14,916 research outputs found

    An exploration of student mentoring to motivate and to enhance interactive learning in undergraduate engineering courses

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    Algunos de los objetivos establecidos por las directrices de la Universidad son la promoción de la tutoría entre pares, desarrollada principalmente entre estudiantes de cursos avanzados y estudiantes de primer año. Si bien es cierto que este tipo de experiencia se difunde ampliamente en las Facultades de Pedagogía y Psicología, su implementación limitada en las Escuelas de Ingeniería no es menos cierta. Esta comunicación describe la experiencia de tutoría que se ha llevado a cabo entre los estudiantes de pregrado de tercer y segundo año para mejorar los resultados académicos de los de segundo año en la asignatura de "Automatización", incluida en el programa del segundo curso de El Grado en Tecnología de Ingeniería Industrial, todo ello basado en la experiencia adquirida por los alumnos de tercer año. Para lograr este objetivo, los mentores de los estudiantes han utilizado herramientas en línea que ya podían manejar con habilidad, como MATLAB y SIMULINK, para el aprendizaje de conceptos fundamentales de la asignatura "Automatización". Para este propósito, han propuesto tareas de aprendizaje explicativas basadas en problemas sobre ejercicios tratados en clase, asesorando a sus compañeros supervisados ​​en la mejora de su propio aprendizaje y maximizando su potencial, para así obtener las competencias necesarias antes de la evaluación general. Los datos de una encuesta de estudiantes indican la opinión positiva de los estudiantes de pregrado sobre el proceso de tutoría. De hecho, la experiencia de la mentoría realizada ha llevado a una mejor adaptación del estudiante a la materia y le ha permitido al profesor conocer las dificultades en el manejo por parte de los estudiantes de las herramientas de aprendizaje en línea. También ha demostrado una mejora en las relaciones y la comunicación entre estudiantes y profesores gracias a la función de intermediación de los estudiantes mentores.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Accelerating 3D printing for surface wettability research

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    The wettability of a surface is affected by its physical and chemical properties, but it can be modulated by patterning it. Researchers use many different techniques for surface patterning, each one with different trade-offs in terms of cost, flexibility, convenience and realizable geometries. Very high-resolution 3D printing technologies (such as stereolithography by two-photon absorption) have the potential to greatly increase the range of realizable surface geometries, but they are currently not in wide use because they are too slow for printing the relative large surface areas required for wetting experiments. To enable the use of these 3D techniques, we are developing new slicing algorithms able to speed up 3D-printing technologies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Multiresolution Layered Manufacturing

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    PURPOSE: Two-photon polymerization (TPP) has become one of the most popular techniques for stereolithography at very high resolutions. When printing relatively large structures at high resolutions, one of the main limiting factors is the printing time. The goal of this work is to present a new slicing algorithm to minimize printing times. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Typically, slicing algorithms used for TPP do not take into account the fact that TPP can print at a range of resolutions (i.e. with different heights and diameters) by varying parameters such as exposure time, laser power, photoresist properties, and optical arrangements. This work presents Multiresolution Layered Manufacturing (MLM), a novel slicing algorithm that processes 3D structures to separate parts manufacturable at low resolution from those that require a higher resolution. FINDINGS: MLM can significantly reduce the printing time of 3D structures at high resolutions. The maximum theoretical speed-up depends on the range of printing resolutions, but the effective speed-up also depends on the geometry of each 3D structure. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: MLM opens the possibility to significantly decrease printing times, potentially opening the use of TPP to new applications in many disciplines such as microfluidics, metamaterial research or wettability. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: There are many instances of previous research on printing at several resolutions. However, in most cases, the toolpaths have to be manually arranged. In some cases, previous research also automates the generation of toolpaths, but they are limited in various ways. MLM is the first algorithm to comprehensively solve this problem for a wide range of true 3D structures.NANO3D (a BEWARE Fellowship from the Walloon Region, Belgium, part of the Marie Curie Programme of the ERC). IAP 7/38 MicroMAST (Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme from the Belgian Science Policy Office, the Walloon Region and the FNRS)

