2,842 research outputs found

    Toward an understanding on father involvement in divorced families

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    Important changes regarding the traditional family structure and the beliefs about gender roles, more specifically about the parental roles, have contributed to an increasing number of studies focusing on the father and his involvement in the family, especially with the child. However, research is still scarce among divorced families. Therefore the main goal of this study was to analyze father involvement with their children (one child per family) in divorced Portuguese parents. Sociodemographic variables such as parents’ age, education and the child’s sex were considered. Fathers (N = 118) reported on their involvement regarding the child. Results show that the father’s involvement varies according to the type of activities and was moderated by the child’s sex and the mother’s education. Fathers were more involved in indirect care and outdoor leisure activities with their sons than daughters, also father involvement in outdoor leisure increased in families in which the mother’s education was higher. These results are important to understand father involvement as a multidimensional construct, and how it’s affected by parents and child’s characteristics, particularly after divorce.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Efeito da idade de lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) no desempenho do parasitoide Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) e consumo foliar por lagartas parasitadas e não-parasitadas.

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    Verificou-se o potencial de parasitismo de Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonide) sobre lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) de diferentes idades e o consumo foliar de lagartas parasitadas, em relacao a nao parasitadas. Quando foram oferecidas ao parasitoide lagartas de 3-d o numero medio de lagartas parasitadas foi de 232/femea, numero semelhante ao que foi obtido com lagartas de 2-d (182,0 lagartas/femea). Com lagartas de 4-5-d, o numero medio de parasitismo foi, respectivamente, 80,7 e 71,0 individuos parasitados/femea. Lagarta sadias, durante todo o seu periodo de vida, consumiram, em media, 209,3 cm3 de area foliar, enquanto que as lagartas parasitadas consumiram apenas 14,5 cm3 (6,9% do consumo de uma lagarta sadia)

    Análise de adoção das variedades de mandioca 'Alagoana' e 'Lagoão' no Município de Brotas de Macaúbas - Ba.

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    A adoção de variedades mais produtivas, resistentes às doenças como bacteriose, resistentes à seca e ciclo precoce pode ajudar a aumentar o rendimento da mandiocultura na região Nordeste, e principalmente nas propriedades de agricultores familiares onde predomina a agricultura de subsistência e de baixo índice de adoção de tecnologias. Neste contexto, a pesquisa participativa pode ser uma estratégia bastante eficiente para aumentar as chances de adoção e garantir a disponibilidade de maniva para o plantio, uma vez que a indisponibilidade de manivas é uma das principais causas para os níveis de baixa adoção das variedades geneticamente melhoradas (Fukuda et al., 2008, Gonzalez et al., 2011). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de adoção das variedades 'Lagoão' e 'Alagoana' pelos agricultores do município de Brotas de Macaúbas-BA, através da aplicação de questionário com abordagem focada nas variedades avaliadas, na inserção da produção no mercado, na assistência técnica e nas informações socioeconômico culturais dos agricultores.Melhoramento genético. Resumo n. 188

    Thermal Cycling Stability of Silica Membranes for Gas Separation

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    Hydrogen is being seen as an alternative energy carrier to conventional hydrocarbons to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. High efficiency separation technologies to remove hydrogen from the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, are therefore in growing demand. Traditional thermodynamic separation systems utilise distillation, absorption and adsorption, but are limited in efficiency at compact scales. Molecular sieve silica (MSS) membranes can perform this separation as they have high permselectivity of hydrogen to carbon dioxide, but their stability under thermal cycling is not well reported. In this work we exposed a standard MSS membrane and a carbonised template MSS (CTMSS) membrane to thermal cycling from 100 to 450°C. The standard MSS and carbonised template CTMSS membranes both showed permselectivity of helium to nitrogen dropping from around 10 to 6 in the first set of cycles, remaining stable until the last test. The permselectivity drop was due to small micropore collapse, which occurred via structure movement during cycling. Simulating single stage membrane separation with a 50:50 molar feed of H2:CO2, H2 exiting the permeate stream would start at 79% and stabilise at 67%. Higher selectivity membranes showed less of a purity drop, indicating the margin at which to design a stable membrane separation unit for CO2 capture

    Modelling metallothionein induction in the liver of sparus aurata exposed to metal-contaminated sediments

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    Metallothionein (MT) in the liver of gilthead seabreams (Sparus aurata L., 1758) exposed to Sado estuary (Portugal) sediments was quantified to assess the MT induction potential as a biomarker of sediment-based contamination by copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). Sediments were collected from two control sites and four sites with different levels of contamination. Sediment Cu, Cd, Pb, As, total organic matter (TOM) and fine fraction (FF) levels were determined. Generalized linear models (GLM) allowed integration of sediment parameters with liver Cu, Cd, Pb, As and MT concentrations. Although sediment metal levels were lower than expected, we relate MT with liver Cd and also with interactions between liver and sediment Cu and between liver Cu and TOM. We suggest integrating biomarkers and environmental parameters using statistical models such as GLM as a more sensitive and reliable technique for sediment risk assessment than traditional isolated biomarker approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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