was sampled from three depths, surface, middle and the bottom of the lake. The samplingswere conducted 3 times, once / week. The water quality parameters measured were depth,transparency, temperature, pH, free CO2-, DO, Nitrate and Phosphate concentration. Resultsshown that the depth of the lake was ranged from 6.3 to 12.3 m, transparency 51.3- 69 cm,temperature 27.7-30.3 °C, pH 5, dissolved oxygen 2.3-8.3 mg / L. Free carbon dioxide ranged4.9-13.9 mg / L, nitrate 0.02- 0.11 mg / L, phosphate from 0.02 to 0.1 mg /L. The Nitrate andphosphate concentrations indicate that the condition of the Tajwid Lake is between oligotrophicto mesotrophic

    Description of the Utilization of Village Funds for Covid-19 Countermeasures in Wee Paboba Village, North Wewewa Subdistrict

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    Pada tahun 2021, muncul 5 kasus COVID-19 di Desa Wee Paboba dan meningkat menjadi 35 kasus di tahun 2022. Desa juga tidak menyediakan ruangan isolasi sesuai dengan kebijakan yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan dana desa untuk penanggulangan COVID-19 di Desa Wee Paboba, meliputi pemanfaatan dana desa untuk desa tanggap COVID-19, dan hambatan dalam pemanfaatan dana desa untuk penanggulangan COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penggunaan dana desa untuk penanggulangan COVID-19 di Desa Wee Paboba sebesar 4,19% pada tahun 2020 dan 8% pada tahun 2021, sedangkan untuk tahun 2022 targetnya 8% tapi yang terealisasi sampai bulan Juni adalah 2,52%. Pemanfaatan dana desa untuk BLT pada tahun 2020 sebesar Rp.561.600.000, tahun 2021 sebesar Rp.583.200.000 dan untuk tahun 2022 sampai dengan bulan Juni sebesar Rp.298.800.000. Hambatan yang dialami pemerintah desa dalam penanggulangan COVID-19 dari tahun 2020 hingga tahun 2022 adalah jalan yang belum bisa dilalui kendaraan. Tim relawan harus berjalan kaki untuk melakukan pendataan dan pembagian masker ke rumah masyarakat

    Description of School Health Program in SDI Oesapa Kecil I Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

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    School Health Program (UKS) is the main channel for health education in schools to improve the ability to live healthily, and subsequently from healthy living behaviors, which will result in the optimal health status of students. At the time in October 2019, the implementation of UKS at SDI Oesapa Kecil I was not fully following the standards of a healthy school. This study aimed to determine the description of health education, health services, and the development of a healthy school environment in the healthy school model at SDI Oesapa Kecil I. This is a descriptive study and was carried out at SDI Oesapa Kecil I, Oesapa Barat. The research population is teachers and students in classes V and VI. This study used a probability sampling technique, namely proportionate stratified random sampling. Sample size is 71 people. The results showed not all routine activities of the school health program in the health education section were carried out, such as the use of health literacy hours, nutritious breakfast together and students brushing teeth together at school. The program for the health services section of this school also was not carried out all routine activities, such as the absence of reports on the results of health screening and periodic examinations from the health center to the school or from school to parents or guardians

    In-situ hybrid study of thermal behaviour of ZnANi and ZnANiAAl2O3 nanocrystallite thin films induced TEA/MEA by electrocodeposition

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    Our present investigation focuses on the thermal stability of already developed electroforms of ZnANi and ZnANiAAl2O3 thin films induced with triethylamine (TEA) and monoethylamine (MEA) as surfactant by electrocodeposition on mild steel substrate with the aim to re-examine its micro-hardness and degradation behaviour in static sodium chloride solution. In the event, the samples were thermally treated at 200 �C and air cooled. The results obtained showed that the developed composites are thermally stable with hardness value of the ZnANiAAl2O3 coated; 185 Hv increased to 190.5 Hv indicating a 2.89% improvement. Noticeably, in the ZnANi coatings, a decrease in the hardness with 26.67% was observed. The oxidation resistance was however favored for both composites

    Utilisation de réseaux neuromimétiques pour la localisation automatique d'événements microsismiques

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    International audienceEn 1992, l'Unite d'Exploitation de Provence des HBCM, en collaboration avec l'INERIS et le LDG, a mis en oeuvre un reseau de telesurveillance microsismique compose de 9 stations de type geophones

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Gizi Kurang pada Balita di Kelurahan Oesapa Kota Kupang

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    Malnutrition is a condition of a child's weight that is not appropriate to his age. Poor nutrition is still an unresolved health problem in Oesapa Village. The incidence of malnutrition continues to increase from 2016 to 2018. Malnutrition is influenced by several factors including: family income, maternal knowledge, maternal parenting and occupancy density. This study aims to analyze the influence of family income, maternal knowledge, parenting and occupancy density, on the incidence of malnutrition. This research is an analytic observational study, with a case control design. The sample size were 31 cases and 31 controls. The dependent variable in this study was the incidence of malnutrition and the independent variable consisted of family income, maternal knowledge, maternal parenting and occupancy density. Data analysis was performed univariately and bivariately. The results showed that, there are two variables that influence the incidence of malnutrition. The two variables are family income with p-value 0.01, OR 7.576, and mother's parenting with p-value 0.01, OR 3.870. To deal with these problems, the Social Service offier provider social assistance and oversee its use, so that it can be used in accordance with household needs. In addition, efforts to increase counseling on maternal parenting need to be done, which includes simple ways of providing and processing food, the process of bathing children under five and the application of hygiene practices, such as washing hands before processing and serving food
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