385 research outputs found

    Synthesis and dye sensitized solar cell applications of Bodipy derivatives with bis-dimethylfluorenyl amine donor groups

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    Three Bodipy dyes with strong absorptivities in the visible and near infrared regions were designed, synthesized and their potential as photosensitizers for liquid electrolyte-based dye sensitized solar cells have been evaluated. For the first time Bodipy derivatives with bis-dimethylfluorenyl amine donor groups which were known for their bulky structures as donor groups have been used together. We altered our mostly used triphenylamine group with these and investigated the dye-sensitized solar cell efficiencies of this new class of Bodipy dyes. © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2015

    High sensitivity and multifunctional micro-Hall sensors fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb heterostructures

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    Further diversification of Hall sensor technology requires development of materials with high electron mobility and an ultrathin conducting layer very close to the material's surface. Here, we describe the magnetoresistive properties of micro-Hall devices fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb heterostructures where electrical conduction was confined to a 30 nm-InAsSb two-dimensional electron gas layer. The 300 K electron mobility and sheet carrier concentration were 36 500 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and 2.5 x 10(11) cm(-2), respectively. The maximum current-related sensitivity was 2 750 V A(-1) T-1, which was about an order of magnitude greater than AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic heterostructures devices. Photolithography was used to fabricate 1 mu m x 1 mu m Hall probes, which were installed into a scanning Hall probe microscope and used to image the surface of a hard disk

    Proses Berpikir Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita pada Materi Spltv di SMA

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    Each student has the ability to think different processes that are high-ability thinking process, thinking process of sedag and lower-minded thinking process. This research tries to describe the thinking process of high school students in solving the story problem on linear equation system of three variable (SPLTV) in SMA K Abdi Wacana Pontianak. By knowing the thinking process of students, it is expected to choose the appropriate teaching method for each student according to students' thinking ability and give attention to each student according to the thought process they have. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of the study were XA SMA K Abdi Wacana Pontianak as many as 9 students: 3 high-ability students, 3 medium-skilled students and 3 lower-ability students. Methods of data collection conducted is by way of written tests and interviews. Based on the results of data analysis of writing tests and interviews obtained the results: 1.) The process of thinking three high-ability students in solving the story problem is already able to do the problem well and complete. 2.) The process of thinking three students are capable of solving the problem of the story is that there is still one student who has not been able to do the problem well and complete. 3.) Thinking process of three students capable down in solving the story problem that there are still two students who have not been able to do the problem well an

    Pengetahuan Tentang Tumbuhan Masyarakat Tengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sistem pengetahuan botani tradisional masyarakat Tengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur, meliputi pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk pemenuhan berbagai kebutuhan hidup mereka. Mereka mengandalkan pertanian dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan, tempat tinggal,kayu bakar, obat-obatan, barang dagangan dan keperluan ritualnya. Penelitian dilakukan di sebelas lokasi yaitu di desa Ngadas, Gubuklakah kecamatan Poncokusumo kabupaten Malang, desa Wonokitri, Mororejo kecamatan Tosari, desa Ngadirejo kecamatan Tutur, desa Keduwung kecamatan Puspo kabupaten Pasuruan, desa Ngadisari dan Ngadas kecamatan Sukapura, kabupaten Probolinggo dan desa Ranupani, desa Argosari kecamatan Senduro kabupaten Lumajang Propinsi Jawa Timur. Metoda penelitian dilakukan wawancara terstruktur dan wawancara bebas untuk pengamatan langsung kemudian dianalisis dengan ICS (index cultural significance) dan UVS (nilai guna jenis tumbuhan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Tengger dalam kehidupannya mengandalkan sumber alam tumbuhan untuk berbagai keperluan dan memiliki pengetahuan cukup baik tentang keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan di sekitar mereka. Berbagai pemanfaatan jenis tumbuhan digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah untuk bahan pangan (67 jenis), obat-obatan dan racun (120 jenis), bahan bangunan, tali-temali, bahan kayu bakar, teknologi lokal (52 jenis), konservasi dan liar (144 species), bumbu, pewarna, rokok, kecantikan (40 jenis), buah dan biji (50 jenis) pakan ternak (44 jenis), hias (138 jenis) dan bahan ritual (91 jenis), Selanjutnya hasil perhitungan indeks kepentingan budaya menunjukan 1 jenis memiliki nilai tinggi yaitu padi dan 10 jenis memiliki nilai manfaat jenis tinggi dan UVs terdiri 2 jenis memiliki nilai paling tinggi

    Pengetahuan Lokal Masyarakat Samin Tentang Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan dan Pengelolaanya

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    The aims of the study is to reveal of local knowledge the Samin society about the diversity of plant species is usefulness, the utilization category, the potential use, value of cultural and concept of traditional conservation. The location of observation are 7 villages: Larikrejo and Kaliyoso (Kudus); Bombong and Ngawen (Pati); Klopoduwur and Tambak (Blora); Margomulyo (Bojonegoro). Data collection using survey and open ended interview techniques. Useful plant inventory carrying more than 235 species of plants; as 118 species of food; ingredient in traditional medicines 74 species: 16 species of building materials; equipment and craft materials 15 species: 16 species of firewood; 27 species of animal feed; fiber materials and rope three species, two species of fish poisons; pest control materials 16 species and ornamental plants 25 species. The most of useful plant species (80% ) are cultivated plant and 25% intensity value utilization of this species is high. The results of calculation of the Indeks of Cultural Signification found the species that have important value is the highest Oryza sativa L. and the second is Tectona grandis L.f

    Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Materi Himpunan di Kelas VII SMP Santa Monika Kubu Raya

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    This case study research is aims to know misconception in material set of VII grade student\u27s of SMP Santa Monika Kubu Raya and the causes of students misconception derived from the students. The method of this research is used descriptive. The instrument that been use diagnostik test and interview. The subjek of this reseacrh is eight students of VII SMP Santa Monika. The subject is decided based on their answer on diagnostik test and CRI score that student\u27s had given. Based on data analysis, misconceptions experienced by students on material set such as misconceptions about overgeneralizing, misconceptions about overspecializing, and misconceptions about notation. The causes of the students misconception experienced by students caused by: 1) incomplete comprehension as incomplete notes; 2) students thoughts as union is a combination of two different groups, union don\u27t have intersection, set characteristic are groups, equate set elements enroll with set affilations, equate subset with intersection, and equate intersection in every day life with intersection in material set

    Hubungan Jenis Cairan Dan Lokasi Pemasangan Infus Dengan Kejadian Flebitis Pada Pasienrawat Inap Di RSU Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    :More Than 60% of patients who duty The hospital received therapy through IV . IV therapy can be a complication occurred phlebitis . Period Genesis Nosocomial infections Form of phlebitis in Indonesia as much (17.11%). Phlebitis caused by chemical irritation (Infusion fluid types), mechanical (mounting location Infusion), and bacteria. The aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relationship kind of fluid and the incidence of infusion site phlebitis in patients hospitalized in RSU Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. Sample is taken by making consecutive sampling technique that is 40 samples. The study design used is analytic survey with cross sectional approach and data were collected using observation sheet.The result of this research with using chi square are (a) relationship between Infusion fluid types with Genesis Phlebitiswhich about p = 0,000, (b) there is a relationship between IV Installation Area with Genesis Phlebitiswhich about p = 0,005.Conclussion(a) there is a relationship between Infusion fluid types with Genesis Phlebitis, (b) there is a relationship between IV Installation Area with Genesis Phlebitis