29 research outputs found

    Dementia in residential care: education intervention trial (DIRECT); protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is scope to improve the quality of life (QOL) of people with dementia living in residential care facilities (RCF). The DIRECT study will determine if delivery of education to General Practitioners (GPs) and care staff improves the quality of life of residential care recipients with cognitive impairment.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A prospective randomised controlled trial conduced in residential aged care facilities in the metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia. Participants are care facility residents, aged 65 years and older and with mini-mental state examination scores less than 25. GPs and care facility staff have been independently randomised to intervention or control groups. An education programme, designed to meet the perceived needs of learners, will be delivered to GPs and care staff in the intervention groups. The primary outcome of the study will be quality of life of the people with dementia, measured using the QOL-Alzheimer's Disease Scale (QOL-AD) and Alzheimer Disease Related QOL Scale (ADRQL), 4 weeks and 6 months after the conclusion of the education intervention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Recruitment of 351 people with dementia, cared for by staff in 39 residential facilities and 55 GPs, was undertaken between May 2007 and July 2008. Collection of baseline data is complete. Education has been delivered to GPs and Care staff between September 2008 and July 2009. Follow- up data collection is underway.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The study results will have tangible implications for proprietors, managers and staff from the residential care sector and policy makers. The results have potential to directly benefit the quality of life of both patients and carers.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>These trial methods have been prospectively registered (ACTRN12607000417482).</p

    Elderly with Autism: Executive Functions and Memory

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    Cognitive autism research is mainly focusing on children and young adults even though we know that autism is a life-long disorder and that healthy aging already has a strong impact on cognitive functioning. We compared the neuropsychological profile of 23 individuals with autism and 23 healthy controls (age range 51ā€“83Ā years). Deficits were observed in attention, working memory, and fluency. Aging had a smaller impact on fluency in the high functioning autism (HFA) group than in the control group, while aging had a more profound effect on visual memory performance in the HFA group. Hence, we provide novel evidence that elderly with HFA have subtle neuropsychological deficits and that the developmental trajectories differ between elderly with and without HFA in particular cognitive domains

    In vivo transfer of GPI-linked complement restriction factors from erythrocytes to the endothelium.

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    Many proteins are associated with the outer layer of the cell membrane through a posttranslationally added glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. The functional significance of this type of protein linkage is unclear, although it results in increased lateral mobility, sorting to the apical surface of the cell, reinsertion into cell membranes, and possibly cell signaling. Here evidence is presented that GPI-linked proteins can undergo intermembrane transfer in vivo. GPI-linked proteins expressed on the surface of transgenic mouse red blood cells were transferred in a functional form to endothelial cells in vivo. This feature of GPI linkage may be potentially useful for the delivery of therapeutic proteins to vascular endothelium

    O sexo masculino vulnerĆ”vel: razĆ£o de masculinidade entre os Ć³bitos fetais brasileiros The vulnerable male, or the sex ratio among fetal deaths in Brazil

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    Alguns estudos apontam para a existĆŖncia de vulnerabilidades biolĆ³gicas inatas masculinas, especialmente no perĆ­odo perinatal. Foi realizada uma anĆ”lise transversal da mortalidade fetal brasileira segundo sexo, entre 2000 e 2009 (inclusive), conforme caracterĆ­sticas maternas (idade, escolaridade e duraĆ§Ć£o da gestaĆ§Ć£o), utilizando-se dados disponibilizados pelos sistema DATASUS do MinistĆ©rio da SaĆŗde. Todos os Ć³bitos fetais do perĆ­odo foram incluĆ­dos na anĆ”lise, excetuando-se os casos em que o sexo do feto nĆ£o foi declarado. A razĆ£o de masculinidade (RM) encontrada para os Ć³bitos fetais foi de 1,188. As categorias mais relacionadas com maior risco (idade entre 10 e 14 anos, nenhuma escolaridade e gestaĆ§Ć£o com menos de 22 semanas) apresentaram maior RM, sendo esses valores, em todos os casos, estatisticamente maiores do que os observados nas outras categorias analisadas (p < 0,05). Verificou-se RM estatisticamente maior (p < 0,05) ao esperado para 13 causas bĆ”sicas de Ć³bito e menor para duas. Os resultados encontrados pelo estudo apontam para uma possĆ­vel vulnerabilidade biolĆ³gica inata masculina.<br>Some studies indicate the existence of innate male vulnerabilities, especially during the perinatal period. The current study is a cross-sectional analysis of fetal mortality in Brazil according to sex from 2000 to 2009, stratified by maternal characteristics (age, schooling, and gestational age), using Ministry of Health data (DATASUS). The analysis included all fetal deaths from 2000 to 2009, except when the sex of the fetus was not recorded. The male/female sex ratio (SR) for all fetal deaths was 1.188. Analysis of maternal characteristics showed that the SR was statistically higher (p < 0.01) in mothers that were younger (10-14 years), had no formal schooling, and with gestational age < 22 weeks. The study showed a statistically higher-than-expected SR (p < 0.01) for 13 underlying causes of death and a lower SR for two others. The results suggest a potential innate male vulnerability