40 research outputs found

    Pemidanaan Dibawah Ancaman Minimal Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Cibinong No. 687/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Cbi Jo Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Bandung No.97/PID/2018/PT.BDG Jo Putusan No. 1413 K/Pid.Sus/2018)

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    Dalam skripsi ini Penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif (legal research). Menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang (statue approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case study). Tujuan dari skripsi ini ialah untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pidana penjara selama 2 (dua) thun terhadap terdakwa. Bahwa berdasarkan Putusan No. 1413 K/Pid.Sus/2018 menyatakan bahwa terdakwa dijatuhi sanksi pidana selam 2 (dua) tahun dan sanksi denda sebesar Rp 120.000.000 (seratus dua puluh juta rupiah), dengn ketentuan apabila pidana denda tersebut tidak dibayar, maka diganti dengan pidana kurungan selama 3 (tiga) bulan. Bahwa dengan menjatuhkan sanki pidana selama 2 (dua) tahun kepada terdakwa sangat bertentangan dengan Pasal 2 ayat (1) UU RI No 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang, teori keadilan bermartabat, asas kepastian hukum, keadilan vindikatif, teori ratio decindendi

    13-Desmethyl Rhodopsin and 13-Desmethyl Isorhodopsin: Visual Pigment Analogues

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    An exploration of the factors influencing the success and failure of rural micro-business in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands

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    RESEARCH QUESTIONS Main questions: How do the challenges and opportunities that face rural micro-businesses in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands, influence their performance and longevity? Sub-questions: 1. How do these challenges inhibit the growth of rural micro-business? 2. How do these opportunities stimulate the growth of rural micro-business? ABSTRACT In both developed and developing countries, SMEs are the driving forces in job creation and revenue growth. This means that the SME sector is a significant contributor to developing a country's socio-economic status. This research explores current and former local business owners' experience regarding the challenges and opportunities that affect their rural micro-businesses’ success or failure in Northeast Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. A case study approach using semi-structured interviews was employed to generate an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of factors affecting rural businesses in their real-life situation. Data analysis followed a thematic analysis using coding techniques to generate themes. The research findings indicated that the main reasons for rural business owners in Northeast Choiseul to operate their businesses is to support their family's wellbeing, rural peoples' livelihoods, and to support their children's education. The study also found that the main constraints facing these businesses was unreliable shipping services, poor telecommunication, and the kaon(loan or debt) system. The study further revealed that factors such as lack of working capital, kaon (debt) system, and the influence of local culture contribute to rural businesses' failure. Contrastingly, the study showed that factors such as past working experience, customer relationship, marketing (location), and social business network contribute to the success of rural businesses. The interpretation drawn here is that operating a micro-business is one of the primary sources of income for the people of Choiseul, and that there is a need to support the growth of such small-scale businesses. The research therefore recommends that relevant authorities need to assist rural business owners to improve their business performance and longevity

    Penerapan Multimedia Journalism: Studi Kasus pada Proses Pembuatan Infografik Katadata

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    Infografis merupakan salah satu format pemberitaan yang digunakan media untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak. Salah satu media yang menggunakan pemberitaan infografik ini adalah Katadata. Berbeda dengan media lain yang juga menggunakan infografis dalam pemberitaannya, Katadata merupakan media yang sejak lahir sudah berfokus pada pemberitaan jurnalisme data. Untuk mempelajari proses produksi infografik pada media Katadata ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep dan teori berupa Message-Design Logic, Multimedia Journalism, Data Journalism, serta Infografis. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian studi kasus ini ada tiga. Pertama, proses produksi infografis di Katadata melewati banyak tahapan, mulai dari pengumpulan ide, analisis data, editing, hingga akhirnya bisa dipublikasikan. Peneliti meyakini bahwa proses pengumpulan ide yang paling penting. Dalam tahapan ini Katadata memperhatikan isu-isu yang sedang hangat maupun informasi-informasi yang dianggap penting untuk diketahui oleh masyarakat, dan ada atau tidaknya nilai berita. Kedua, media Katadata secara konsisten selalu menjalankan riset dan koreksi data. Seluruh proses ini digunakan untuk melihat kredibilitas data mengenai informasi yang akan dibuat menjadi infografis. Ketiga, Katadata secara konsisten selalu mengulas kembali hasil infografis yang dibuatnya. Ini merupakan tahap terakhir dari pembuatan infografis, di mana media Katadata akan mengevaluasi infografis yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya, yakni; Keep it simple, teks/foto/grafis/angka harus mudah dibaca dan kontras dengan warna latar belakang, serta alur informasi harus sederhana

    Identification, physical map location and sequence of the den V

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    Structure/function analysis of the Ala116-->Lys121 region of endonuclease V by random targeted mutagenesis.

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    Endonuclease V is the product of the denV gene of bacteriophage T4 and is responsible for the recognition and repair of pyrimidine dimers due to UV irradiation of DNA. This is accomplished by a two-step mechanism involving incision at the site of the lesion followed by cleavage of the phosphate backbone. In order to better understand this molecule, and to validate our new mutagenesis procedure, we have constructed a series of random mutations within the region Ala116-->Lys121 using a random targeted mutagenesis procedure developed for this study. The results presented here suggest an important role for this region in the stabilization of the thymine dimer-containing substrate. These mutants also confirm a direct correlation between survival and both DNA binding and pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase activity. No such correlation exists between survival and AP lyase activity. The results are consistent with the recently published X-ray crystal structure