346 research outputs found

    Altitude and vegetation affect soil organic carbon, basal respiration and microbial biomass in apennine forest soils

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    Both altitude and vegetation are known to affect the amount and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) and the size and activity of soil microbial biomass. However, when altitude and vegetation changes are combined, it is still unclear which one has a greater effect on soil chemical and biochemical properties. With the aim of clarifying this, we tested the effect of altitude (and hence temperature) and vegetation (broadleaf vs pine forests) on soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil microbial biomass and its activity. Soil sampling was carried out in two adjacent toposequences ranging from 500 to 1000ma.s.l. on a calcareous massif in central Italy: one covered only by Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold forests, while the other covered by Quercus pubescens Willd., Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. and Fagus sylvatica L. forests, at 500, 700 and 1000 m a.s.l., respectively. The content of SOC and water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC) increased with altitude for the pine forests, while for the broadleaf forests no trend along the slope occurred, and the highest SOC and WEOC contents were observed in the soil at 700 m under the Ostrya carpinifolia forest. With regard to the soil microbial community, although the size of the soil microbial biomass (Cmic) generally followed the SOC contents along the slope, both broadleaf and pine forest soils showed similar diminishing trends with altitude of soil respiration (\u3a3CO2-C), and \u3a3CO2-C:WEOC and \u3a3CO2-C:Cmic ratios. The results pointed out that, although under the pine forests' altitude was effective in affecting WEOC and SOC contents, in the soils along the broadleaf forest toposequence this effect was absent, indicating a greater impact of vegetation than temperature on SOC amount and pool distribution. Conversely, the similar trend with altitude of the microbial activity indexes would indicate temperature to be crucial for the activity of the soil microbial community

    The conversion of abandoned chestnut forests to managed ones does not affect the soil chemical properties and improves the soil microbial biomass activity

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    Recently, several hectares of abandoned chestnut forests (ACF) were recovered into chestnut stands for nut or timber production; however, the effects of such practice on soil mineral horizon properties are unknown. This work aimed to (1) identify the better chestnut forest management to maintain or to improve the soil properties during the ACF recovery, and (2) give an insight into the effect of unmanaged to managed forest conversion on soil properties, taking in consideration sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) forest ecosystems. The investigation was conducted in an experimental chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) forest located in the northern part of the Apennine chain (Italy). We identified an ACF, a chestnut forest for wood production (WCF), and chestnut forests for nut production with a tree density of 98 and 120 plants ha-1 (NCFL and NCFH, respectively). WCF, NCFL and NCFH stands are the result of the ACF recovery carried out in 2004. After 15 years since the ACF recovery, generally, the effects on the main soil chemical properties were negligible. Some differences occurred for the water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and microbial biomass and its activity. NCFL showed the highest WSOC content in the uppermost soil horizon likely due to higher amount of roots which are source of labile organic compounds. The higher WSOC amount might explain the greatest amount of microbial biomass in the A horizon of NCFL. Furthermore, the microbial biomass harboring in the A horizon of NCFL has also shown both a better C use efficiency and a larger soil organic carbon immobilization in the microbial biomass itself. Our data would indicate that the ACF recovery into pure chestnut forests did not have negative impacts on soil chemical and biochemical properties, though chestnut stands for nut production with a low plant density are the most suitable ones

    Technosols Development in an Abandoned Mining Area and Environmental Risk Assessment

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    none4noThe study of Technosols development, spatial distribution and physicochemical characteristics is becoming more and more important in the Anthropocene Era. The aim of the present study was to assess soil features and potential heavy metal release risk of soils developed on different mine tailing types after the waste disposal derived from mining activity in Central Italy. Soils were analyzed for their morphological, physical and chemical properties, and a chemical sequential extraction of heavy metals was performed. The investigated soils were classified as Technosols toxic having in some layer within 50 cm of the soil surface inorganic materials with high concentrations of toxic elements. Our findings showed that the bioavailability of potentially toxic element concentrations in the soil changed according to the origin of the mine tailing. However, because of the acidic pH, there is a serious risk of metals leaching which was reduced where the soil organic matter content was higher.openFerronato, Chiara; Vianello, Gilmo; Feudis, Mauro De; Vittori Antisari, LiviaFerronato, Chiara; Vianello, Gilmo; Feudis, Mauro De; Vittori Antisari, Livi

    Volver al pasado desde la historia oral y la memoria: los casos del Hospital de Reforma y Hospital Privado de Comunidad en la Ciudad de Mar Del Plata (1961-2005).

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    Este trabajo pretende rastrear desde la historia oral cómo los individuos se insertan dentro de las instituciones de salud y de qué manera estas instituciones influyen en la memoria, el imaginario y los recuerdos de los actores. Las instituciones analizadas son el Hospital de Reforma (hoy Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Dr. Oscar E. Alende") y el Hospital Privado de Comunidad (HPC), ambos de Mar del Plata. Las fuentes son entrevistas realizadas a los actores involucrados en la creación de dichas instituciones. La metodología utilizada será la historia oral, y los testimonios como fuente de trabajo para indagar en recuerdos, vivencias y memorias ofrecidas por los distintos actores. Está dividido en tres apartados, desarrollándose así primero la historia de ambas instituciones, luego el trabajo desde los testimonios recopilados y una reflexión final sobre el rol de los entrevistados a partir de la recreación de la memoria