    System dynamics modelling in systems biology and applications in pharmacology

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    El modelado matemático de sistemas biológicos complejos es uno de los temas clave en la Biología de Sistemas y varios métodos computacionales basados ​​en la simulación computarizada han sido aplicados hasta ahora para determinar el comportamiento de los sistemas no lineales. La Dinamica de Sistemas es una metodología de modelado intuitivo basada en el razonamiento cualitativo por el cual un modelo conceptual se puede describir como un conjunto de relaciones de causa y efecto entre las variables de un sistema. A partir de esta estructura, es posible obtener un conjunto de ecuaciones dinámicas que describan cuantitativamente el comportamiento del sistema. Centrándose en los sistemas farmacológicos, el modelado compartimental a menudo se utiliza para resolver un amplio espectro de problemas relacionados con la distribución de materiales en los sistemas vivos en la investigación, el diagnóstico y la terapia en todo el cuerpo, los órganos y los niveles celulares. En este artículo presentamos la metodología de modelado de Dinámica del Sistema y su aplicación al modelado de un modelo compartimental farmacocinético-farmacodinámico del efecto de profundidad anestésica en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas, derivando un modelo de simulación en el entorno de simulación orientada a objetos OpenModelica. La Dinamica de Sistemas se puede ver como una herramienta educativa poderosa y fácil de usar y en la enseñanza de Biología de Sistemas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Continuous-time cascaded ΣΔ modulators for VDSL: A comparative study

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    This paper describes new cascaded continuous-time ΣΔ modulators intended to cope with very high-rate digital subscriber line specifications, i.e 12-bit resolution within a 20-MHz signal bandwidth. These modulators have been synthesized using a new methodology that is based on the direct synthesis of the whole cascaded architecture in the continuous-time domain instead of using a discrete-to-continuous time transformation as has been done in previous approaches. This method allows to place the zeroes/poles of the loop-filter transfer function in an optimal way and to reduce the number of analog components, namely, transconductors and/or amplifiers, resistors, capacitors and digital-to-analog converters. This leads to more efficient topologies in terms of circuitry complexity, power consumption and robustness with respect to circuit non-idealities. A comparison study of the synthesized architectures is done considering their sensitivity to most critical circuit error mechanisms. Time-domain behavioral simulations are shown to validate the presented approach.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-01752/MI

    Fiscal data revisions in Europe

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    Public deficit figures are subject to revisions, as most macroeconomic aggregates are. Nevertheless, in the case of Europe, the latter could be particularly worrisome given the role of fiscal data in the functioning of EU’s multilateral surveillance rules. Adherence to such rules is judged upon initial releases of data, in the framework of the so-called Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) Notifications. In addition, the lack of reliability of fiscal data may hinder the credibility of fiscal consolidation plans. In this paper we document the empirical properties of revisions to annual government deficit figures in Europe by exploiting the information contained in a pool of real-time vintages of data pertaining to fifteen EU countries over the period 1995-2008. We build up such real-time dataset from official publications. Our main findings are as follows: (i) preliminary deficit data releases are biased and non-efficient predictors of subsequent releases, with later vintages of data tending to show larger deficits on average; (ii) such systematic bias in deficit revisions is a general feature of the sample, and cannot solely be attributed to the behaviour of a small number of countries, even though the Greek case is clearly an outlier; (iii) Methodological improvements and clarifications stemming from Eurostat’s decisions that may lead to data revisions explain a significant share of the bias, providing some evidence of window dressing on the side of individual countries; (iv) expected real GDP growth, political cycles and the strength of fiscal rules also contribute to explain revision patterns; (v) nevertheless, if the systematic bias is excluded, revisions can be considered rational after two years. JEL Classification: E01, E21, E24, E31, E5, H600data revisions, fiscal statistics, news and noise, Rationality, real-time data

    Performing anti-trafficking: human rights, the security council and the disconnect with the WPS agenda

