130 research outputs found

    New strategies to study organizations working with people experiencing homelessness: the service providers’ study

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    Mapeamento de áreas suscetíveis a deslizamentos no município de Pato Branco, Paraná com a aplicação do modelo SHALSTAB

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    Este trabalho compara modelos matemáticos de estabilidade de encostas associados a técnicas de mapeamento temático em SIG. O objetivo principal foi avaliar a aplicação do modelo SHALSTAB no mapeamento de áreas suscetíveis à ocorrência de escorregamentos na região de Pato Branco, Paraná, buscando determinar a quantidade de chuva necessária para desencadear estes eventos extremos e comparar com resultados de trabalhos anteriores que determinaram os fatores de segurança das encostas dessa área. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que ambas metodologias analisadas mostraram-se aptas como ferramenta para identificar zonas de susceptibilidade à ocorrência de escorregamento raso, uma vez que os deslizamentos ocorridos na cidade estão localizados em áreas consideradas instáveis pelos dois métodos.This paper compares mathematical models of slope stability associated with thematic mapping techniques in GIS. The main objective was to evaluate the application of SHALSTAB model in the susceptible mapping areas to the occurrence of landslides in Pato Branco, Paraná State, aiming to determine the needed amount of rain to trigger these extreme events and to compare, with previous studies results, what have determined the security factors of the slopes in this area. The results showed that both analyzed methodologies proved suitable as a tool for identifying susceptibility to the occurrence of slip shallow areas, once the slips occurred in the city are located in areas considered unstable by both methods

    Analisi dei cambiamenti di uso del suolo nell’area montuosa e collinare dell’Emilia-Romagna nel periodo 1954-1994

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    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato la realizzazione di una banca dati multitemporale di uso del suolo per i territori montuosi e collinari della Regione Emilia-Romagna, relativa al periodo 1954-1994. Tale banca dati riporta gli attributi relativi all’uso del suolo del 1954-55 e 1994 e consente di analizzare i cambiamenti di estensione, tipologia e localizzazione delle classi di uso del suolo. I dati più recenti sono quelli relativi alla banca dati vettoriale di uso del suolo del 1994 già pubblicata dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna. I dati del 1954 sono stati ottenuti dall’interpretazione e delineazione visuale di ortofoto ottenute da foto aeree pancromatiche del volo G.A.I. del 1954- 1955. È stata utilizzata una nomenclatura di uso del suolo a priori gerarchica a due livelli comparabile con quella della banca dati del 1994. I risultati dimostrano che in quaranta anni, l’area indagata ha subito una significativa evoluzione di uso del suolo. Le aree a seminativo ed a foresta sono aumentate, a scapito delle aree a coltivazione parcellizzata e specializzata e di cespuglieto

    Comparison between direct measurements and indirect estimations of hydraulic conductivity for slope deposits of the North-Western Tuscany, Italy

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    Hydraulic conductivity (K) is a relevant engineering geology property of deposits that cover the geological bedrock (Slope Deposits – SD). This parameter is useful for many applications fields such as: simulations of both infiltration and runoff processes, hillslope stability numerical analysis, hydrological studies, soil science and environmental problems. A wide range of methods are available in the literature in order to estimate K. Anyhow, they can be divided into direct measurement (field and laboratory test) and indirect estimations (eg. correlation from grain size, pedotransfer functions). However, many factors (eg. SD grain size, bulk density, organic matter, etc.) can affect the K value hence the determination of K within SD is often a challenge. Moreover, the value of K generally shows an high spatial variability requiring a large number of direct measurements to obtain robust spatial estimations. Indirect methods may be used alternatively or in pair with direct methods. However, relations between K and other soil physical properties are generally suitable only for specific type of soils, therefore, the application of those relations are constrained. In this work a wide (about 200) set of field measurements were performed in North-Western Tuscany in order to assess the variability of K in the vadose zone for SD characterized by different grain size composition. Measurements were carried out by means of both constant and falling head permeameters, as well as double ring infiltrometer. In the test sites engineering geology properties of SD such as bulk density and depth have been collected, moreover, samples have been collected for laboratory analysis. A statistical analysis of the K value has been performed for SD characterized by different grain size distribution and geological bedrock. Moreover, a comparison between the field methods have been also performed. Finally, a comparison between measured and estimated values of K has been done in order to assess the reliability of different equations to predict K. The results show that the K value varies across: different geological settings, the SD profile and the geographic neighborhood of the test site. Moreover, the results highlight that the indirect methods used in this work have to be used carefully in our study area
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