15 research outputs found

    Sebaceous adenitis in Swedish dogs, a retrospective study of 104 cases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sebaceous adenitis (SA) is an uncommon, immune mediated skin disease in dogs. The aim was to retrospectively investigate SA in dogs in Sweden with respect to breed, sex and age distribution. A second aim was to retrospectively compare clinical signs in dogs with generalized SA and to estimate the survival after diagnosis in the English springer spaniel, standard poodle and the akita.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In total 34 Swedish veterinarians contributed with 104 clinically and histologically verified SA cases. Breed, gender and age at diagnosis were registered for each case. The degree of clinical signs at time for diagnosis and at follow-up and information about treatments, concurrent diseases and euthanasia were recorded for the springer spaniels, standard poodles and akitas using a standardized questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 104 cases of SA were included; most cases were recorded for the springer spaniel (n = 25), standard poodle (n = 21) and the akita (n = 10). These three breeds, together with the lhasa apso and the chow-chow, were the most common when national registry data from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and Swedish Kennel Club were considered. The mean age at diagnosis was 4.8 years. The proportion of males was 61%. When the springer spaniels, standard poodles and the akitas with generalized signs were compared (n = 51), the spaniels showed significantly more severe clinical signs than the poodles at diagnosis regarding alopecia, seborrhoea, pyoderma and the overall severity of clinical signs. At follow-up, the degree of clinical signs for otitis externa and pyoderma differed significantly between the breeds. The estimated median survival time was 42 months.</p> <p>In dogs where data regarding survival was available at the end of the study (n = 44), SA was reported to be the reason for euthanasia in 14 dogs, whereof 7 within 24 months after diagnosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The result of this study implicates that the English springer spaniel is a breed predisposed to SA and that it has more severe clinical signs than the standard poodle. A large proportion of the dogs (spaniel, poodle and akita) investigated regarding survival were reported to have been euthanized to great extent due to the disease.</p

    LeishVet guidelines for the practical management of canine leishmaniosis

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    The LeishVet group has formed recommendations designed primarily to help the veterinary clinician in the management of canine leishmaniosis. The complexity of this zoonotic infection and the wide range of its clinical manifestations, from inapparent infection to severe disease, make the management of canine leishmaniosis challenging. The recommendations were constructed by combining a comprehensive review of evidence-based studies, extensive clinical experience and critical consensus opinion discussions. The guidelines presented here in a short version with graphical topic displays suggest standardized and rational approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, control and prevention of canine leishmaniosis. A staging system that divides the disease into four stages is aimed at assisting the clinician in determining the appropriate therapy, forecasting prognosis, and implementing follow-up steps required for the management of the leishmaniosis patient

    Pathology in Practice

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    Qualidade espermática de sêmen de cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania sp: Semen quality of dogs naturally infected by Leishmania sp

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    Avaliaram-se alterações espermáticas associadas à infecção por leishmaniose no sêmen de cães naturalmente infectados, utilizando-se, durante oito semanas consecutivas, ejaculados de seis cães soronegativos e seis cães soropositivos. As amostras foram colhidas uma vez por semana e avaliadas quanto ao volume, concentração, motilidade, vigor, morfologia espermática, integridade da cromatina, avaliação simultânea da integridade da membrana plasmática, acrossoma e potencial mitocondrial. Concomitantemente foram dosadas a proteína total do plasma seminal e sanguíneo. A leishmaniose visceral causou aumento dos defeitos maiores e menores nos espermatozoides dos animais acometidos pelo estágio moderado a severo da doença. Em estágios mais avançados da enfermidade, a integridade das membranas acrossomal e plasmática foi afetada negativamente. Não foi possível estabelecer um critério quanto à avaliação do potencial mitocondrial. A incidência de alterações morfológicas nos animais acometidos não promoveu aumento de injurias à cromatina. Todos os animais com leishmaniose apresentaram hiperproteinemia do sêmen.<br>The spermatic changes associated with the natural infection in dogs by Leishmania sp was evaluated during eight consecutive weeks, using ejaculates of six seronegative and six seropositive dogs. The samples were collected once a week and evaluated for volume, concentration, motility, vigor, sperm morphology, chromatin integrity, simultaneous evaluation of the plasmatic membrane integrity, acrosome, and mitochondrial potential. The total proteins of the seminal plasma and blood were measured. The visceral leishmaniasis caused increase of major and minor defects in spermatozoa of animals attacked by moderate to severe stages of the disease. In more advanced stages of the illness, the acrosomal and plasmatic membranes integrity was adversely affected. It was not possible to establish a pattern refering the evaluation of the mitochondrial potential. The incidence of morphological changes in the seropositive animals did not promote an increase of injuries to the chromatin. All animals with leishmaniasis presented hyperproteinemia of the semen