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    On 20 December 2016, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution (UNSCR) 2331 on the maintenance of international peace and security addressing trafficking in human beings (‘trafficking’) for the first time.1 The Resolution was proposed and championed by the Spanish Government. By way of background, in 2013 the Spanish Government cited gender equality as “one of the main goals of Spanish foreign policy and diplomacy” in its bid to become a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2015-16 period.2 Gender equality was included among the 10 reasons underpinning its aspiration to become a non-permanent member of the UNSC, with the government stating that it was “giving human rights, gender equality and the full participation of women in peace-building the high profile they deserve to ensure security and stability.”3 At the same time, the Spanish authorities stated that they were also proud to provide the Security Council with the country’s “extensive experience in the fight against terrorism”

    Organic Molecules in the Galactic Center. Hot Core Chemistry without Hot Cores

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    We study the origin of large abundances of complex organic molecules in the Galactic center (GC). We carried out a systematic study of the complex organic molecules CH3OH, C2H5OH, (CH3)2O, HCOOCH3, HCOOH, CH3COOH, H2CO, and CS toward 40 GC molecular clouds. Using the LTE approximation, we derived the physical properties of GC molecular clouds and the abundances of the complex molecules.The CH3OH abundance between clouds varies by nearly two orders of magnitude from 2.4x10^{-8} to 1.1x10^{-6}. The abundance of the other complex organic molecules relative to that of CH3OH is basically independent of the CH3OH abundance, with variations of only a factor 4-8. The abundances of complex organic molecules in the GC are compared with those measured in hot cores and hot corinos, in which these complex molecules are also abundant. We find that both the abundance and the abundance ratios of the complex molecules relative to CH3OH in hot cores are similar to those found in the GC clouds. However, hot corinos show different abundance ratios than observed in hot cores and in GC clouds. The rather constant abundance of all the complex molecules relative to CH3OH suggests that all complex molecules are ejected from grain mantles by shocks. Frequent (similar 10^{5}years) shocks with velocities >6km/s are required to explain the high abundances in gas phase of complex organic molecules in the GC molecular clouds. The rather uniform abundance ratios in the GC clouds and in Galactic hot cores indicate a similar average composition of grain mantles in both kinds of regions. The Sickle and the Thermal Radio Arches, affected by UV radiation, show different relative abundances in the complex organic molecules due to the differentially photodissociation of these molecules.Comment: 18 pages, 10 Postscript figures, uses aa.cls, aa.bst, 10pt.rtx, natbib.sty, revsymb.sty revtex4.cls, aps.rtx and aalongtabl.sty. Accepted in A&A 2006. version 2. relocated figures and tables. Language editor suggestions. added reference

    A design tool for high-resolution high-frequency cascade continuous- time Σ∆ modulators

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    Event: Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, 2007, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, SpainThis paper introduces a CAD methodology to assist the de signer in the implementation of continuous-time (CT) cas- cade Σ∆ modulators. The salient features of this methodology ar e: (a) flexible behavioral modeling for optimum accuracy- efficiency trade-offs at different stages of the top-down synthesis process; (b) direct synthesis in the continuous-time domain for minimum circuit complexity and sensitivity; a nd (c) mixed knowledge-based and optimization-based architec- tural exploration and specification transmission for enhanced circuit performance. The applicability of this methodology will be illustrated via the design of a 12 bit 20 MHz CT Σ∆ modulator in a 1.2V 130nm CMOS technology.Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación TEC2004-01752/MICMinisterio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio FIT-330100-2006-134 SPIRIT Projec

    Model and neural control of the depth of anesthesia during surgery

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    At present, the experimentation of anesthetic drugs on patients requires a regulation protocol, and the response of each patient to several doses of entry drug must be well known. Therefore, the development of pharmacological dose control systems is a promising field of research in anesthesiology. In this paper it has been developed a non-linear compartmental pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamical model which describes the anesthesia depth effect on a sufficiently reliable way over a set of patients with the depth effect quantified by the Bi-Spectral Index. Afterwards, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) predictive controller has been designed based on the depth of anesthesia model so as to keep the patient on the optimum condition while he undergoes surgical treatment. For the purpose of quantifying the efficiency of the neural predictive controller, a classical proportional-integral-derivative controller has also been developed to compare both strategies. Results show the superior performance of predictive neural controller during Bi- Spectral Index reference tracking.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech