3,084 research outputs found


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    Este artigo explora as maneiras pelas quais o design influencia as perceções e ações de estudantes e professores em cinco escolas secundárias do Reino Unido. O entendimento das diferentes práticas desenvolvidas nessas escolas vai além das típicas Avaliações Pós Ocupação (Post Occupancy Evaluations) que enfocam aspectos ambientais, como a aústica, a iluminação e a temperatura, usam métodos quantitativos e frequentemente deixam de explorar a forma como os diferentes fatores ambientais interagem com os usuários, ao longo do tempo time (HYGGE, 2003; GALASIU e VEITCH, 2006; SHAUGHNESSY et al., 2006; WINTERBOTTOM e WILKINS, 2009). Também ocorre uma falta de atenção em relação às maneiras como os processos de ocupação podem modelar as experiências em tais espaços (STABLES, LEAROYD-SMITH, DANIELS e TSE, 2014). A investigação envolveu estudos de casos que objetivavam documentar uma série de assuntos chave discutidos pelos professores e estudantes em cada uma dessas escolas. Os achados contribuem para o desenvolvimento de um entendimento mais holístico sobre as formas como o design pode contribuir para o processo de transformação pedagógica. Argumentamos que os espaços que são projetados para formas específicas de abordagem de ensino e aprendizagem podem ser transformados quando tais espaços são usados na prática (DANIELS et al., 2017 no prelo). Temos evidências de que mudanças subsequentes em termos de liderança frequentemente envolvem modificações adicionais dos espaços e das práticas de ensino e aprendizagem. Neste artigo, acrescentamos a ideia de que essas mudanças têm consequências para a experiência cotidiana de escolarização, como foi evidenciado nos comentários e nas ações dos professors e alunos. Esses aspectos são de particular importância neste momento. O Gabinete Nacional de Auditoria (The National Audit Office) (2017) chamou a atenção para o estado lamentável das construções que abrigam as escolas públicas. Apontou três preocupações: a condição dos prédios, a demanda crescente de vagas e os problemas relativos à entrega de projetos capitais. Fica claro que necessitamos aprender com as experiências e os resultados de abordagens recentes relativas ao design e à construção de novas escolas. Como o Departamento reconhece, desafios significativos permanecem. Espera-se que a condição das escolas piore na medida em que construções em estado ruim, mas não o pior possível, se deteriorem ainda mais. O número de estudantes continua a crecer e as demandas por vagas está voltada para as escolas secundárias, onde tais vagas são de provisão mais complexa e dispendiosa. O Departamento, as autoridades locais e as escolas necessitarão attender essas demandas em um momento em que sua capacidade de realizar programas capitais sofre pressão crescente decorrente da escassez de receita orcamentária

    Teaching Ethics in Public Administration.

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    James, Christine (2016). Teaching Ethics in Public Administration. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration Public Policy, and Governance. 1 electronic record (PDF).The teaching of ethics in public administration is afield that has grown considerably over the last 40 years. This is because of concerns within educational institutions that offer the Masters in Public Administration (MPA) and Doctor of PublicAdministration (DPA) graduate degrees, as well as the belief that citizens beyond the profession hold that public administrators must be account-able, must act in ways that are transparent and public, and must keep to a high standard of ethical behavior. To this end, professional organizations like the National Association of Schools of Public. Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) have asserted the importance of ethics in the pedagogical structures of MPA, DPA, and PhD programs,and a large number of philosophy and political science departments offer undergraduate applied ethics courses on Ethics in Public Administration and Ethics in Public Policy. There are a variety of specific areas to consider: the student audience,the ethical theories and values that are included,and the case studies or dilemmas that students use to practice their decision-making methods and keeping the course relevant and current to the professional life of public administrators currently working in the field. Courses in ethics in public administration are frequently the first step to a broader sense of professionalization for the student, as well as an opportunity to address a deeper set of values and concerns beyond administrative or bureaucratic procedures

    Costs of early detection systems for epidemic malaria in highland areas of Kenya and Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria epidemics cause substantial morbidity and mortality in highland areas of Africa. The costs of detecting and controlling these epidemics have not been explored adequately in the past. This study presents the costs of establishing and running an early detection system (EDS) for epidemic malaria in four districts in the highlands of Kenya and Uganda. METHODS: An economic costing was carried out from the health service provider's perspective in both countries. Staff time for data entry and processing, as well as supervising and coordinating EDS activities at district and national levels was recorded and associated opportunity costs estimated. A threshold analysis was carried out to determine the number of DALYs or deaths that would need to be averted in order for the EDS to be considered cost-effective. RESULTS: The total costs of the EDS per district per year ranged between US$ 14,439 and 15,512. Salaries were identified as major cost-drivers, although their relative contribution to overall costs varied by country. Costs of relaying surveillance data between facilities and district offices (typically by hand) were also substantial. Data from Uganda indicated that 4% or more of overall costs could potentially be saved by switching to data transfer via mobile phones. Based on commonly used thresholds, 96 DALYs in Uganda and 103 DALYs in Kenya would need to be averted annually in each district for the EDS to be considered cost-effective. CONCLUSION: Results from this analysis suggest that EDS are likely to be cost-effective. Further studies that include the costs and effects of the health systems' reaction prompted by EDS will need to be undertaken in order to obtain comprehensive cost-effectiveness estimates

