3,842 research outputs found

    Michel Corajoud and Parc Départemental du Sausset

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    Among the many significant contributions France has made to contemporary landscape architecture, Michel Corajoud counts as one of the towering figures and his Parc Départemental du Sausset as one of the great park visions of the 1980s. In France, and beyond, Corajoud has emerged as one of the protagonists of the great era that this decade has come to be considered in landscape architecture. He was the primary promoter of teaching landscape in France, the creator of the first landscape architecture school (ENSP at Versailles), a visionary and able designer of large projects. If Parc de la Villette can be considered the most significant project of this period, in terms of innovation of public open spaces, Parc Départemental du Sausset is, for its large and complex vision, an exemplary model of a periurban park that combines rural fringe, suburban settlements, and urban infrastructure with an ecological sensitivity that had not previously been envisioned in other parks. Sausset is a project that works on all scales of the landscape, from the garden to the natural park, and to agriculturalfields. It makes multiple references to French landscape history. It presents itself as an ever-changing place, where landscape processes, with their evolutionary dynamics, can be perceived and witnessed by its users. Above all, Sausset is a park that successfully defines the philosophical dialectics between modernity and post-modernity by expressing a tension between innovation and the revival of a strong tradition

    Esercizi felici in un giardino

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    Articolo sul quotidiano Il Manifesto sulla manifestazione internazionale "il Paesaggio come Sfida"

    Isabella Pezzini. Introduzione a Barthes

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    Il saggio, a partire dall'analisi del volume di I. Pezzini, ricolloca la figura di R. Barthes nel campo delle riflessioni tra creatività progettuale e ruolo dei segni

    Inverted perovskite solar cells with transparent hole transporting layer based on semiconducting nickel oxide

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    Perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) solar cells (PSCs) were produced in the inverted architecture employing transparent nickel oxide (NiO) as hole transporting layer (HTL). The different functional layers of the photoconversion device were solution processed in ambient conditions the HTL of NiO being prepared via sol-gel and successively deposited by spin-coating. The conditions of preparation of the transparent HTL were optimized through the stabilization of the nickel-containing sol with bulky alcohols and strong inorganic acids. The photoactive layer of CH3NH3PbI3 was deposited in air at high relative humidity (ca. 50-60%). The electron selective contact was constituted by spin coated 3H-cyclopropa[1,9] [5,6]fullerene-C60-Ih-3'-butanoic acid 3'-phenyl methyl ester (PCBM) with solution processed 2,9-Dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (bathocuproine, BCP) as interlayer. The deposition of CH3NH3PbI3 in ambient conditions as well as the processing of the BCP interlayer from solution simplified enormously the entire procedure of device fabrication. The largest value of photoconversion efficiency (PCE) we achieved with the inverted architecture photocells was 14 % with an average PCE of 12 %. The solar cells displayed an hysteresis-free behavior with excellent time stability of the maximum power output

    Re-Inventing Water–Ground Relations in Landscape Architecture Projects

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    Contributo sul ruolo del rapporto acqua/suolo in progetti di architettura del paesaggio, attraverso tre casi studio significativ

    Collapse displacements for a mechanism of spreading-induced supports in a masonry arch

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    Masonry arch systems and vaulted structures constitute a structural typology widely spread in the historical building heritage. Small displacements of the supports, due to different causes, among which subsidence of foundation systems or movements of underlying structures can lead the masonry arch to a condition of collapse because of gradual change in its geometry. This paper presents a tool, based on a kinematic approach, for the computation of the magnitude of the displacements that cause the collapse of circular arches subject to dead loads, and allows the evaluation of the related thrust value. A parametric study has been carried out in order to develop a deeper understanding of the influence of the involved parameters. In addition, analytic formulations of the maximum allowed displacement and the associated thrust are proposed. Finally, a case study related to the behavior of a masonry arch on spreading-induced abutments is undertaken and discussed

    Le professioni del paesaggista

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    Collocato all’interno di un numero monografico dedicato all’architettura del paesaggio che ha raccolto contributi a livello nazionale volti ad una verifica dello stato dell’arte della disciplina a cinque anni dall’istituzione dei corsi di architettura del paesaggio, il saggio ha come oggetto un’analisi della figura del paesaggista e del progetto di paesaggio nella contemporaneità, in termini di ambiti d’azione, competenze e ruolo nei processi di trasformazione. Dal quadro internazionale di interventi degli anni 70 e 80, nel quale alcune realizzazioni si ponevano quasi come interventi pilota del tutto innovativi, al quadro attuale, dal quale emerge quanto la disciplina interessi un insieme complesso che coniuga aggiornamenti alla contemporaneità degli ambiti di intervento tradizionali, il giardino, il parco, affianco ad un’ampia gamma di nuove richieste, che vanno da tutta la gamma di applicazione della riqualificazione ambientale, alle componenti dello spazio pubblico urbano, fino alle applicazioni tecnologiche innovative dell’interfaccia fisico tra materiali del paesaggio e architettura e ad una ritrovata relazione con i processi artistici. Da ciò discende anche il ridisegno delle sue conoscenze teoriche e delle strumentazioni del paesaggista, che ne amplifica sempre di più il profilo multidisciplinar

    Giardini d'acqua

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    L’articolo riguarda gli esiti di una prima riflessione di ricerca sul tema del rapporto acqua – paesaggio urbano. A partire dai fenomeni di diffusione di ampi processi di riqualificazione urbana che molte città occidentali hanno affrontato negli ultimi decenni, l’articolo di interroga sulle ragioni della diffusione sempre più ampia di progetti di elementi e sistemi d’acqua, come momento focale di valorizzazione degli spazi. Con una forte semplificazione potremmo dire che nel progetto di paesaggio sono tre gli aspetti che maggiormente sono rappresentati attraverso il ruolo dell’acqua: la struttura originaria del paesaggio e la sua sopravvivenza, la sua presenza e percorso nel territorio, il contatto diretto con l’uomo, attraverso la spettacolarizzazione e l’artificio

    Imaging follow-up after liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation (LT) represents the best treatment for end-stage chronic liver disease, acute liver failure and early stages of hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiologists should be aware of surgical techniques to distinguish a normal appearance from pathological findings. Imaging modalities, such as ultrasound, CT and MR, provide for rapid and reliable detection of vascular and biliary complications after LT. The role of imaging in the evaluation of rejection and primary graft dysfunction is less defined. This article illustrates the main surgical anastomoses during LT, the normal appearance and complications of the liver parenchyma and vascular and biliary structures.Liver transplantation (LT) represents the best treatment for end-stage chronic liver disease, acute liver failure and early stages of hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiologists should be aware of surgical techniques to distinguish a normal appearance from pathological findings. Imaging modalities, such as ultrasound, CT and MR, provide for rapid and reliable detection of vascular and biliary complications after LT. The role of imaging in the evaluation of rejection and primary graft dysfunction is less defined. This article illustrates the main surgical anastomoses during LT, the normal appearance and complications of the liver parenchyma and vascular and biliary structures

    Comporre un paesaggio

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    Relazione integrale di progetto presentato al concorso internazionale "Progetti per la Grande Villa Adriana
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