    Curcumin blocks autophagy and activates apoptosis of malignant mesothelioma cell lines and increases the survival of mice intraperitoneally transplanted with a malignant mesothelioma cell line

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    Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a primary tumor arising from the serous membranes. The resistance of MM patients to conventional therapies, and the poor patients' survival, encouraged the identification of molecular targets for MM treatment. Curcumin (CUR) is a "multifunctional drug". We explored the in vitro effects of CUR on cell proliferation, cell cycle regulation, pro-survival signaling pathways, apoptosis, autophagy of human (MM-B1, H-Meso-1, MM-F1), and mouse (#40a) MM cells. In addition, we evaluated the in vivo anti-tumor activities of CUR in C57BL/6 mice intraperitoneally transplanted with #40a cells forming ascites.CUR in vitro inhibited MM cells survival in a dose- and time-dependent manner and increased reactive oxygen species'intracellular production and induced DNA damage. CUR triggered autophagic flux, but the process was then blocked and was coincident with caspase 8 activation which activates apoptosis. CUR-mediated apoptosis was supported by the increase of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, increase of p53 expression, activation of caspase 9, cleavage of PARP-1, increase of the percentage of cells in the sub G1 phase which was reduced (MM-F1 and #40a) or abolished (MM-B1 and H-Meso-1) after MM cells incubation with the apoptosis inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK. CUR treatment stimulated the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, inhibited that of p54 JNK and AKT, increased c-Jun expression and phosphorylation and prevented NF-κB nuclear translocation. Intraperitoneal administration of CUR increased the median survival of C57BL/6 mice intraperitoneally transplanted with #40a cells and reduced the risk of developing tumors. Our findings may have important implications for the design of MM treatment using CUR

    GIS-Based Geopedological Approach for Assessing Land Suitability for Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Groves for Fruit Production

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    The identification of mountainous areas suitable for chestnut stands for fruit production (CSFP) is raising increasing interest among researchers. This work aimed to (i) identify the areas suitable for CSFP shown in a land suitability map easy to read by land planners, and (ii) propose a remote-sensing-based methodology able to identify the lands currently under cultivation for CSFP. This study was conducted using the QGIS software for the Municipality of Castel del Rio, Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. To obtain the land suitability map, topographic, lithological, and pedological data were acquired, and the areas located between 200 and 1000 m of altitude, with north exposition, a slope < 20°, sandstone-based lithology, and soils with dystric features were selected. The currently cultivated areas for CSFP were identified through remote-sensing images of the early spring period, which were delineated and georeferenced. The findings showed that only 10% of the whole study site area can be considered suitable for CSFP. Further, most of the currently cultivated CSFP (59%) are in non-suitable areas characterised by high slope gradients. The methodology applied in this study can easily provide detailed information about the suitable areas for CSFP and the areas currently cultivated with chestnut, thus allowing accurate land-use planning and land conservation

    Assessment of water quality and soil salinity in the agricultural coastal plain (Ravenna, North Italy)

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    To improve knowledge on salt leaching suitability on different soils, in Arenosols and Cambisols croplands in the coastal area of Ravenna (Italy), soil samples were collected in the non-irrigation winter period and irrigation summer period. Concurrently, waters of the canal network were also investigated. Soil samples were analyzed for pH, carbonate, total organic carbon (TOC), particle size distribution, electrical conductivity (EC), bulk density (BD) and water content at field capacity (FC). Water samples were investigated for pH, EC, biological and chemical oxygen demand, sodium adsorption ratio, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfates and chlorides. All soils had low TOC concentrations and Arenosols showed the lowest clay content, BD and FC. Soils had similar EC values in winter, but in summer the lowest ones were observed in Arenosols, suggesting that irrigation mitigated salinization in Arenosols, while the high clay content, BD and FC prevented or limited the salt leaching in Cambisols. In summer, the increase of total nitrogen and biological oxygen demand, especially in drainage channels, might suggest the leaching of soluble nutrients and organic matter from soils due to the high irrigation water volumes. Finally, our findings stress the need to consider soil type and properties to contrast soil salinization without negative effects on soil C leaching caused by salt leaching practice

    GIS-based soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area (Ravenna, northern Italy)

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    Land capability and suitability maps are useful tools for soil resource conservation. This study aimed to build land capability and suitability maps using a multi-thematic approach by GIS in a salt-affected coastal area of Italy. Topographic, morphological, geological, pedological delineations and land cover maps, remote sensing image and climate data were acquired and the main physical and chemical properties, including electrical conductivity (EC) and available water capacity, were analysed on the soil samples collected in the study area. The acquired information were elaborated through QGIS software to obtain the land capability and suitability maps. The suitability map showed that most of the area (80%) is suitable for cultivation and, therefore, can be addressed for agricultural purposes without risk of degradation. In fact, the land capability map showed that 42% of the investigated area belongs to class I and II indicating that they can be used for a wide range of cultivations. While 44% of the investigated area clustered in class III and IV. In these latter the cultivation should be allowed to a limited range of crops due to the high sand content, which does not allow a good water retention, and due to a strong intrusion of sea water with consequent increase of the soil EC. In our study area, where agricultural productivity and environmental impact are in conflict, to classify the lands on base the land capability and suitability could help to define the best agricultural practices to apply in order to preserve soil functions
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