196 research outputs found

    Local and regional control of calcium dynamics in the pancreatic islet

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    Ca2+ is the key intracellular regulator of insulin secretion, acting in the β-cell as the ultimate trigger for exocytosis. In response to high glucose, ATP-sensitive K+ channel closure and plasma membrane depolarization engage a sophisticated machinery to drive pulsatile cytosolic Ca2+ changes. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, Ca2+-activated K+ channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchange all play important roles. The use of targeted Ca2+ probes has revealed that during each cytosolic Ca2+ pulse, uptake of Ca2+ by mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), secretory granules and lysosomes fine-tune cytosolic Ca2+ dynamics and control organellar function. For example, changes in the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein Sorcin appear to provide a link between ER Ca2+ levels and ER stress, affecting β-cell function and survival. Across the islet, intercellular communication between highly interconnected “hubs,” which act as pacemaker β-cells, and subservient “followers,” ensures efficient insulin secretion. Loss of connectivity is seen after the deletion of genes associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and follows metabolic and inflammatory insults that characterize this disease. Hubs, which typically comprise ~1%-10% of total β-cells, are repurposed for their specialized role by expression of high glucokinase (Gck) but lower Pdx1 and Nkx6.1 levels. Single cell-omics are poised to provide a deeper understanding of the nature of these cells and of the networks through which they communicate. New insights into the control of both the intra- and intercellular Ca2+ dynamics may thus shed light on T2D pathology and provide novel opportunities for therapy

    Randomized controlled trial: a pilot study of a psychoeducational intervention for fatigue in patients with quiescent inflammatory bowel disease

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    Introduction: Fatigue is a frequent, debilitating symptom of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Despite this, studies report dissatisfaction among IBD patients regarding how little attention is given to fatigue-related issues during consultations. We performed a pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) to assess whether a brief, structured, multidisciplinary psychological support program improved fatigue, mood and quality of life indices in patients with quiescent IBD. Methods: The intervention consisted of three small-group psychoeducational sessions over 6 months. Primary outcomes were effect on fatigue severity and impact scores. Secondary outcomes included effect on depression, anxiety, somatization scores, generic and disease-specific quality of life. Results: Twenty-three patients were enrolled, 10 in the intervention arm and 13 controls. Mean fatigue severity and impact scores improved for patients in the intervention group (by 14.5–13.1 and 49.7–45.8, respectively), and worsened in controls (by 11.5–12.6 and 33.5–35 respectively). Mean Short Form 36 (SF-36) scores for role limitations due to physical health decreased from 44.4 to 38.9 in the intervention group, but increased from 44.2 to 51.9 among controls. Energy scores in the intervention group improved from 17.8 to 26.6, but only from 31.4 to 31.7 among controls. Short IBD questionnaire scores improved in both groups, from 46.2 to 45.2 in controls compared with 44.4–40 in the intervention group. Discussion: In this small pilot RCT, positive effects were demonstrated on fatigue, energy levels and other quality of life outcomes. Larger, adequately powered studies with longer follow up are required

    The detection of the imprint of filaments on cosmic microwave background lensing

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    Galaxy redshift surveys, such as 2dF, SDSS, 6df, GAMA and VIPERS, have shown that the spatial distribution of matter forms a rich web, known as the cosmic web. The majority of galaxy survey analyses measure the amplitude of galaxy clustering as a function of scale, ignoring information beyond a small number of summary statistics. Since the matter density field becomes highly non-Gaussian as structure evolves under gravity, we expect other statistical descriptions of the field to provide us with additional information. One way to study the non-Gaussianity is to study filaments, which evolve non-linearly from the initial density fluctuations produced in the primordial Universe. In our study, we report the first detection of CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) lensing by filaments and we apply a null test to confirm our detection. Furthermore, we propose a phenomenological model to interpret the detected signal and we measure how filaments trace the matter distribution on large scales through filament bias, which we measure to be around 1.5. Our study provides a new scope to understand the environmental dependence of galaxy formation. In the future, the joint analysis of lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations might reveal the properties of `missing baryons', the vast majority of the gas which resides in the intergalactic medium and has so far evaded most observations

    Tissue sparing surgery in knee reconstruction: unicompartmental (UKA), patellofemoral (PFA), UKA + PFA, bi-unicompartmental (Bi-UKA) arthroplasties

