5,033 research outputs found

    Seasonal and pandemic influenza: the role of communication and preventive strategies

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    Appropriate, timely, and data-driven health information is a very important issue in preventive strategies against influenza. Intui- tively, a link between willingness to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza and against pandemic influenza exists, given the similarities in decision-making for this vaccine. International and national literature reviews suggest that progress has been made in order to incorporate and disseminate crisis risk communication principles into public health practice, as such investments in public health could be important for building capacity and practice which aid in the realization of countermeasures in response to a future pandemic and epidemic situation. This study emphasizes the lack of perception by Health Care Workers (HCWs) of the importance of being immunized against seasonal and pandemic influenza and the doubts concerning safety. In the future, particular efforts are needed during vaccination campaigns, to provide more information to HCWs and the general population regarding role and safety of such vaccines

    How much do needlestick injuries cost? a systematic review of the economic evaluations of needlestick and sharps injuries among healthcare personnel

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    objective. To provide an overview of the economic aspects of needlestick and sharps injury (NSI) management among healthcare personnel (HCP) within a Health Technology Assessment project to evaluate the impact of safety-engineered devices on health care methods. A systematic review of economic analyses related to NSIs was performed in accordance with the PRISMA statement and by searching PubMed and Scopus databases (January 1997–February 2015). Mean costs were stratified by study approach (modeling or data driven) and type of cost (direct or indirect). Costs were evaluated using the CDC operative definition and converted to 2015 International US dollars (Int).results.Atotalof14studieswereretrieved:8data−drivenstudiesand6modelingstudies.Amongthem,11studiesprovideddirectandindirectcostsand3studiesprovidedonlydirectcosts.Themedianofthemeansforaggregate(direct+indirect)costswasInt). results. A total of 14 studies were retrieved: 8 data-driven studies and 6 modeling studies. Among them, 11 studies provided direct and indirect costs and 3 studies provided only direct costs. The median of the means for aggregate (direct + indirect) costs was Int747 (range, Int199–Int199–Int1,691). The medians of the means for disaggregated costs were Int425(range,Int425 (range, Int48–Int1,516)fordirectcosts(9studies)andInt1,516) for direct costs (9 studies) and Int322 (range, Int152–Int152–Int 413) for indirect costs (6 studies). When compared with data-driven studies, modeling studies had higher disaggregated and aggregated costs, but data-driven studies showed greater variability. Indirect costs were consistent between studies, mostly referring to lost productivity, while direct costs varied widely within and between studies according to source infectivity, HCP susceptibility, and post-exposure diagnostic and prophylactic protocols. Costs of treating infections were not included, and intangible costs could equal those associated with NSI medical evaluations. conclusions. NSIs generate significant direct, indirect, potential, and intangible costs, possibly increasing over time. Economic efforts directed at preventing occupational exposures and infections, including provision of safety-engineered devices, may be offset by the savings from a lower incidence of NSIs

    Comments welcome Argentina’s Financial Crisis: Floating Money, Sinking Banking ⊗ Augusto

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    This paper argues that the relation between the currency board and the financial system—i.e., the link between money and banking—is essential to understand the 2001-02 Argentine crisis. The establishment of the currency board in 1991 helped develop the Argentine financial system. Despite its strengths, the financial system remained vulnerable to real exchange rate misalignments and fiscal shocks. After 1998, Argentina fell into a currencygrowth-debt trap. It tried to break away by focusing on growth, but failed to address the currency and debt components of the trap, dramatically raising uncertainty. This unleashed a depositor run, which lead to the abandonment of the currency board. We argue that an early exit of the currency board into dollarization would have likely prevented the run and substantially lowered the magnitude of the crisis. Dollarization would have preserved property rights and financial intermediation. Moreover, it would not have necessarily implied giving up nominal flexibility altogether, since dollarization could have been followed over time by “pesification at the margin.

    Functional assessment of cancer therapy questionnaire for breast cancer (FACT-B+4): Italian version validation

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    BACKGROUND: Improvements in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment led to an increased incidence of survivors' rate. The healthcare system has to face new problems related not only to the treatment of the disease, but also to the management of the quality of life after the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to validate the Italian version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast (FACT-B+4) questionnaire and to evaluate its reliability. METHODS: The questionnaire was administered twice, with an interval of three days between each administration, to a cohort of women of the Breast Surgical Unit, PoliclincoUmberto I. Cronbach's alpha was used as a measure of the internal consistency of the Italian version. RESULTS: The Italian version of the tool was administered to 55 subjects. The Cronbach's alpha for most scores registered values >0.7, both at baseline and at the follow-up analysis, therefore the subscale showed good internal consistency. CONCLUSIONS: The Italian version of FACT-B+4 demonstrated acceptable reliability properties in the Breast Unit patients. The use of this questionnaire seemed to be effective and in line with the results derived from the English and Spanishversions. Internal consistency and validity had similar performance results

