428 research outputs found

    Ramos do Cooperativismo: cenário da região centro oeste do Brasil.

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    O cooperativismo é um modelo econômico com características próprias, baseado em princípios definidos pela Aliança Cooperativa Internacional - ACI. Está presente no Brasil desde o final do século XIX, contemplando hoje seus diferentes ramos, e em todos os Estados brasileiros e Distrito Federal. Na região centro oeste do país, temos hoje 575 cooperativas ativas, sendo 178 do ramo agropecuário, em Mato Grosso do Sul das 71 cooperativas, 26 são deste ramo. O desenvolvimento de forma sustentável é um desafio para as instituições e governos, assim, devido a sua natureza, o cooperativismo pode ser uma alternativa de promover o crescimento da economia, o desenvolvimento local de maneira sustentável? O que percebemos é que o crescente número de negócios de natureza cooperativa que vêm se firmando no país pode ser um sinal de que o caminho para alcançar tal desenvolvimento foi encontrado, uma vez que a maior parte das cooperativas do país já existem a mais de 20 anos, algumas mais de 40 demonstrando a solidez e sustentabilidade do negócio. Também evidenciando que ainda há espaço para crescimento.Anais do VI EIGEDIN

    Agricultura e inovação: estudo sobre a viabilidade de uso do 'pó de rocha' em sistemas de produção agrícola.

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    O uso dos chamados remineralizadores de solo, "pó de rocha" (rochagem / ?rocks-for-crops?), é uma técnica que vem se expandindo com o passar dos anos. O trabalho visa observar o comportamento das culturas anuais de soja e milho durante três safras consecutivas, utilizando pó de rocha (remineralizador), como fonte principal da adubação verificando viabilidade econômica e técnica de uso da técnica. O projeto está sendo conduzido na Fazenda Campanário município de Itaquiraí, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, a partir da safra de soja 2018/2019. São três tratamentos sendo T1, utilizando adubo químico solúvel na base de plantio, T2 e T3 utilizando 12 e 6 toneladas de pó de rocha de origem basáltica respectivamente, 30 dias após o plantio. O acompanhamento da área para tomada dos dados e observações é semanal, com visitas in loco, tendo maior frequência a partir do período de implantação da cultura até sua colheita. Foram coletadas informações como: datas de plantio, emergência e colheita da cultura Tipos de manejos efetuados para o controle das pragas, doenças e plantas invasoras. A coleta do solo para análise é realizada depois da retirada de cada cultura. Análises foliares são realizadas durante o desenvolvimento da cultura.EIGEDIN 2019

    Collective oscillations of a 1D trapped Bose gas

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    Starting from the hydrodynamic equations of superfluids, we calculate the frequencies of the collective oscillations of a harmonically trapped Bose gas for various 1D configurations. These include the mean field regime described by Gross-Pitaevskii theory and the beyond mean field regime at small densities described by Lieb-Liniger theory. The relevant combinations of the physical parameters governing the transition between the different regimes are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Non-equilibrium coherence dynamics in one-dimensional Bose gases

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    Low-dimensional systems are beautiful examples of many-body quantum physics. For one-dimensional systems the Luttinger liquid approach provides insight into universal properties. Much is known of the equilibrium state, both in the weakly and strongly interacting regime. However, it remains a challenge to probe the dynamics by which this equilibrium state is reached. Here we present a direct experimental study of the coherence dynamics in both isolated and coupled degenerate 1d Bose gases. Dynamic splitting is used to create two 1d systems in a phase coherent state. The time evolution of the coherence is revealed in local phase shifts of the subsequently observed interference patterns. Completely isolated 1d Bose gases are observed to exhibit a universal sub-exponential coherence decay in excellent agreement with recent predictions by Burkov et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 200404 (2007)]. For two coupled 1d Bose gases the coherence factor is observed to approach a non-zero equilibrium value as predicted by a Bogoliubov approach. This coupled-system decay to finite coherence is the matter wave equivalent of phase locking two lasers by injection. The non-equilibrium dynamics of superfluids plays an important role in a wide range of physical systems, such as superconductors, quantum-Hall systems, superfluid Helium, and spin systems. Our experiments studying coherence dynamics show that 1d Bose gases are ideally suited for investigating this class of phenomena.Comment: to appear in natur

    Going to Any Lengths: Solving for Fault Size and Fractal Slip for the 2016, Mw 6.2 Central Tottori Earthquake, Japan, Using a Transdimensional Inversion Scheme

