15,769 research outputs found

    Bridge over troubled gas: clusters and associations under the SMC and LMC tidal stresses

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    We obtained SOAR telescope B and V photometry of 14 star clusters and 2 associations in the Bridge tidal structure connecting the LMC and SMC. These objects are used to study the formation and evolution of star clusters and associations under tidal stresses from the Clouds. Typical star clusters in the Bridge are not richly populated and have in general relatively large diameters (~30-35 pc), being larger than Galactic counterparts of similar age. Ages and other fundamental parameters are determined with field-star decontaminated photometry. A self-consistent approach is used to derive parameters for the most-populated sample cluster NGC 796 and two young CMD templates built with the remaining Bridge clusters. We find that the clusters are not coeval in the Bridge. They range from approximately a few Myr (still related to optical HII regions and WISE and Spitzer dust emission measurements) to about 100-200 Myr. The derived distance moduli for the Bridge objects suggests that the Bridge is a structure connecting the LMC far-side in the East to the foreground of the SMC to the West. Most of the present clusters are part of the tidal dwarf candidate D 1, which is associated with an H I overdensity. We find further evidence that the studied part of the Bridge is evolving into a tidal dwarf galaxy, decoupling from the Bridge.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS, Accepted 2015 July 2

    An S3S_3 Model for Lepton Mass Matrices with Nearly Minimal Texture

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    We propose a simple extension of the electroweak standard model based on the discrete S3S_3 symmetry that is capable of realizing a nearly minimal Fritzsch-type texture for the Dirac mass matrices of both charged leptons and neutrinos. This is achieved with the aid of additional Z5Z_5 and Z3Z_3 symmetries, one of which can be embedded in U(1)B−LU(1)_{B-L}. Five complex scalar singlet fields are introduced in addition to the SM with right-handed neutrinos. Although more general, the modified texture of the model retains the successful features of the minimal texture without fine-tuning; namely, it accommodates the masses and mixing of the leptonic sector and relates the emergence of large leptonic mixing angles with the seesaw mechanism. For large deviations of the minimal texture, both quasidegenerate spectrum or inverted hierarchy are allowed for neutrino masses.Comment: 11pp, 2 figures. v2: vev alignment addressed, additional analysis performed; to appear in PR

    Unavoidable Conflict Between Massive Gravity Models and Massive Topological Terms

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    Massive gravity models in 2+1 dimensions, such as those obtained by adding to Einstein's gravity the usual Fierz-Pauli, or the more complicated Ricci scalar squared (R2R^2), terms, are tree level unitary. Interesting enough these seemingly harmless systems have their unitarity spoiled when they are augmented by a Chern-Simons term. Furthermore, if the massive topological term is added to R+Rμν2R + R_{\mu\nu}^2 gravity, or to R+Rμν2+R2R + R_{\mu\nu}^2 + R^2 gravity (higher-derivative gravity), which are nonunitary at the tree level, the resulting models remain nonunitary. Therefore, unlike the common belief, as well as the claims in the literature, the coexistence between three-dimensional massive gravity models and massive topological terms is conflicting.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Time dependent transformations in deformation quantization

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    We study the action of time dependent canonical and coordinate transformations in phase space quantum mechanics. We extend the covariant formulation of the theory by providing a formalism that is fully invariant under both standard and time dependent coordinate transformations. This result considerably enlarges the set of possible phase space representations of quantum mechanics and makes it possible to construct a causal representation for the distributional sector of Wigner quantum mechanics.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in the J. Math. Phy

    Probing the Effects of Lorentz-Symmetry Violating Chern-Simons and Ricci-Cotton Terms in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    The combined effects of the Lorentz-symmetry violating Chern-Simons and Ricci-Cotton actions are investigated for the Einstein-Hilbert gravity in the second order formalism modified by higher derivative terms, and their consequences on the spectrum of excitations are analyzed. We follow the lines of previous works and build up an orthonormal basis of operators that splits the fundamental fields according to their individual degrees of freedom. With this new basis, the attainment of the propagators is remarkably simplified and the identification of the physical and unphysical modes gets a new insight. Our conclusion is that the only tachyon- and ghost-free model is the Einstein-Hilbert action added up by the Chern-Simons term with a time-like vector of the type vμ=(μ,0⃗)v^{\mu} = (\mu,\vec{0}). Spectral consistency imposes taht the Ricci-Cotton term must be switched off. We then infer that gravity with Lorentz-symmetry violation imposes a drastically different constraint on the background if compared to usual gauge theories whenever conditions for suppression of tachyons and ghosts are required.Comment: 15 pages. It coincides with the version published in Phys. Rev.

    The NESSUS finite element code

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    The objective of this development is to provide a new analysis tool which integrates the structural modeling versatility of a modern finite element code with the latest advances in the area of probabilistic modeling and structural reliability. Version 2.0 of the NESSUS finite element code was released last February, and is currently being exercised on a set of problems which are representative of typical Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) applications. NESSUS 2.0 allows linear elastostatic and eigenvalue analysis of structures with uncertain geometry, material properties and boundary conditions, which are subjected to a random mechanical and thermal loading environment. The NESSUS finite element code is a key component in a broader software system consisting of five major modules. NESSUS/EXPERT is an expert system under development at Southwest Research Institute, with the objective of centralizing all component-specific knowledge useful for conducting probabilistic analysis of typical Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) components. NESSUS/FEM contains the finite element code used for the structural analysis and parameter sensitivity evaluation of these components. The task of parametrizing a finite element mesh in terms of the random variables present is facilitated with the use of the probabilistic data preprocessor in NESSUS/PRE. An external database file is used for managing the bulk of the data generated by NESSUS/FEM

    Axion Like Particles and the Inverse Seesaw Mechanism

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    Light pseudoscalars known as axion like particles (ALPs) may be behind physical phenomena like the Universe transparency to ultra-energetic photons, the soft γ\gamma-ray excess from the Coma cluster, and the 3.5 keV line. We explore the connection of these particles with the inverse seesaw (ISS) mechanism for neutrino mass generation. We propose a very restrictive setting where the scalar field hosting the ALP is also responsible for generating the ISS mass scales through its vacuum expectation value on gravity induced nonrenormalizable operators. A discrete gauge symmetry protects the theory from the appearance of overly strong gravitational effects and discrete anomaly cancellation imposes strong constraints on the order of the group. The anomalous U(1)(1) symmetry leading to the ALP is an extended lepton number and the protective discrete symmetry can be always chosen as a subgroup of a combination of the lepton number and the baryon number.Comment: 29pp. v4: published version with erratum. Conclusions unchange

    The Quest for an Intermediate-Scale Accidental Axion and Further ALPs

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    The recent detection of the cosmic microwave background polarimeter experiment BICEP2 of tensor fluctuations in the B-mode power spectrum basically excludes all plausible axion models where its decay constant is above 101310^{13} GeV. Moreover, there are strong theoretical, astrophysical, and cosmological motivations for models involving, in addition to the axion, also axion-like particles (ALPs), with decay constants in the intermediate scale range, between 10910^9 GeV and 101310^{13} GeV. Here, we present a general analysis of models with an axion and further ALPs and derive bounds on the relative size of the axion and ALP photon (and electron) coupling. We discuss what we can learn from measurements of the axion and ALP photon couplings about the fundamental parameters of the underlying ultraviolet completion of the theory. For the latter we consider extensions of the Standard Model in which the axion and the ALP(s) appear as pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons from the breaking of global chiral U(1)U(1) (Peccei-Quinn (PQ)) symmetries, occuring accidentally as low energy remnants from exact discrete symmetries. In such models, the axion and the further ALP are protected from disastrous explicit symmetry breaking effects due to Planck-scale suppressed operators. The scenarios considered exploit heavy right handed neutrinos getting their mass via PQ symmetry breaking and thus explain the small mass of the active neutrinos via a seesaw relation between the electroweak and an intermediate PQ symmetry breaking scale. We show some models that can accommodate simultaneously an axion dark matter candidate, an ALP explaining the anomalous transparency of the universe for γ\gamma-rays, and an ALP explaining the recently reported 3.55 keV gamma line from galaxies and clusters of galaxies, if the respective decay constants are of intermediate scale.Comment: 43pp, 4 figures. v2: version accepted for publication in JHE
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