53,220 research outputs found

    Disc atmospheres and winds in X-ray binaries

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    We review the current status of studies of disc atmospheres and winds in low mass X-ray binaries. We discuss the possible wind launching mechanisms and compare the predictions of the models with the existent observations. We conclude that a combination of thermal and radiative pressure (the latter being relevant at high luminosities) can explain the current observations of atmospheres and winds in both neutron star and black hole binaries. Moreover, these winds and atmospheres could contribute significantly to the broad iron emission line observed in these systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in Acta Polytechnica. Invited review talk at the Vulcano Workshop 2012: "Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics

    A new div-curl result. Applications to the homogenization of elliptic systems and to the weak continuity of the Jacobian

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    In this paper a new div-curl result is established in an open set Ω\Omega of RN\mathbb{R}^N, N2N\geq 2, for the product of two sequences of vector-valued functions which are bounded respectively in Lp(Ω)NL^p(\Omega)^N and Lq(Ω)NL^q(\Omega)^N, with 1/p+1/q=1+1/(N1){1/p}+{1/q}=1+{1/(N-1)}, and whose respectively divergence and curl are compact in suitable spaces. We also assume that the product converges weakly in W1,1(Ω)W^{-1,1}(\Omega). The key ingredient of the proof is a compactness result for bounded sequences in W1,q(Ω)W^{1,q}(\Omega), based on the imbedding of W1,q(S_N1)W^{1,q}(S\_{N-1}) into Lp(S_N1)L^{p'}(S\_{N-1}) (S_N1S\_{N-1} the unit sphere of RN\mathbb{R}^N) through a suitable selection of annuli on which the gradients are not too high, in the spirit of De Giorgi and Manfredi. The div-curl result is applied to the homogenization of equi-coercive systems whose coefficients are equi-bounded in Lρ(Ω)L^\rho(\Omega) for some \rho\textgreater{}{N-1\over 2} if N\textgreater{}2, or in L1(Ω)L^1(\Omega) if N=2N=2. It also allows us to prove a weak continuity result for the Jacobian for bounded sequences in W1,N1(Ω)W^{1,N-1}(\Omega) satisfying an alternative assumption to the LL^\infty-strong estimate of Brezis and Nguyen. Two examples show the sharpness of the results

    Northern European retired residents in nine southern European areas: characteristics, motivations and adjustment

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    During the last two decades, northern European retirement residence in the southern European sunbelt has grown strongly and its forms have rapidly changed, but standard demographic and social statistical sources provide no information about the flows, the migrants or their increasingly mobile and complex residential patterns. Considerable primary research has however recently been undertaken into the causes, conditions, experiences and consequences of international retirement migration (IRM) by investigators from Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Many collaborated when designing their studies and instruments, and all have subsequently worked together in a European Science Foundation Scientific Network. This paper compares the findings of six systematic social surveys in (to be more precise than the title) eight regions of southern Europe and the Canary Islands: all that have tackled similar research questions with similar methods and instruments. It presents interpretations of several comparative tables compiled from their original data, with a focus on the socio-economic backgrounds, motivations and behaviour of the various migrant groups and their relationship with the host and home countries. The paper presents new findings about the typical and variant forms of IRM, and additional understanding of the heterogeneity of the retirees of different nations and in the several regions

    Involved, Invisible, Ignored: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Parents and Their Children in Our Nation's K-12 Schools

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    Current estimates suggest there are upwards of 7 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) parents with dependent children in the United States, and it is likely that these numbers have been increasing over recent years. Yet little is known about the life experiences of this population of families in general and even less is know about the experiences of these families when interacting with their children's schools.This national study conducted by GLSEN in partnership with the Family Equality Council and COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere), examines and highlights the school experiences of LGBT-headed families using results from surveys of LGBT parents of children in K-12 schools and of secondary students who have LGBT parents.The study examines the family-school relationship, including family-school communication, parental involvement in school activities, parent-child discussions about school, parental role in educating school staff about LGBT families and the quality of treatment by school staff and by other members of the school community