415 research outputs found

    Kształt działek gruntowych w przestrzeni miejskiej. Przykład Łodzi

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    This study focuses on the spatial diversity of the shapes of land lots in metropolitan conditions viewed through the example of Łódź. The researchers placed particular attention on the diversity and compact of lot shapes. This issue was preceded by a brief discussion of the distribution, density and sizes of lots. The goal of the study was to assess the spatial variability of lots according to their shapes using GIS tools.W artykule położono nacisk na zróżnicowanie przestrzenne kształtu działek gruntowych w przestrzeni metropolitalnej na przykładzie Łodzi. Szczególną uwagę autorzy zwrócili na zróżnicowanie i zwartość kształtu działek. We wstępnej części pracy poddano analizie rozmieszczenie, gęstość i wielkość działek. Głównym celem pracy jest identyfikacja zróżnicowania przestrzennego kształtu działek przy użyciu narzędzi GIS

    Konflikty społeczno‐przestrzenne jako nowy przedmiot badań geografii społecznej

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    Oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika kolejny tom z serii „Podstawowe idee i koncepcje w geografii” pt. Dorobek polskiej geografii po konferencji w Rydzynie. Ocena krytyczna. [...] Właśnie minęło 30 lat od przełomowej dla polskiej geografii konferencji w Rydzynie (1983 r.). Miała ona duże znaczenie dla przemian teorii i praktyki geografii. W Rydzynie zwrócono uwagę na odmienne od dotychczasowych możliwości interpretacyjne rzeczywistości badawczej geografii rozwijane zwłaszcza w krajach anglosaskich. W kontekście tym przedstawiono nowe pola badawcze naszej dyscypliny zwłaszcza nieistniejącą wcześniej geografię społeczną jej podejścia radykalne i behawioralne oraz zaprezentowano perspektywę humanistyczną w badaniach geograficznych. Mimo trudności instytucjonalnych w przebijaniu się efektów tej innowacyjnej konferencji do teorii i empirii polskiej geografii, czas pokazał, że jej dorobek nie został zaprzepaszczony. Niniejszy tom składa się z 13 prac, w których autorzy podjęli teoretyczną refleksję nad rolą konferencji w Rydzynie dla polskiej geografii oraz krytyczny namysł nad dorobkiem geografii po konferencji

    The Spatial Diversification of the Population Ageing in the City of Łódź

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    This article presents the issue of population ageing in the city of Łódź, which currently has the fastest ageing society among the largest Polish cities. The level and the dynamics of population ageing have been analysed, as well as spatial diversification of the ageing process due to information from Local Data Bank of Central Statistical Office and National Census 2011 data.Opracowanie podejmuje problematykę związaną ze zjawiskiem sta­rzenia się ludności. W artykule przedstawiono starzenie się ludności w Łodzi, w któ­rej obecnie obserwuje się najwyższy poziom zaawansowania procesu starzenia wśród największych miast Polski. W tym celu poddano analizie nie tylko poziom i tempo tego procesu w mieście, ale także zróżnicowanie przestrzenne starzenia się ludności w Łodzi. Analiza procesu starzenia się ludności została przeprowadzona na podsta­wie danych statystycznych pochodzących z bazy BDL (poziom i tempo starzenia), jak również z NSP 2011 (dywersyfikacja przestrzenna)

    Visualising Intestinal Inflammation and Fibrosis using Zirconium-89 Labelled Antibodies in a Preclinical Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, relapsing and remitting inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The diagnosis and monitoring of IBD is reliant on endoscopic techniques which are invasive and do not provide quantification. Molecular imaging approaches such as immuno-PET have superior sensitivity and provide quantitative information of the entire body. Immuno-PET combines the superior target selectivity provided by antibodies with the sensitivity of PET. This thesis outlines the development of two novel radiolabelled antibody tracers against intestinal inflammation in a preclinical model of IBD and one novel tracer against intestinal fibrosis in a model of chronic murine IBD. Symptom flare in IBD typically corresponds with an increased activation of innate immune pathways. We aimed to compare immuno-PET of the innate immune mediators IL-1β and CD11b against standard 18F-FDG and MRI to detect colonic inflammation. For visualising intestinal inflammation, 89Zr-α-IL-1β and 89Zr-α-CD11b immuno-PET detected colonic inflammation, as did 18F-FDG, and all PET tracers were more sensitive than MRI. While 18F-FDG volumes of interest correlated with colitis severity and a strong trend was observed with 89Zr-α-IL-1β, no correlation was observed for 89Zr-α-CD11b or MRI. 89Zr-α-IL-1β was distributed mainly to the gastrointestinal tract, while 89Zr-α-CD11b was distributed in more tissue types. Intestinal fibrosis is one of the most common complications of IBD, with severe fibrosis leading to stricture and stenosis in approximately 30% of patients. Currently, intestinal fibrosis is diagnosed and monitored using endoscopies and MRI. Fibrosis is characterised by the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) as a result of multiple periods of inflammation and subsequent healing, as seen in IBD and murine colitis. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) play a large role in fibrogenic pathways by regulating the deposition of ECM during tissue renewal. MMP-9 is found to be elevated in fibrotic tissue resected from IBD patients and in preclinical models of intestinal fibrosis. We aimed to visualise intestinal fibrosis by targeting pro-MMP-9 using f(ab’)2 antibody fragments, radiolabelled with zirconium-89. This was the first immuno-PET study of fibrosis in any tissue in a preclinical or clinical setting. In our preclinical model of chronic IBD, 89Zr-pro-MMP-9- f(ab’)2 successfully detected intestinal fibrosis in the absence of inflammation. Furthermore, immuno-PET and biodistribution studies indicated that the kidneys became fibrotic after multiple rounds of DSS. This was further confirmed by an increase in collagen and pro-MMP- 9 levels in the kidneys, in the absence of elevated immune markers. As the mechanisms underlying fibrosis are similar across all organs, immuno-PET of pro-MMP-9 may be a valuable addition to the detection of fibrosis in all tissues. Additionally, development of these technologies for human subjects will provide a less invasive approach than endoscopy for diagnosing and monitoring IBD.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 202


