33 research outputs found

    Exploring dynamic lighting, colour and form with smart textiles

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    This paper addresses an ongoing research, aiming at the development of smart textiles that transform the incident light that passes through them – light transmittance – to design dynamic light without acting upon the light source. A colour and shape change prototype was developed with the objective of studying textile changes in time; to explore temperature as a dynamic variable through electrical activation of the smart materials and conductive threads integrated in the textile substrate; and to analyse the relation between textile chromic and morphologic behaviour in interaction with light. Based on the experiments conducted, results have highlighted some considerations of the dynamic parameters involved in the behaviour of thermo-responsive textiles and demonstrated design possibilities to create interactive lighting scenarios.This work is supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors – COMPETE and National Funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the projects SFRH/BD/87196/2012, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136 and UID/CTM/00264. The authors also like to acknowledge Smart Textiles Design Lab for the support on the prototype development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    RessecÔes hepåticas por videolaparoscopia Current status of laparoscopic liver resections

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    INTRODUÇÃO: As ressecçÔes hepĂĄticas representam umas das Ășltimas fronteiras vencidas pela cirurgia videolaparoscĂłpica. Apesar da complexidade do procedimento, da demanda de grande incorporação de tecnologia e necessidade de experiĂȘncia em cirurgia hepĂĄtica e laparoscĂłpica, a indicação do mĂ©todo tem crescido de forma expressiva nos Ășltimos anos. OBJETIVO: Realizar anĂĄlise crĂ­tica do mĂ©todo, baseada nos trabalhos existentes na literatura, ressaltando o estado atual de suas indicaçÔes, exequibilidade, segurança, resultados e aspectos tĂ©cnicos primordiais. MÉTODO: Foram identificados e analisados os trabalhos pertinentes nas bases de dados LILACS e PUBMED atĂ© dezembro de 2009, utilizando-se os descritores "liver resection", "laparoscopic" e "liver surgery". NĂŁo foram encontrados trabalhos prospectivos e randomizados sobre o tema, sendo os dados disponĂ­veis provenientes de sĂ©rie de casos, estudos caso-controle e alguns estudos multicĂȘntricos e metanĂĄlises. CONCLUSÃO: A hepatectomia por videolaparoscopia Ă© hoje operação segura e factĂ­vel, mesmo para as ressecçÔes hepĂĄticas maiores, com baixo Ă­ndice de morbimortalidade. O mĂ©todo pode ser utilizado para lesĂ”es malignas sem prejuĂ­zo dos princĂ­pios oncolĂłgicos e com vantagens nos pacientes com cirrose ou disfunção hepĂĄtica. A melhor indicação recai sobre as lesĂ”es benignas, em especial o adenoma hepatocelular. Em mĂŁos experientes e casos selecionados, como as lesĂ”es benignas localizadas nos segmentos anterolaterais hepĂĄticos, principalmente no segmento lateral esquerdo, a ressecção videolaparoscĂłpica pode ser considerada hoje como tratamento padrĂŁo.<br>INTRODUCTION: Hepatic resection is the last frontier to be surpassed by laparoscopic surgery. Although a highly complex procedure, the need of advanced technology and experience in both laparoscopic and hepatic surgery, the indications and number of cases done worldwide had a major growth in the last few years. AIM: Critically analyze the technique, based on published articles and acquired experience with more than 50 laparoscopic hepatic resections. Indications, feasibility, safety, and basic technical aspects are outlined. METHODS: Original published studies were identified by searching the Lilacs and Medline databases (up to December 2009) using the keywords "liver resection", "laparoscopic" and "liver surgery". It was not found any prospective randomized trial, so all data came from case series, case-control studies, and meta-analysis. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic liver resection is safe and feasible even for major resections, with low morbidity and mortality rates. Laparoscopic approach is considered to be oncologically similar to its open counterpart and may have some advantage in cirrhotic patients. Benign lesions, especially hepatocellular adenoma, remains the best indication. In experienced centers the laparoscopic approach may be considered the standard of care for benign antero-lateral located lesions, and for left lateral sectorectomy