1,158 research outputs found

    Other incarnations of the Gross-Pitaevskii dark soliton

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    We show that the dark soliton of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) that describes the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) density of a system of weakly repulsive bosons, also describes that of a system of strongly repulsive hard core bosons at half filling. As a consequence of this, the GPE soliton gets related to the magnetic soliton in an easy-plane ferromagnet, where it describes the square of the in-plane magnetization of the system. These relationships are shown to be useful in understanding various characteristics of solitons in these distinct many-body systems

    Coherent pairing states for the Hubbard model

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    We consider the Hubbard model and its extensions on bipartite lattices. We define a dynamical group based on the η\eta-pairing operators introduced by C.N.Yang, and define coherent pairing states, which are combinations of eigenfunctions of η\eta-operators. These states permit exact calculations of numerous physical properties of the system, including energy, various fluctuations and correlation functions, including pairing ODLRO to all orders. This approach is complementary to BCS, in that these are superconducting coherent states associated with the exact model, although they are not eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    The Mannose Receptor Mediates Dengue Virus Infection of Macrophages

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    Macrophages (MØ) and mononuclear phagocytes are major targets of infection by dengue virus (DV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus that can cause haemorrhagic fever in humans. To our knowledge, we show for the first time that the MØ mannose receptor (MR) binds to all four serotypes of DV and specifically to the envelope glycoprotein. Glycan analysis, ELISA, and blot overlay assays demonstrate that MR binds via its carbohydrate recognition domains to mosquito and human cell–produced DV antigen. This binding is abrogated by deglycosylation of the DV envelope glycoprotein. Surface expression of recombinant MR on NIH3T3 cells confers DV binding. Furthermore, DV infection of primary human MØ can be blocked by anti-MR antibodies. MR is a prototypic marker of alternatively activated MØ, and pre-treatment of human monocytes or MØ with type 2 cytokines (IL-4 or IL-13) enhances their susceptibility to productive DV infection. Our findings indicate a new functional role for the MR in DV infection

    Semiclassical description of Heisenberg models via spin-coherent states

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    We use spin-coherent states as a time-dependent variational ansatz for a semiclassical description of a large family of Heisenberg models. In addition to common approaches we also evaluate the square variance of the Hamiltonian in terms of coherent states. This quantity turns out to have a natural interpretation with respect to time-dependent solutions of the equations of motion and allows for an estimate of quantum fluctuations in a semiclassical regime. The general results are applied to solitons, instantons and vortices in several one- and two-dimensional models.Comment: 14 page

    Field-Dependent Tilt and Birefringence of Electroclinic Liquid Crystals: Theory and Experiment

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    An unresolved issue in the theory of liquid crystals is the molecular basis of the electroclinic effect in the smectic-A phase. Recent x-ray scattering experiments suggest that, in a class of siloxane-containing liquid crystals, an electric field changes a state of disordered molecular tilt in random directions into a state of ordered tilt in one direction. To investigate this issue, we measure the optical tilt and birefringence of these liquid crystals as functions of field and temperature, and we develop a theory for the distribution of molecular orientations under a field. Comparison of theory and experiment confirms that these materials have a disordered distribution of molecular tilt directions that is aligned by an electric field, giving a large electroclinic effect. It also shows that the net dipole moment of a correlated volume of molecules, a key parameter in the theory, scales as a power law near the smectic-A--smectic-C transition.Comment: 18 pages, including 9 postscript figures, uses REVTeX 3.0 and epsf.st

    f-Oscillators and Nonlinear Coherent States

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    The notion of f-oscillators generalizing q-oscillators is introduced. For classical and quantum cases, an interpretation of the f-oscillator is provided as corresponding to a special nonlinearity of vibration for which the frequency of oscillation depends on the energy. The f-coherent states (nonlinear coherent states) generalizing q-coherent states are constructed. Applied to quantum optics, photon distribution function, photon number means, and dispersions are calculated for the f-coherent states as well as the Wigner function and Q-function. As an example, it is shown how this nonlinearity may affect the Planck distribution formula.Comment: Latex, 32 pages, accepted by Physica Script