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    Introduction. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) is a rare astrocytic cancer of the central nervous system that is classified as grade II according to the WHO score. It accounts for 1% of primary brain tumors. It is mainly located in the temporal lobe and belongs to a group of tumors called long-term epilepsy associated tumors. Surgical tumor resection is the treatment of choice. Brief description of the state of knowledge. The non-invasive method of PXA diagnostics is neuroimaging, which is based on computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the image, PXA presents as a solid tumor undergoing contrast enhancement, located supratentorial, with frequent peripheral cystic components. The characteristic histologic picture for PXA is the presence of highly pleomorphic, fusiform or round, large astrocytes with single or multiple cell nuclei. Lymphoplasmic infiltrates are visible within the tumor. The most common mutations associated with the occurrence of this cancer are mutations in the BRAF V600E gene. Conclusions. PXA is a very rare tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) that can recur and spread throughout the CNS. Imaging tests, i.e. CT and MRI, allow for precise imaging of the lesion, however, it is necessary to perform a histopathological examination to make a final diagnosis. The rarity of this cancer assimilates diagnostic problems. Therefore, further molecular research is needed to develop more efficient diagnostics.Introduction. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) is a rare astrocytic cancer of the central nervous system that is classified as grade II according to the WHO score. It accounts for 1% of primary brain tumors. It is mainly located in the temporal lobe and belongs to a group of tumors called long-term epilepsy associated tumors. Surgical tumor resection is the treatment of choice. Brief description of the state of knowledge. The non-invasive method of PXA diagnostics is neuroimaging, which is based on computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the image, PXA presents as a solid tumor undergoing contrast enhancement, located supratentorial, with frequent peripheral cystic components. The characteristic histologic picture for PXA is the presence of highly pleomorphic, fusiform or round, large astrocytes with single or multiple cell nuclei. Lymphoplasmic infiltrates are visible within the tumor. The most common mutations associated with the occurrence of this cancer are mutations in the BRAF V600E gene. Conclusions. PXA is a very rare tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) that can recur and spread throughout the CNS. Imaging tests, i.e. CT and MRI, allow for precise imaging of the lesion, however, it is necessary to perform a histopathological examination to make a final diagnosis. The rarity of this cancer assimilates diagnostic problems. Therefore, further molecular research is needed to develop more efficient diagnostics

    Non-invasive diagnostic methods for fatal familial insomnia

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    Fatal familial insomia (FFI) is a dominant autosomal genetic prion disease characterised by progressive sleep impairment, autonomic nervous system disorders and motor symptoms associated with significant loss of nerve cells in the medial thalamic nuclei. Making a diagnosis of FFI requires the presence of a certain or probable recognised first-degree relative of the patient, together with neuropsychiatric disorders present. In turn, the detection of the PrP mutation allows the diagnosis to be definitively established. In addition, three other tests - polysomnography, brain imaging and cerebrospinal fluid examination - can be helpful. Fatal familial insomnia is not a fully understood disease. Diagnosis is based on the presence of symptoms of the disease. An important step in diagnosis will be the development of non-invasive diagnostic tests that are reliable in the early and presymptomatic stages of the disease. Polysomnography, imaging studies (PET, SPECT) and cerebrospinal fluid examination should be improved and widely accepted

    Dysproporcje Przestrzenne w postrzeganiu konfliktogennych inwestycji w mieście – przykład osiedli Olechów i Andrzejów w Łodzi

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    Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (NN 306033040) Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Localisation of the human hSuv3p helicase in the mitochondrial matrix and its preferential unwinding of dsDNA

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    We characterised the human hSuv3p protein belonging to the family of NTPases/helicases. In yeast mitochondria the hSUV3 orthologue is a component of the degradosome complex and participates in mtRNA turnover and processing, while in Caenorhabditis elegans the hSUV3 orthologue is necessary for viability of early embryos. Using immunofluorescence analysis, an in vitro mitochondrial uptake assay and sub‐fractionation of human mitochondria we show hSuv3p to be a soluble protein localised in the mitochondrial matrix. We expressed and purified recombinant hSuv3p protein from a bacterial expression system. The purified enzyme was capable of hydrolysing ATP with a Km of 41.9 µM and the activity was only modestly stimulated by polynucleotides. hSuv3p unwound partly hybridised dsRNA and dsDNA structures with a very strong preference for the latter. The presented analysis of the hSuv3p NTPase/helicase suggests that new functions of the protein have been acquired in the course of evolution