236 research outputs found
The Greek suffix -ινδα within the Micro-Asiatic multilingual context
The Greek suffix -\u3b9\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1, which characterises adverbs denoting games (such as \u3b2\u3b1\u3c3\u3b9\u3bb\u3af\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 \u201cking of the castle\u201d, \u3ba\u3c1\u3c5\u3c0\u3c4\u3af\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 \u201chide and seek\u201d, on these adverbs see Ded\ue8 2016), has a phonological shape difficult to explain within Greek and Indo-European phonology, as already observed by Pierre Chantraine (1933:277): \u201cl\u2019origine de ces adverbes est claire, mais le suffixe qui s\u2019y trouve impliqu\ue9 presente une structure singuli\ue8re. Aucune analyse ne permet d\u2019expliquer le groupe -\u3bd\u3b4-\u201d. In the same context Chantraine, also quoting a statement by Herodotus, suggested that the suffix has its ultimate origin in Asia Minor, particularly in Lydia.
A fact which deserves consideration, although it is in itself not enough to demonstrate the Asiatic origin of the suffix, is the presence in the area of several place names ending in -\u3b9\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 (e.g. \u3a0\u3b9\u3b3\u3af\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 in Caria, \u3a3\u3af\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 in Pisidia). Another element, which encourages to elaborate on this perspective is the hypothesis \u2013 in our view correct \u2013 recently put forth by Paola Dardano (2011), according to which the suffix -\u3af\u3b4\u1fb1\u3c2, which in the Homeric poems forms patronymics and is later refunctionalised as a suffix for deriving proper names, would have entered Greek via the Lydian language.
In my talk I will take into account and discuss the hypothesis of a Micro-Asiatic origin of the suffix -\u3b9\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1, evaluating its position within the context of linguistic contact between Greek and the languages of Asia Minor
Among the potential high temperature shape memory alloys, due to its low cost, medium ductility and high work output NiTiHf seems to be the most promising HTSMA for a wide range of applications in the 100-250ÂșC. A detailed investigation into the shape memory properties and transformation behavior for the Ni-rich HTSMA with the compositions of Ni45.3Cu5Ti29.7Hf20, Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 and Ni45.3Pd5Ti29.7Hf20 was carried out. It is possible to form Ni-rich precipitates in Ni-rich NiTiHf alloys and tailor the TTs by heat treatments that results in increased strength and stable response at high temperatures. The coherent Ni-rich precipitates deplete the Ni content from the matrix increasing the transformation temperatures and strengthen the material by hindering the dislocation motion. The effect of aging on the microstructure, shape memory and mechanical properties are revealed. Optimum aging conditions have been found determined to get the most favorable combination of high transformation temperatures with stable and good shape memory properties. The Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 and Ni45.3Pd5Ti29.7Hf20 aged at 500ÂșC-600 ÂșC were found to be formidable candidates for high temperature applications
L'etimologia di gr. θεός : un bilancio
In this paper the main problems relating to the etymology of Gk. \u3b8\u3b5\u1f79\u3c2 \u201cgod\u201d are discussed. After a brief discussion of the principal etymologies proposed both in ancient and modern times, two etymologies are taken into account, which have established themselves as the most probable: the first one traces \u3b8\u3b5\u1f79\u3c2 back to an i.-e. root *dhwes meaning \u201cblow, breathe\u201d, while the second one starts from a reconstructed root noun *dheh1s- \u201csacred\u201d. Although in recent years the second etymology established itself as the most certain, the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of both etymologies shows that, although the second etymology does not involve problems as regards formal aspects and is therefore preferable, there is no compelling evidence to exclude the first one
Keterampilanbertanyasangatpentingdikembangkanpadapesertadidiktingkat SMP.Karenapadaabad 21 tantangangenerasimudabukanhanyauntukmenciptakansesuatutanpamemikirkandampaknegatifnya, tetapitantangansesungguhnyaadalahmenyeimbangkandanmenjagakelestariankehidupanmanusiadibumidariberbagaipersoalan yang ada.Denganberusahamengembangkanketerampilanbertanyapesertadidik, yang bertujuanmeningkatkankemampuanberfikirkritis, agar pesertadidikmulaidapatmemahamidanmemecahkanpermasalahan-permasalahandalamkehidupansosialdisekitarnya.AlasanpenelitianmenerapkanmetodedebatpadapesertadidikkelasVIII 3 adalah, agar dapatmengembangkanketerampilanbertanyapesertadidik yang rendah,sertamengarahkanketidakkondusifanpembelajarankarenapesertadidik yang ramaipadasaatpembelajaranmenggunakanmetodekonvensional. MelaluiPenerapanmetodedebataktifdalampembelajaran IPS, dapatmerangsangpesertadidikmenjadilebihagresifuntukmengemukakanpendapatdantidakmerasamalu.Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalah quasi eksperimendenganmembandingkanmetodepembelajaran yang berbedayaitumetodedebatdanmetodetanyajawab. Hasilpenelitianiniberdasarkanpengambilan data melaluikuesionersebelumdansesudahditerapkanperlakuan.Melalui data yang diperolehpadasaatpenelitian, penerapanmetodedebatdalampembelajaran IPS dapatmeningkatkanketerampilanbertanyapesertadidiksebesar 5.02%, dari 22.94% menjadi 27.96%. Sedangkan di kelas yang menerapkanmetodebertanyakenaikannyahanyasebesar1.48% dari 23.56% menjadi 25.53%.datatersebutmenunjukanbahwaterdapatpeningkatan yang signifikandalamketerampilanbertanyapesertadidik yang telahditerapkanmetodedebatdibandingkanmetodetanyajawab, karenadalamujihipotesismenghasilkannilai sig (2-tiled) 0.002 < 0.05.
;---Very important questioning skills are developed in junior high school students. Because in the 21st century the challenges of the young generation are not only to create something without thinking about its negative effects, but the real challenge is to balance and preserve the sustainability of human life on earth from the various problems that exist. By trying to develop students' asking skills, which aims to improve the ability to think critically, so that students begin to understand and solve problems in the social life around them. The reason for applying the debate method to students in class VIII 3 is to develop students' low-asking skills, and to direct unfavorable learning because students are busy when learning using conventional methods. Through the application of active debate methods in social studies learning, can stimulate students to be more aggressive to express opinions and not feel ashamed. The research method used was quasi-experimental by comparing different learning methods, namely the debate method and the question and answer method. The results of this study are based on data collection through questionnaires before and after treatment is applied. Through the data obtained at the time of the study, the application of the debate method in social studies learning can improve the students' questioning skills by 5.02%, from 22.94% to 27.96%. Whereas in the class that applies the method, the increase is only 1.48% from 23.56% to 25.53%. The data shows that there is a significant increase in the questioning skills of students who have applied the debate method compared to the question and answer method, because in hypothesis testing produces sig (2-tiled) value 0.002 <0.05
La position des noms grecs en -ωρ dans le lexique grec : aspects formels et sémantiques
In questo articolo sono presi in esame i nomi greci terminanti in -\u3c9\u3c1, con l'esclusione dei composti (del tipo \u3b5\u1f50\u3c0\u3ac\u3c4\u3c9\u3c1) e dei nomi d'agente a suffisso -\u3c4\u3c9\u3c1 (del tipo \u3b4\u3ce\u3c4\u3c9\u3c1). Dopo una prima ricognizione del materiale lessicale volta a escludere dal novero di questi nomi gli imprestiti da altre lingue e le forme rideterminate, si arriva a isolare quello che verosimilmente \ue8 il nucleo pi\uf9 antico di questi nomi nella lingua greca. Di seguito si mostra come ed entro quali limiti questi nomi possono essere considerati una classe omogenea all'interno del lessico greco, il cui nucleo fondamentale rimonta ad antichi nomi neutri eterocliti in -o\u304r indoeuropei
Matem\ue1tica informal: \ubfuna contradicci\uf3n?
L\u2019abbinamento della parola \u201cinformale\u201d alla matematica pu\uf2 stupire e sembrare un\u2019assurdit\ue0. Ci proponiamo di argomentare perch\ue9 invece ci sembra necessario questo piano informale di comunicazione e come ci\uf2 non contraddica l\u2019esigenza sostanziale di rigore che \ue8 comunque un tratto distintivo della matematica. Un particolare rilievo verr\ue0 dato all\u2019analisi del ruolo delle immagini in questo processo
Ludonimia e classi lessicali: lo statuto degli avverbi di gioco in -ινδα del greco
The so called -\u3b9\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 adverbs are a peculiar and poorly attested class of words in Ancient Greek which denote games. This paper considers their status as a class by taking into account their main morphological, syntactic and semantic characteristics. At the end of the analysis, the conclusion is drawn that the ancient and traditional classification of the -\u3b9\u3bd\u3b4\u3b1 ludonyms as adverbs is in fact inconsistent, though they are not prototypical nouns either. Rather, they are a non-prototypical category whose properties are due to their reference to the semantic field of games
Some remarks on the metalinguistic usage of the term 'collective'
Questo articolo prende in considerazione i principali usi metalinguistici del termine \u2018collettivo\u2019. L\u2019analisi mostra come la diversit\ue0 di valori che esso pu\uf2 assumere sia dovuta alla vaghezza dei confini tra le realt\ue0 linguistiche cui viene applicato. Come considerazione conclusiva, si propone che l\u2019uso del termine \u2018collettivo\u2019 sia confermato per i nomi singolari dalla struttura semantica [+ bounded, + internal structure] del tipo "gregge" (che costituiscono il caso prototipico di nomi collettivi) e per alcuni nomi come "bestiame" che, pur avendo la struttura semantica [- bounded, - internal structure] tipica dei nomi-massa, possono essere interpretati come nomi singolari che si riferiscono a una pluralit\ue0 di enti.This paper takes into account the main metalinguistic usages of the term \u2018collective\u2019. The analysis shows that the possibility for it to be used with various meanings is due to the vagueness of the boundaries between the linguistic entities to whom it may be applied. As a final remark, it is suggested that the usage of the term \u2018collective\u2019 be retained for referring to nouns of semantic structure [+ bounded, + internal structure] such as "herd" (which are to be considered the prototypical case of collective nouns) and also to nouns like "cattle"; as a matter of fact, although these nouns have the structure [- bounded, - internal structure] typical of mass-nouns, they may actually be thought of as singular nouns which refer to a plurality of entities
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