80,005 research outputs found

    Postura corporal, estética emocional e memória na religiosidade cristã

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    Tese, Mestrado, Antropologia Social e Cultural, 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de CiĂȘncias SociaisA dissertação que se segue pretende explorar duas temĂĄticas essenciais no domĂ­nio da aprendizagem e transmissĂŁo religiosa. Referimo-nos Ă s posturas corporais e Ă  estĂ©tica emocional nos serviços religiosos cristĂŁos. Para tal, esquadrinharemos alguma literatura antropolĂłgica que, embora escassa, nos ajudarĂĄ a discuti-las. Articularemos estas duas temĂĄticas com o estudo antropolĂłgico sobre as emoçÔes e a importĂąncia da memĂłria na religiosidade cristĂŁ, em especial da memĂłria implĂ­cita , no processo de aprendizagem das posturas corporais nos serviços litĂșrgicos. Terminaremos esta tese, questionando se serĂĄ defensĂĄvel falarmos em termos de uma epidemiologia das posturas corporais.The dissertation that follows will explore two essential topics in the field of religious learning and transmission. We are talking about to body postures and emotional aesthetic in christian religious services. To do this, we will research some anthropological studies on the emotions and the importance of memory in christian religiosity, in particular the implicit memory in the process of learning the body postures in liturgical services. We will finish this thesis with a question: whether it is to talk in terms of an epidemiology of body postures

    An Integrated Model for Liquidity Management and Short-Term Asset Allocation in Commercial Banks

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    This work develops an integrated model for optimal asset allocation in commercial banks that incorporates uncertain liquidity constraints that are currently ignored by RAROC and EVA models. While the economic profit accounts for the opportunity cost of risky assets, what may even incorporate a market liquidity premium, it neglects the risk of failure due to the lack of sufficient funds to cope with unexpected cash demands arising from bank runs, drawdowns, or market, credit and operational losses, what may happen along with credit rationing episodes or systemic level dry ups. Given a liquidity constraint that can incorporate these factors, there is a failure probability Pf that the constraint will not hold, resulting in a value loss for the bank, represented by a stochastic failure loss . By assuming that bankers are risk neutral in their decision about the size of the liquidity cushion, the economic profit less the possible losses due to the lack of liquidity is optimized, resulting in a short-term asset allocation model that integrates market, credit and operational risks in the liquidity management of banks. Even though a general approach is suggested through simulation, I provide a closed form solution for Pf , under some simplifying assumptions, that may be useful for research and supervision purposes as an indicator of the liquidity management adequacy in the banking system. I also suggest an extreme value theory approach for the estimation of , departing from other liquidity management models that use a penalty rate over the demand of cash that exceeds the availability of liquid resources. The model was applied to Brazilian banks data resulting in gains over the optimization without liquidity considerations that are robust under several tests, giving empirical indications that the model may have a relevant impact on the value creation in banks.

    Reading literature today: a study of E. M. Forster s and George Orwell s fiction

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    Tese de doutoramento em Estudos de Cultura (Cultura Inglesa), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Letras, 200

    Low temperature specific heat of glasses: a non-extensive approach

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    Specific heat is calculated using Tsallis statistics. It is observed that it is possible to explain some low temperature specific heat properties of glasses using non-extensive approach. A similarity between temperature dependence of non-extensive specific heat and fractal specific heat is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
