10,263 research outputs found

    Integrable S matrix, mirror TBA and spectrum for the stringy AdS3×S3×S3×S1\text{AdS}_{3}\times\text{S}^3\times\text{S}^3\times\text{S}^1 WZW model

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    We compute the tree-level bosonic S matrix in light-cone gauge for superstrings on pure-NSNS AdS3×S3×S3×S1\text{AdS}_{3}\times\text{S}^3\times\text{S}^3\times\text{S}^1. We show that it is proportional to the identity and that it takes the same form as for AdS3×S3×T4\text{AdS}_{3} \times \text{S}^3\times\text{T}^4 and for flat space. Based on this, we make a conjecture for the exact worldsheet S matrix and derive the mirror thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations describing the spectrum. Despite a non-trivial vacuum energy, they can be solved in closed form and coincide with a simple set of Bethe ansatz equations - again much like AdS3×S3×T4\text{AdS}_{3}\times\text{S}^3\times\text{T}^4 and flat space. This suggests that the model may have an integrable spin-chain interpretation. Finally, as a check of our proposal, we compute the spectrum from the worldsheet CFT in the case of highest-weight representations of the underlying Ka\v{c}-Moody algebras, and show that the mirror-TBA prediction matches it on the nose.Comment: 38 pages, Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Studio e analisi della tecnica del Problem Solving e sua applicazione in una multinazionale del settore meccanico

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    Questo lavoro di tesi è il risultato di un periodo di partecipazione ad un progetto con il Consorzio Universitario Quinn svolto presso l’azienda Rotork Fluid System di Lucca. Tale progetto richiedeva una classica analisi del clima e ri-motivazione delle risorse umane. Il progetto, nonostante le premesse iniziali, ha assunto una piega differente. Infatti, in fase di progettazione, si è deciso che non sarebbe stato efficace un intervento motivazionale classico, poiché solitamente gli effetti generati sono di breve durata. Il progetto si è articolato in due fasi: durante la prima sono stati svolti degli incontri, Workshop, con i 15 dipendenti dell’Unità Organizzativa Inside Sales allo scopo di individuare i problemi riscontrati dagli stessi durante lo svolgimento del loro lavoro, nella seconda fase è stata svolta l’analisi dei problemi emersi e l’individuazione delle strategie più idonee per la messa in pratica delle soluzioni. In parallelo con i manager della U.O. sono state fatte alcune riunioni allo scopo di valutare la necessità di un miglioramento organizzativo attraverso un processo di riconfigurazione interna. È stata quindi proposta una metodologia generale di Problem Solving, che ha portato come risultato proposte di risoluzioni concrete ed applicabili nella realtà aziendale. This thesis is the result of a collaborative project with Consorzio Universitario Quinn for Rotork Fluid System, in Lucca. This project required a classic analysis of the climate and re-motivation of human resources. The project, although the initial premises, took a different turn. Indeed, in the planning phase, it was decided that a classic motivational intervent would not have been effective, because the effects usually wear out in the short term. The project was carried out in two phases: in the first, 15 employees of Inside Sales gathered in Workshops, in order to identify the problems encountered during the work. In the second stage the issues raised have been analyzed and the best strategies, to practice the solutions, have been identified. Meanwhile, some meetings were made with the managers of the U.O., with the aim of assessing the need for organizational through a process of internal reconfiguration. A general methodology for problem solving was set forth and it has resulted in proposals for concrete solutions for the company.

    A discussion of James 1: 27 and its impact on efforts in evangelization and discipleship in the Ghanaian Christian context

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    This article addresses the issue of true Christianity in the Ghanaian context – that is the kind of Christianity that meets all the requirements of God. It is essentially a theological reflection on the passage in James 1: 27. By this approach, the article brings out the core concern of the passage and applies it theologically to the Ghanaian context. The article concludes on the notion that the characteristics of true Christianity in the Ghanaian context offers an answer to the fundamental question underlining the general Ghanaian way of life: what does it mean to be a human being? To this end, true Christianity is characterised by mutual respect for all human beings, generosity towards all, liberation, and genuineness. Interestingly, these ideals or values are best expressed in the Ghanaian context in the important concepts of humanity and brotherhood or sisterhood of all human beings. Through the expression of faith in God, the Father, and expressed altruistic Christian attitude in the Ghanaian context, then, Christian missionaries and denominations may possess an effective tool for evangelization and nurturing.Keywords: Religion/Christianity, Evangelization, Humanity, Brotherhood/sisterhood, Common goo

    Decolonizing the University: the Challenges and Possibilities of Inclusive Education