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    Recently mini-invasive joint replacement has become one of the hottest topics in the orthopaedic world. However, these terms have been improperly misunderstood as a “key-hole” surgery where traditional components are implanted with shorter surgical approaches, with few benefits and several possible dangers. Small implants as unicompartmental knee prostheses, patellofemoral prostheses and bi-unicompartmental knee prostheses might represent real less invasive procedures: Tissue sparing surgery, the Italian way to minimally invasive surgery (MIS). According to their experience the authors go through this real tissue sparing surgery not limited only to a small incision, but where the surgeons can respect the physiological joint biomechanics

    A Protein-Protein Interaction Map of the Trypanosoma brucei Paraflagellar Rod

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    We have conducted a protein interaction study of components within a specific sub-compartment of a eukaryotic flagellum. The trypanosome flagellum contains a para-crystalline extra-axonemal structure termed the paraflagellar rod (PFR) with around forty identified components. We have used a Gateway cloning approach coupled with yeast two-hybrid, RNAi and 2D DiGE to define a protein-protein interaction network taking place in this structure. We define two clusters of interactions; the first being characterised by two proteins with a shared domain which is not sufficient for maintaining the interaction. The other cohort is populated by eight proteins, a number of which possess a PFR domain and sub-populations of this network exhibit dependency relationships. Finally, we provide clues as to the structural organisation of the PFR at the molecular level. This multi-strand approach shows that protein interactome data can be generated for insoluble protein complexes

    Development and validation of an ultra?performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry method for rapid quantification of free amino acids in human urine

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    An ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-qTOFMS)method using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography was developed and validated for simultaneous quantification of 18 free amino acids in urine with a total acquisition time including the column re-equilibration of less than 18 min per sample. This method involves simple sample preparation steps which consisted of 15 times dilution with acetonitrile to give a final composition of 25 % aqueous and 75 % acetonitrile without the need of any derivatization. The dynamic range for our calibration curve is approximately two orders of magnitude (120-fold from the lowest calibration curve point) with good linearity (r2 ? 0.995 for all amino acids). Good separation of all amino acids as well as good intra- and inter-day accuracy (<15 %) and precision (<15 %) were observed using three quality control samples at a concentration of low, medium and high range of the calibration curve. The limits of detection (LOD) and lower limit of quantification of our method were ranging from approximately 1–300 nM and 0.01–0.5 µM, respectively. The stability of amino acids in the prepared urine samples was found to be stable for 72 h at 4 °C, after one freeze thaw cycle and for up to 4 weeks at ?80 °C. We have applied this method to quantify the content of 18 free amino acids in 646 urine samples from a dietary intervention study. We were able to quantify all 18 free amino acids in these urine samples, if they were present at a level above the LOD. We found our method to be reproducible (accuracy and precision were typically <10 % for QCL, QCM and QCH) and the relatively high sample throughput nature of this method potentially makes it a suitable alternative for the analysis of urine samples in clinical setting

    Musculoskeletal pain is associated with restless legs syndrome in young adults

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    Background - In recent years, there is considerable evidence of a relationship between the sensorimotor disorder restless legs syndrome (RLS) and pain disorders, including migraine and fibromyalgia. An association between multi-site pain and RLS has been reported in adult women. In the current study, we explored the association between musculoskeletal (MSK) pain and RLS in a large cohort of young adults. Methods - Twenty two year olds (n = 1072), followed since birth of part of the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study, provided data on MSK pain (duration, severity, frequency, number of pain sites). RLS was considered present when 4 diagnostic criteria recommended by the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group were met (urge to move, dysaesthesia, relief by movement, worsening symptoms during the evening/night) and participants had these symptoms at least 5 times per month. Associations between MSK pain and RLS were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression with bias-corrected bootstrapped confidence intervals, with final models adjusted for sex, psychological distress and sleep quality. Results - The prevalence of RLS was 3.0 % and MSK pain was reported by 37.4 % of the participants. In multivariable logistic regression models, strong associations were found between RLS-diagnosis and long duration (three months or more) of MSK pain (odds ratio 3.6, 95 % confidence interval 1.4–9.2) and reporting three or more pain sites (4.9, 1.6–14.6). Conclusions - Different dimensions of MSK pain were associated with RLS in young adults, suggestive of shared pathophysiological mechanisms. Overlap between these conditions requires more clinical and research attention