    The role of rigidity in adaptive and maladaptive families assessed by FACES IV: the points of view of adolescents

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    Previous studies using Olson’s Circumplex Model and FACES IV, the self-report assessing family functioning, did not clarify the role of rigidity, a dimension of this model. Rigidity emerged as ambiguous: it was considered either as a functional or as a dysfunctional dimension. Building upon the results of previous studies, we provided a contribution intended to disambiguate the role of rigidity considering adolescents’ perceptions and using a non-a priori classification analysis. 320 Italian adolescents (13–21 years) participated in this study and responded to a questionnaire containing scales of the study variables. A latent class analysis was performed to identify the association of rigidity with the other dimensions of Olson’s model and with indicators of adaptive family functioning in adolescence: parental monitoring and family satisfaction. We found six clusters corresponding to family typologies and having different levels of functioning. Rigidity emerged as adaptive in the typologies named rigidly balanced and flexibly oscillating; it was associated with positive dimensions of family functioning, i.e. flexibility, cohesion, parental monitoring, and high levels of family satisfaction. Differently, when rigidity was associated with disengagement, low cohesion and flexibility, and lack of parental supervision, emerged as maladaptive. This was the case of two typologies: the rigidly disengaged and the chaotically disengaged. Adolescents of these families reported the lowest levels of satisfaction. In the two last typologies, the flexibly chaotic and the cohesively disorganized, rigidity indicated a mid-range functionality as these families were characterized by emotional connectedness but lack of containment. Clinical implications are discussed

    Determination of boron in serum, plasma and urine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Use of mannitol-ammonia as diluent and for eliminating memory effect

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    A rapid and accurate method has been developed for the determination of boron in serum, plasma and urine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The memory effects of B were examined using different diluents/rinse solutions, including water, nitric acid, Triton X-100, ammonia and mannitol in water, in nitric acid and in ammonia. A combination of ammonia with mannitol, as both diluent and flush solution, gave the best precision, the minimum memory effect and the lowest background. A sample dilution of 20-fold was simply made for serum and plasma and 100-fold for urine for determination with a single calibration curve. Beryllium was employed as the internal standard to control matrix effects and to compensate for possible fluctuation and instrument drift. The isotope B-10(+) was utilised to avoid spectral overlap by the intense C-12(+) isotope. The final solution of blank, standards and samples contained 0.25% w/v mannitol, 0.1 M ammonia and 20 ng ml(-1) of Be. Six samples, including human and horse serum, human and horse plasma, and human urine, were analysed to test the reliability of the method. A limit of detection (3 sigma) of 0.015 ng ml(-1) was obtained and the recoveries of spiked boron (two spiking levels for each matrix) from the selected samples ranged from 98% to 104%. Much higher concentrations of B in urine (approximate to 1 mu g ml(-1)) were found compared to those in serum and plasma samples (32.8-61.1 ng ml(-1))

    Cmr1/WDR76 defines a nuclear genotoxic stress body linking genome integrity and protein quality control

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    DNA replication stress is a source of genomic instability. Here we identify ​changed mutation rate 1 (​Cmr1) as a factor involved in the response to DNA replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and show that ​Cmr1—together with ​Mrc1/​Claspin, ​Pph3, the chaperonin containing ​TCP1 (CCT) and 25 other proteins—define a novel intranuclear quality control compartment (INQ) that sequesters misfolded, ubiquitylated and sumoylated proteins in response to genotoxic stress. The diversity of proteins that localize to INQ indicates that other biological processes such as cell cycle progression, chromatin and mitotic spindle organization may also be regulated through INQ. Similar to ​Cmr1, its human orthologue ​WDR76 responds to proteasome inhibition and DNA damage by relocalizing to nuclear foci and physically associating with CCT, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved biological function. We propose that ​Cmr1/​WDR76 plays a role in the recovery from genotoxic stress through regulation of the turnover of sumoylated and phosphorylated proteins

    Lead and Cadmium Levels and Balance and Vestibular Dysfunction among Adult Participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2004

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    Background: Few studies have been conducted to identify risk factors for balance and vestibular dysfunction in general populations, but previous studies have reported evidence of adverse effects of lead and cadmium on balance control in high-risk groups