2,024 research outputs found

    Lecture et bibliothèques publiques : actes du colloque, Hénin-Beaumont, 20-21 novembre 1981

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    « Document numérisé pour l\u27ENSSIB » - Ce document s\u27adresse aux professionnels des bibliothèques, et plus largement, aux acteurs de la vie culturelle. Il s\u27agit des actes du colloque consacré à la lecture et aux bibliothèques publiques qui s\u27est tenu à Hénin-Beaumont les 20 et 21 novembre 1981. Ce document aborde l\u27ensemble des questions et problèmes liés au développement de la lecture et des bibliothèques publiques, spécialement en région Nord - Pas-de-Calais. Les différentes interventions dressent un état des lieux de la situation régionale en la matière afin de réfléchir aux actions à mener en faveur de la lecture publique et d\u27élaborer une stratégie de développement efficace avec la participation de tous les acteurs du monde culturel de la région. L\u27intérêt de cet ouvrage réside dans cette vocation régionale qui permet d\u27appréhender concrètement la question de la lecture publique dans un contexte donné. Certes, cette étude précise ne peut être généralisée au niveau national, mais elle offre l\u27opportunité de comprendre les enjeux de la lecture publique au niveau local, ainsi que les réflexions et problèmes qu\u27ils sous-tendent. Par ailleurs, quelques tableaux font référence à d\u27autres régions françaises, amenant des comparaisons intéressantes

    Mateu Febrer Bauzà (1980-2012)

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    Reasoning from Last Conflict(s) in Constraint Programming

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    International audienceConstraint programming is a popular paradigm to deal with combinatorial problems in arti cial intelligence. Backtracking algorithms, applied to constraint networks, are commonly used but su er from thrashing, i.e. the fact of repeatedly exploring similar subtrees during search. An extensive literature has been devoted to prevent thrashing, often classi ed into look-ahead (constraint propagation and search heuristics) and look-back (intelligent backtracking and learning) approaches. In this paper, we present an original look-ahead approach that allows to guide backtrack search toward sources of conicts and, as a side e ect, to obtain a behavior similar to a backjumping technique. The principle is the following: after each conict, the last assigned variable is selected in priority, so long as the constraint network cannot be made consistent. This allows us to find, following the current partial instantiation from the leaf to the root of the search tree, the culprit decision that prevents the last variable from being assigned. This way of reasoning can easily be grafted to many variations of backtracking algorithms and represents an original mechanism to reduce thrashing. Moreover, we show that this approach can be generalized so as to collect a (small) set of incompatible variables that are together responsible for the last conict. Experiments over a wide range of benchmarks demonstrate the e ectiveness of this approach in both constraint satisfaction and automated arti cial intelligence planning

    Petit guide des aides à destination des librairies

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    Peu de librairies ont une capacité d’autofinancement suffisante pour envisager des investissements pourtant nécessaires à l’évolution du magasin. Compte tenu du rôle prépondérant de la librairie indépendante dans le maintien d’une bibliodiversité conséquente, les pouvoirs publics ont choisi de longue date d’accompagner les libraires dans la construction et le financement de leurs besoins. Un très grand nombre de dispositifs, d’organismes publics ou privés oeuvrent en ce sens. Pris dans son activité, le libraire peut parfois se sentir seul et un peu perdu face à l’ensemble de ces dispositifs. Comment se repérer parmi eux ? Par quelle démarche commencer ? Qui contacter ? Ce guide se veut un outil méthodologique permettant aux libraires de trouver la bonne information au bon moment. Il sera actualisé régulièrement pour tenir compte des évolutions institutionnelles et politiques, en particulier dans le contexte de fusion des régions

    Do technology and social media preferences differ with age? A study of the use of social technologies for business purposes in Spain

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    Social technologies have rapidly become part of the workplace culture with companies using social platforms to communicate, for customer service, to gain exposure and create awareness, to gain new customers, to increase revenue and profits, for marketing purposes, to network and build relationships, and for recruiting purposes. This paper reports the results of a study of the usage of social technologies by working women in Spain to determine the purposes for using these platforms in a business environment. Furthermore, statistical analyses of the data reveal whether the age of the respondents make a difference in social media preferences. Based on these results, organizations will have a better grasp of how to optimize the use of social technologies in business and which age groups are better suited for managing specific platforms based on the purposes studied, thus adding to the literature in the field

    Exploiting Cross Correlations and Joint Analyses

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    In this report, we present a wide variety of ways in which information from multiple probes of dark energy may be combined to obtain additional information not accessible when they are considered separately. Fundamentally, because all major probes are affected by the underlying distribution of matter in the regions studied, there exist covariances between them that can provide information on cosmology. Combining multiple probes allows for more accurate (less contaminated by systematics) and more precise (since there is cosmological information encoded in cross-correlation statistics) measurements of dark energy. The potential of cross-correlation methods is only beginning to be realized. By bringing in information from other wavelengths, the capabilities of the existing probes of dark energy can be enhanced and systematic effects can be mitigated further. We present a mixture of work in progress and suggestions for future scientific efforts. Given the scope of future dark energy experiments, the greatest gains may only be realized with more coordination and cooperation between multiple project teams; we recommend that this interchange should begin sooner, rather than later, to maximize scientific gains.Comment: Report from the "Dark Energy and CMB" working group for the American Physical Society's Division of Particles and Fields long-term planning exercise ("Snowmass"

    Vente de livres numériques : comment ? Avec quel partenaire ? - Vademecum à l\u27usage des libraires indépendants (La)

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    Guide pratique sur la vente de livres numériques à destination des libraires indépendants

    How do Zimbabweans value health states?

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    Background Quality of life weights based on valuations of health states are often used in cost utility analysis and population health measures. This paper reports on an attempt to develop quality of life weights within the Zimbabwe context. Methods 2,384 residents in randomly selected small residential plots of land in a high-density suburb of Harare valued descriptors of 38 health states based on different combinations of the five domains of the EQ-5D (mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain or discomfort and anxiety or depression). The English version of the EQ-5D was used. The time trade-off method was used to determine the values, and 19,020 individual preferences for health states were analysed. A residual maximum likelihood linear mixed model was used to estimate a function for predicting the values of all possible combinations of levels on the five domains. The model was fit to a random subset of two-thirds of the observations, with the remaining observations reserved for analysis of predictive validity. The results were compared to a similar study undertaken in the United Kingdom. Results A credible model was developed to predict the values of states that were not valued directly. In the subset of observations reserved for validation, the mean absolute difference between predicted and observed values was 0.045. All domains of the EQ-5D were found to contribute significantly to the model, both at the moderate and severe levels. Severe pain was found to have the largest negative coefficient, followed by the inability to wash and dress oneself. Conclusion Despite a generally lower education level than their European counterparts, urban Zimbabweans appear to value health states in a consistent manner, and the determination of a global method of establishing quality of life weights may be feasible and valid. However, as the relative weightings of the different domains, although correlated, differed from the standard set of weights recommended by the EuroQol Group, the locally determined coefficients should be used within the Zimbabwean context
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