    Scalar quantum kinetic theory for spin-1/2 particles: mean field theory

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    Starting from the Pauli Hamiltonian operator, we derive a scalar quantum kinetic equations for spin-1/2 systems. Here the regular Wigner two-state matrix is replaced by a scalar distribution function in extended phase space. Apart from being a formulation of principal interest, such scalar quantum kinetic equation makes the comparison to classical kinetic theory straightforward, and lends itself naturally to currently available numerical Vlasov and Boltzmann schemes. Moreover, while the quasi-distribution is a Wigner function in regular phase space, it is given by a Q-function in spin space. As such, nonlinear and dynamical quantum plasma problems are readily handled. Moreover, the issue of gauge invariance is treated. Applications (e.g. ultra-dense laser compressed targets and their diagnostics), possible extensions, and future improvements of the presented quantum statistical model are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Supercoherent States, Super K\"ahler Geometry and Geometric Quantization

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    Generalized coherent states provide a means of connecting square integrable representations of a semi-simple Lie group with the symplectic geometry of some of its homogeneous spaces. In the first part of the present work this point of view is extended to the supersymmetric context, through the study of the OSp(2/2) coherent states. These are explicitly constructed starting from the known abstract typical and atypical representations of osp(2/2). Their underlying geometries turn out to be those of supersymplectic OSp(2/2) homogeneous spaces. Moment maps identifying the latter with coadjoint orbits of OSp(2/2) are exhibited via Berezin's symbols. When considered within Rothstein's general paradigm, these results lead to a natural general definition of a super K\"ahler supermanifold, the supergeometry of which is determined in terms of the usual geometry of holomorphic Hermitian vector bundles over K\"ahler manifolds. In particular, the supergeometry of the above orbits is interpreted in terms of the geometry of Einstein-Hermitian vector bundles. In the second part, an extension of the full geometric quantization procedure is applied to the same coadjoint orbits. Thanks to the super K\"ahler character of the latter, this procedure leads to explicit super unitary irreducible representations of OSp(2/2) in super Hilbert spaces of L2L^2 superholomorphic sections of prequantum bundles of the Kostant type. This work lays the foundations of a program aimed at classifying Lie supergroups' coadjoint orbits and their associated irreducible representations, ultimately leading to harmonic superanalysis. For this purpose a set of consistent conventions is exhibited.Comment: 53 pages, AMS-LaTeX (or LaTeX+AMSfonts

    Geometric Entanglement of Symmetric States and the Majorana Representation

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    Permutation-symmetric quantum states appear in a variety of physical situations, and they have been proposed for quantum information tasks. This article builds upon the results of [New J. Phys. 12, 073025 (2010)], where the maximally entangled symmetric states of up to twelve qubits were explored, and their amount of geometric entanglement determined by numeric and analytic means. For this the Majorana representation, a generalization of the Bloch sphere representation, can be employed to represent symmetric n qubit states by n points on the surface of a unit sphere. Symmetries of this point distribution simplify the determination of the entanglement, and enable the study of quantum states in novel ways. Here it is shown that the duality relationship of Platonic solids has a counterpart in the Majorana representation, and that in general maximally entangled symmetric states neither correspond to anticoherent spin states nor to spherical designs. The usability of symmetric states as resources for measurement-based quantum computing is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Coherent States Measurement Entropy

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    Coherent states (CS) quantum entropy can be split into two components. The dynamical entropy is linked with the dynamical properties of a quantum system. The measurement entropy, which tends to zero in the semiclassical limit, describes the unpredictability induced by the process of a quantum approximate measurement. We study the CS--measurement entropy for spin coherent states defined on the sphere discussing different methods dealing with the time limit n→∞n \to \infty. In particular we propose an effective technique of computing the entropy by iterated function systems. The dependence of CS--measurement entropy on the character of the partition of the phase space is analysed.Comment: revtex, 22 pages, 14 figures available upon request (e-mail: [email protected]). Submitted to J.Phys.