    Reliability and use of Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in italian sample of university professors

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    Academics often have to face with burnout syndrome at work. This cross-sectional study evaluates the reliability of the Italian version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) in a sample of Academics of Sapienza University of Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, through an online questionnaire composed of the CBI, SF12 Health Survey, and Positivity Scale. Univariate, bivariate, multivariate analyses, and Cronbach α coefficients of CBI were performed. Ninety-five participants completed the questionnaire (response rate 85%). Cronbach’s α of the three domains were high (0.892, 0.868, and 0.836). Women, younger and part time professors reported higher score in personal (p = 0.025; 0.060) and work burnout. In multivariate analysis decreasing age (β = −0.263; p = 0.001); being a professor in environmental technicians (β = −0.120; p = 0.098); and low mental (β = −0.263; p = 0.020), physical (β = −0.319; p ≤ 0.001) and positivity scores (β = −0.237; p = 0.031) predict significantly higher personal burnout. Low physical (β = −0.346; p < 0.001) and mental (β = − 0.249; p = 0.013) positivity (β = −0.345; p = 0.001) scores; fewer years of work (β = −0.269; p ≤ 0.001); and being a medical or nursing professor (β = 0.169; p = 0.016) predicts high work burnout. Low MCS predicts a high level of student burnout. Results suggest that the Italian version of the CBI is a reliable instrument. Further research should focus on the prevalence of burnout in academics

    The N-terminal region of the atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 is a key determinant of ligand binding

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    The atypical chemokine receptor, ACKR2 is a pivotal regulator of chemokine-driven inflammatory responses and works by binding, internalizing, and degrading inflammatory CC-chemokines. ACKR2 displays promiscuity of ligand binding and is capable of interacting with up to 14 different inflammatory CC-chemokines. Despite its prominent biological role, little is known about the structure/function relationship within ACKR2, which regulates ligand binding. Here we demonstrate that a conserved tyrosine motif at the N terminus of ACKR2 is essential for ligand binding, internalization, and scavenging. In addition we demonstrate that sulfation of this motif contributes to ligand internalization. Furthermore, a peptide derived from this region is capable of binding inflammatory chemokines and inhibits their interaction with their cognate signaling receptors. Importantly, the peptide is only active in the sulfated form, further confirming the importance of the sulfated tyrosines for function. Finally, we demonstrate that the bacterial protease, staphopain A, can cleave the N terminus of ACKR2 and suppress its ligand internalization activity. Overall, these results shed new light on the nature of the structural motifs in ACKR2 that are responsible for ligand binding. The study also highlights ACKR2-derived N-terminal peptides as being of potential therapeutic significance

    Knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and training needs of ICU nurses on medication errors in the use of IV drugs: a pilot study

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    Background. Prior studies have shown that lack of knowledge and training, incorrect behaviours and attitudes put Intensive care unit (ICU) patients at risk. The aim of this study was to assess knowledge, attitudes and professional behaviour of Italian nurses towards preparation and administration of intravenous medications in ICUs. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were assessed as well. Methods. A survey was conducted on a sample of Italian nurses in 2015 through a self-administered questionnaire. Reliability was tested and content validity was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha. Multiple logistic regression models were built to identify predictors of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Results. In total, 123 nurses completed the questionnaire. For the variable ‘adequate knowledge’ nurses were divided in those who had correctly answered 7 of 8 questions on knowledge and everyone else, while for ‘attitudes and professional behaviour’ responders were grouped into those who showed a positive attitude and appropriate behaviour and everyone else. Results of the multiple logistic regression analyses show some association, although not statistically significant, between correct behaviour, positive attitudes and the years of work experience. It is interesting to note that appropriate knowledge weighs negatively on correct behaviour (OR 0.06, 95% CI 0.04-0.42). Moreover, graduate nurses have more appropriate knowledge than those who are not. A high level of interest for specific training was reported by almost all responders. Cronbach’s alpha for all three sections together resulted in a value of 0.49. Conclusions.This pilot study demonstrated the need to amend the questionnaire, especially the knowledge and behaviour sections, in which the Cronbach’s alpha was less than 0.7. Targeted educational programs are needed to improve the expertise of nurses to reduce medication errors during preparation and administration of IV medications in the ICU
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