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    This article argues for a reframing of the curriculum within the academy in order to make the academy more inclusive and more accessible to a diverse student body. Reframing the curriculum is seen as an aspect of decolonizing the university. Many questions emerge from this argument to include the following: What curriculum informs the education contemporary learners receive and how do they apply this to their academic and work lives? How do educators re-fashion their work as educators and also as learners to create more relevant understandings of what it means to be human and to determine what is human work? What are the limits and possibilities of visions of and counter and anti-visions to contemporary education? How do educators and learners challenge colonizing and imperializing relations within the academy and that influence the academy and its learners? How does curriculum become inclusive through teaching, research and graduate training and how does it make space for Indigeneity and multi-centric ways of knowing? How do we frame an inclusive, anti-racist, and anti-colonial global future and what is the work that is required to collectively arrive at that future? These complex questions, stimulated by my decolonizing curriculum work and experience, are engaged through the body of this article.


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rubber tire pulling training media on arm muscle strength and to determine the differences in the results of tire rubber pulling training with smash training without using a ball. This study used an experimental randomized pre-test and post-test groups design. The population was taken from all athletes at the Putra Ramas volleyball club in 2021. The data are the results of arm muscle strength when pulling the expanding dynamometer taken before and after training. The obtained data were tested using the SPSS 22 computer program. The data were normally distributed and homogeneous, so that they were then tested using paired t-test to compare the average values ​​before and after training between each group, while the independent t-test was to determine the difference in the average values ​​between the two groups. The conclusion is that pulling the rubber tire with 10 repetitions of 3 sets and smash training without using the ball for 10 repetitions of 3 sets both increase arm muscle strength and states that the alternative hypothesis is accepted

    Assessing Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems in Banks, a Case of Ghana

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    This study was carried out to determine whether the investments made in KMS have helped the banks to gain competitive advantage or not, and the extent to which the KMS have helped the bank to achieve their objectives. 27 licensed banks by the Central Bank of Ghana participated in the survey, representing 100% participation rate. The study used structured questionnaires (open and close ended questions) and interview to collect data and the findings were analyzed using the SPSS software and presented by use of descriptive statistics. The study revealed that the KMS are for the tracking and the management of the bank’s operations both internally and externally. The KMS thus handles both front and back office operations and transactions. It also handles both clients and staff data and records. The conclusion reached is that investments in KMS enables the banks to achieve their objectives and helps it gain a better corporate image and improved performance. Keywords: Knowledge, Knowledge Management (KM), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), Banking Information System (BIS

    Molecules of an author in search of memory

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    Loosely based on Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table, the play has a Fahrenheit 451 setting. In a world without books or memory appears a common man, the Man in the street, with some heets of writing that he cannot make out. With the help of the narrator, Science, Technology and Nature, and of two actors who remain offstage for a long while – Primo and his friend Alberto – this man is able to reconstruct the events of the chapter entitled Cerium. In this way, and thanks to this act of remembrance, lost identity – our history – is recreated. Science, Technology and Nature free this man without memory from his state of not-knowing, by giving him scientific knowledge and understanding. The play finds its catharsis in a deeply moving passage, inspired by the chapter Carbon, which creates an atemporal connection between a carbon atom from the smoke of a crematorium chimney and one residing in the body of any one of us: a poetic parable of a science firmly anchored in the life and history of man

    Black Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates and Food Apartheid in Louisville

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    The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether there is a correlation between the Black maternal and infant mortality rates and food apartheid or food deserts. This thesis will highlight that further research is needed in understanding how food insecurity may influence maternal and infant mortality. This thesis collected data from several midsize cities to assess accessibility to healthy food options and maternal and infant mortality rates. The cities were selected based on similarities in demographic and geographic makeup and having experienced a similar pattern of redlining. St. Louis, Memphis, Knoxville, and Pittsburgh were cities that were chosen for comparison to Louisville. Since Louisville is the main city of focus for this thesis, Louisville will be the benchmark used to compare the other chosen cities. Factors such as food insecurity, food deserts, grocery store areas, and maternal and infant mortality rates were collected. The data from each city was extensively analyzed and interpreted. The data shows there may be a correlation between redlining, food insecurity, and high rates of Black maternal mortality or Black infant mortality rates. The information from the different cities shows that neighborhoods that were colored red during the redlining policies were more likely to have high rates of food insecurity. These neighborhoods are more likely to have high rates of maternal and infant mortality for people of color, specifically Black women and children. Further research is needed to explore food apartheid as another factor that may exacerbate Black maternal and infant mortality rates