6,609 research outputs found

    Preparo do solo e perda de nutrientes por erosão na cultura do pepino

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    Minimum tillage reportedly reduce erosion, avoid soil degradation and improve crop productivity. This study aimed to determine how tillage operations may affect either nutrient accumulation or nutrient losses by erosion. The study was, carried out from December, 2000 to March, 2001, in the watershed of the Caetés River, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil (22º25'43"S, 43º25'07"W). The experiment was set up in sandy clay Kandiudult soil, 60% slope, under cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) crop. Soil samples were collected before planting and after harvest, on 22.0 X 4.0 m Greeoff plots. After each rainfall, fine sediments carried by runoff were deposited into two collecting tanks in a row, installed at the end of each plot, and were later dried, weighed and stored for analyses. Treatments (n = 4) were characterized by different tillage systems: (i) downhill plowing followed by the burning of crop residues (DPB); (ii) downhill plowing with no burning of the crop residues (DPNB); (iii) animal traction contour plowing, with strips of guinea grass planted at a spacing of 7.0 m (AT); and (iv) minimum tillage (MT). Samples of the soil-plowed layer were collected before planting and after harvest, between the rows and from the plants. Total concentration of Ca, Mg, K and P were determined after extraction with nitric perchloride digestion. Labile P and exchangeable K were extracted with the Mehlich 1 extractant solution. The MT system reduced losses of both exchangeable bases (15%) and P (8%), and affected the distribution of labile and organic P. Crop residues left on soil surface in the MT system, resulted in increased organic matter content. Downhill plowing, the most used tillage operation in the region, resulted in the greatest losses of Ca, Mg, K, and P.O cultivo mínimo reputadamente reduz a erosão, evita a degradação do solo e melhora a produtividade das culturas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a influência de diferentes métodos de preparo do solo sobre o acúmulo e perdas por erosão de nutrientes. O experimento foi realizado na microbacia de Caetés, município de Paty do Alferes RJ, (22º25'43"S, 43º25'07"O) durante os meses de dezembro de 2000 a março de 2001 no ciclo de cultivo do pepino (Cucumis sativus L.). O experimento foi localizado em Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo, intermediário latossólico textura argila arenosa/argilosa e declividade de 60%. Foram instaladas parcelas do tipo Wischmeier, numa área de 22,0 X 4,0 m com diferentes sistemas de preparo de solo. Ao final de cada parcela foram instalados dois tanques para o armazenamento das águas pluviais e dos sedimentos carreados pela enxurrada. Os tratamentos (n = 4) utilizados foram: (i) aração com trator morro abaixo e queima dos restos vegetais (MAQ); (ii) aração com trator morro abaixo não queimado com restos de vegetação natural entre as linhas (MANQ); (iii) aração com tração animal em nível, faixas de capim colonião a cada 7,0 m (AA) e (iv) cultivo mínimo (CM). Nas linhas e nas covas de cada parcela foram coletadas amostras da camada arável do solo antes do plantio e depois da colheita. Após cada chuva os sedimentos carreados pela erosão foram recolhidos, secos, pesados e guardados para posterior análise. As concentrações totais de Ca, Mg, K e P em solo e sedimentos foram determinadas em extratos nitro perclóricos. O CM reduziu as perdas das bases trocáveis e do P e também influenciou na distribuição nas formas lábil e orgânica de P. O aproveitamento dos resíduos vegetais, na parcela sob CM, propiciou aumento no teor de matéria orgânica. O tratamento MAQ, típico da região, foi o que apresentou as perdas mais elevadas de Ca, Mg, K e P

    Spatial analysis of the health risks associated with solid waste incineration: a preliminary analysis

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    OBJETIVO: examinar se as emissões do incinerador de resíduos sólidos Vergueiro estavam associadas a um risco aumentado de câncer entre a população residente em seu entorno. MÉTODO: a área de influência deste incinerador foi delimitada por um raio de 7 km a partir de seu centróide georeferenciado. Os óbitos de indivíduos residentes em distritos administrativos contidos nessa área, no período de 1998 a 2002, por câncer de pulmão, fígado, laringe e linfoma não-Hodgkin em adultos, e por leucemia e todos cânceres combinados em crianças, foram selecionados e geocodificados. A área estudada foi dividida em 7 (sete) anéis concêntricos delimitados por raios de 1 a 7 km a partir do incinerador. A análise da associação entre proximidade residencial ao incinerador e mortalidade por câncer foi baseada na comparação entre número de casos observados e esperados, utilizando-se o teste de Stone para examinar o declínio do risco (razão O/E) com a distância do incinerador. RESULTADOS: a área estudada incluiu 1.599.532 habitantes, sendo 92.894 crianças < 5 anos e 634.993 adultos > 40 anos. Não se observou um gradiente espacial nas razões de mortalidade conforme aumenta a distância do incinerador para nenhuma das causas e morte examinadas. CONCLUSÃO: embora não tenha sido detectado aumento no risco dos cânceres previamente selecionados, é importante monitorar as emissões de incineradores ainda em funcionamento e seus possíveis efeitos na saúde. O estudo da distribuição da morbimortalidade em áreas circunvizinhas a essas instalações pode vir a ser uma opção metodológica para atividades de vigilância.OBJECTIVES: to examine if emissions from the Vergueiro solid waste incinerator are associated with an increased risk of cancer in the population in its vicinity. METHODS: the area under influence of this incinerator was delimited by a 7 km radius from its geocoded centroid. Deaths of city residents in administrative districts inside this area due to cancer of lung, liver, larynx, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in adults, leukemia, and all sites combined in children, in the 1998 to 2002 period, were selected and geocoded. The studied area was divided into 7 concentric rings delimited by a radius of 1 to 7 km from the incinerator. The analysis of the relationship between residential proximity to the incinerator and mortality due to cancer was based on the comparison of observed and expected cases, using the Stone test for decline in risk with distance from the incinerator. RESULTS: the area studied comprised 1,599,532 inhabitants, of which 92,894 were children less than 5 years old and 634,993 were adults over 40 years old. No spatial gradient in risk was observed for any outcome in relation to distance from the incinerator. CONCLUSION: although no excess risk for the selected cancers were observed, emissions of incinerators still operating and their possible health effects should be monitored. The study of the spatial distribution of health events in areas around point sources of air pollution can become a methodological option for surveillance activities.FAPES