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    Many earthquake properties, including slip, show self‐similar (fractal) features. We can incorporate self‐similarity into Bayesian slip inversions via von Karman correlation, so that the regularization applied is representative of observed fault features. In von Karman regularization, each slip patch has a relationship to every other patch. This means that von Karman regularization only has meaning when applied to patches that actually slipped; if applied to nonslipping patches, spurious slip can be added to meet the von Karman correlation criteria. Additionally, the fault size, usually chosen in advance, also affects the von Karman correlation lengths meaning that the final slip solution may be biased by initial geometry choices. Here we present a method for solving for the size of the fault plane during the slip inversion process, as well as slip, rake, and a hyperparameter controlling slip variance. We use a transdimensional Bayesian inversion scheme constrained by geodetic surface displacements and regularized using von Karman correlation. We use circular harmonics to solve for the size of the slipping area, to allow for a complex shape that is connected and continuous across the fault. We apply this method to the 2016 Mw 6.2 Central Tottori earthquake, Japan, constrained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar InSAR (Sentinel‐1 and ALOS‐2) and Global Navigation Satellite System data (GNSS). We find an area of slip extending from approximately 2‐ to 10‐km depth, with the slipping area elongated in the downdip direction. In contrast to some seismic studies, we find slip ruptured most of the seismogenic layer

    Low-dimensional Bose gases

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    We present an improved many-body T-matrix theory for partially Bose-Einstein condensed atomic gases by treating the phase fluctuations exactly. The resulting mean-field theory is valid in arbitrary dimensions and able to describe the low-temperature crossover between three, two and one-dimensional Bose gases. When applied to a degenerate two-dimensional atomic hydrogen gas, we obtain a reduction of the three-body recombination rate which compares favorably with experiment. Supplementing the mean-field theory with a renormalization-group approach to treat the critical fluctuations, we also incorporate into the theory the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition that occurs in a homogeneous Bose gas in two dimensions. In particular, we calculate the critical conditions for the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition as a function of the microscopic parameters of the theory. The proposed theory is further applied to a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas, where we find good agreement with exact numerical results obtained by solving a nonlinear Langevin field equation.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, revte

    Dimensional and Temperature Crossover in Trapped Bose Gases

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    We investigate the long-range phase coherence of homogeneous and trapped Bose gases as a function of the geometry of the trap, the temperature, and the mean-field interactions in the weakly interacting limit. We explicitly take into account the (quasi)condensate depletion due to quantum and thermal fluctuations, i.e., we include the effects of both phase and density fluctuations. In particular, we determine the phase diagram of the gas by calculating the off-diagonal one-particle density matrix and discuss the various crossovers that occur in this phase diagram and the feasibility of their experimental observation in trapped Bose gases.Comment: One figure added, typos corrected, refernces adde

    Pseudopotential model of ultracold atomic collisions in quasi-one- and two-dimensional traps

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    We describe a model for s-wave collisions between ground state atoms in optical lattices, considering especially the limits of quasi-one and two dimensional axisymmetric harmonic confinement. When the atomic interactions are modelled by an s-wave Fermi-pseudopotential, the relative motion energy eigenvalues can easily be obtained. The results show that except for a bound state, the trap eigenvalues are consistent with one- and two- dimensional scattering with renormalized scattering amplitudes. For absolute scattering lengths large compared with the tightest trap width, our model predicts a novel bound state of low energy and nearly-isotropic wavefunction extending on the order of the tightest trap width.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Extension of Bogoliubov theory to quasi-condensates

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    We present an extension of the well-known Bogoliubov theory to treat low dimensional degenerate Bose gases in the limit of weak interactions and low density fluctuations. We use a density-phase representation and show that a precise definition of the phase operator requires a space discretisation in cells of size ll. We perform a systematic expansion of the Hamiltonian in terms of two small parameters, the relative density fluctuations inside a cell and the phase change over a cell. The resulting macroscopic observables can be computed in one, two and three dimensions with no ultraviolet or infrared divergence. Furthermore this approach exactly matches Bogoliubov's approach when there is a true condensate. We give the resulting expressions for the equation of state of the gas, the ground state energy, the first order and second order correlations functions of the field. Explicit calculations are done for homogeneous systems.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures; typos corrected in revised versio

    Density correlations and dynamical Casimir emission of Bogoliubov phonons in modulated atomic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present a theory of the density correlations that appear in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate as a consequence of the dynamical Casimir emission of pairs of Bogoliubov phonons when the atom-atom scattering length is modulated in time. Different regimes as a function of the temporal shape of the modulation are identified and a simple physical picture of the phenomenon is discussed. Analytical expressions for the density correlation function are provided for the most significant limiting cases. This theory is able to explain some unexpected features recently observed in numerical calculations of Hawking radiation from analog black holes