    Quick Response (QR) Code Based Just-in-time Training Platform for Seldom Used Anesthesia Equipment

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    Aim for Improvement This quality improvement initiative aims to introduce, improve, and maintain proficiency with seldom used critical pieces of anesthesia equipment prior to use in emergent clinical situations through the following Provide just-in-time usage instructions through smartphone technology Remove barriers that lead to unfamiliarity with rarely used equipment, we hope to reduce patient safety incidents due to improper usage The aim was to improve the department’s familiarity and self-reported competence with seldom used equipment by at least 50

    Rehabilitation of an industrial water main using multicriteria decision analysis

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    This paper demonstrates the application of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) method- ology in a real case study aiming to choose the best rehabilitation intervention of an industrial water main. This methodology is composed of three main stages: problem identification, structuring, and evaluation. Problem structuring, a crucial stage for the outcomes, includes identifying objec- tives, selecting scenarios within the analysis period, defining problem alternatives, and defining the problematic type. Problem evaluation includes the selection of assessment metrics, selection of the aggregation method, application of the method, and a sensitivity and robustness analysis. Two scenarios, nine assessment metrics, and seven alternatives are established, and two ranking methods (the additive model and ELECTRE III method) are used to compare the alternatives. The results show that the best solution corresponds to building a new pipe and deactivating the existing one, as it significantly reduces the pipe failure risk and O&M costs, whereas the worst solution is always the status quo case, since it is the only alternative that does not improve the system performance, independently of the ranking method and the analyzed scenarioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Leadership in a Private Nephrology Practice: Autonomy Is More Than a Dream!

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    Private practice is entering an era of diminishing reimbursement and increasing overhead associated with federally mandated payment reforms resulting in a need to move from the traditional fee-for-service to a value-based model, changes that place financial and organizational strain on nephrology practices. In addition, the changing geopolitical scene is one of mergers and consolidation of health care networks, which in turn are developing their own insurance plans or partnering with commercial payers. The new landscape will require the leadership of a private nephrology practice to vigilantly monitor and adapt to these changes for success. Our leaders must be mindful of the impact of these changes to foster the successful growth of an autonomous private nephrology practice in which there is opportunity for personal and professional growth of its members in their quest to provide quality and safe patient care

    Analysis Land Use and Land Cover of the Municipality of Itarema-Ceará- Brazil based on Landsat Multispectral Data

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    This work investigated the process of land use and land cover in the municipality of Itarema. It is located in the geographic coordinates of Latitude (S) 2º 55’ 13” and Longitude (W) 39º 54’ 54” in the northern region of the state of Ceará, with an area of 720.7 km² in the semi-arid region. The objective of this study was to analyze the changes in land use and land cover in the municipality of Itarema for the period from 2000 to 2020, from Landsat 5 and 8 series orbital remote sensing data to evaluate the evolutionary behavior of the landscape. The methodology used was the literary review in (Leite &amp; Rosa 2012) and IBGE Land Use Technician Manual (2013). Technical procedures related to orbital images from the Landsat 5 and 8 series recorded respectively 2000 and 2020 were applied. Imaging treatment was performed with preprocessing and spectral bands, B5 - Medium infrared, B4 - Near infrared and B2 - Green was processed for Landsat 5 and B6 - SWIR-1, B5 - Near infrared and B4 - Red for Landsat 8 in ENVI 4.3. The classification supervised in the Semi-Automatic Plug-in was performed by the MAX-VER method and seven types of use were considered. The results point to a significant change in the typology of dense vegetation  from 52.84% in 2000 to a reduction of 25.71% in 2020, followed by the increase in degraded areas from 7.47% in 2000 to 16.03% in 2020. Final considerations, we highlight the importance of remote sensing in observations of landscape evolution and in the interpretation of the typology of use. We identified significant changes in the classes of degraded areas and dense vegetation, both associated supported by the change in the PIB  profile of the municipality

    The experience with economic-demographic models for Brazil description and results

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