12,032 research outputs found

    Dirac sheets and gauge fixing in U(1)U(1) lattice gauge theory

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    Photon correlators in  U(1) ~U(1)~ pure gauge theory for different lattice actions are considered under the Lorentz gauge condition. They are shown to depend strongly on the gauge fixing ambiguity and on the corresponding existence of Dirac sheets. For the Coulomb phase a gauge fixing algorithm is proposed which avoids Dirac sheets and allows to find the global extremum of the non-local gauge condition. Sorry, figures are not included and can be sent by ordinary mail.Comment: 11 pages preprint HU Berlin--IEP--93/2, June 199

    Complete high-precision entropic sampling

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    Monte Carlo simulations using entropic sampling to estimate the number of configurations of a given energy are a valuable alternative to traditional methods. We introduce {\it tomographic} entropic sampling, a scheme which uses multiple studies, starting from different regions of configuration space, to yield precise estimates of the number of configurations over the {\it full range} of energies, {\it without} dividing the latter into subsets or windows. Applied to the Ising model on the square lattice, the method yields the critical temperature to an accuracy of about 0.01%, and critical exponents to 1% or better. Predictions for systems sizes L=10 - 160, for the temperature of the specific heat maximum, and of the specific heat at the critical temperature, are in very close agreement with exact results. For the Ising model on the simple cubic lattice the critical temperature is given to within 0.003% of the best available estimate; the exponent ratios β/ν\beta/\nu and γ/ν\gamma/\nu are given to within about 0.4% and 1%, respectively, of the literature values. In both two and three dimensions, results for the {\it antiferromagnetic} critical point are fully consistent with those of the ferromagnetic transition. Application to the lattice gas with nearest-neighbor exclusion on the square lattice again yields the critical chemical potential and exponent ratios β/ν\beta/\nu and γ/ν\gamma/\nu to good precision.Comment: For a version with figures go to http://www.fisica.ufmg.br/~dickman/transfers/preprints/entsamp2.pd

    Osteopathy Complete

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    The human system is, to all intents and purposes, a wonderful machine, capable of running for an indefinite period of time, unless interfered with by accidents, dislocations, contraction of muscles, obstruction of the nerve-force, or the circulation of the nutritive fluids of the body. The author consulted such works as Gx\u27ay, Landois, Saunders, and Musser, with an earnest desire to advance the cause of Osteopathy, and endeavored to be accurate, concise, and modern.https://digitalcommons.pcom.edu/classic_med_works/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Osteopathy: The New Science of Healing

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    This author knew that Osteopathy was destined to revolutionize the medical world and aims to reach the masses. While Barber gives Dr. Still credit for the new science which he discovered, he differs with him as to the true cause of the results reached by the Osteopath. Barber states that the true cause of all disease may be traced to some muscle which has contracted and for some unaccountable reason has failed to relax, thus interfering with all the forces of life.https://digitalcommons.pcom.edu/classic_med_works/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Variational Cumulant Expansions for Intractable Distributions

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    Intractable distributions present a common difficulty in inference within the probabilistic knowledge representation framework and variational methods have recently been popular in providing an approximate solution. In this article, we describe a perturbational approach in the form of a cumulant expansion which, to lowest order, recovers the standard Kullback-Leibler variational bound. Higher-order terms describe corrections on the variational approach without incurring much further computational cost. The relationship to other perturbational approaches such as TAP is also elucidated. We demonstrate the method on a particular class of undirected graphical models, Boltzmann machines, for which our simulation results confirm improved accuracy and enhanced stability during learning

    On locations and properties of the multicritical point of Gaussian and +/-J Ising spin glasses

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    We use transfer-matrix and finite-size scaling methods to investigate the location and properties of the multicritical point of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses on square, triangular and honeycomb lattices, with both binary and Gaussian disorder distributions. For square and triangular lattices with binary disorder, the estimated position of the multicritical point is in numerical agreement with recent conjectures regarding its exact location. For the remaining four cases, our results indicate disagreement with the respective versions of the conjecture, though by very small amounts, never exceeding 0.2%. Our results for: (i) the correlation-length exponent ν\nu governing the ferro-paramagnetic transition; (ii) the critical domain-wall energy amplitude η\eta; (iii) the conformal anomaly cc; (iv) the finite-size susceptibility exponent γ/ν\gamma/\nu; and (v) the set of multifractal exponents {ηk}\{\eta_k \} associated to the moments of the probability distribution of spin-spin correlation functions at the multicritical point, are consistent with universality as regards lattice structure and disorder distribution, and in good agreement with existing estimates.Comment: RevTeX 4, 9 pages, 2 .eps figure

    Finite size effects in nonequilibrium wetting

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    Models with a nonequilibrium wetting transition display a transition also in finite systems. This is different from nonequilibrium phase transitions into an absorbing state, where the stationary state is the absorbing one for any value of the control parameter in a finite system. In this paper, we study what kind of transition takes place in finite systems of nonequilibrium wetting models. By solving exactly a microscopic model with three and four sites and performing numerical simulations we show that the phase transition taking place in a finite system is characterized by the average interface height performing a random walk at criticality and does not discriminate between the bounded-KPZ classes and the bounded-EW class. We also study the finite size scaling of the bKPZ universality classes, showing that it presents peculiar features in comparison with other universality classes of nonequilibrium phase transitions.Comment: 14 pages, 6figures, major change

    Component-Resolved in Vitro Diagnosis in Peach-Allergic Patients

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    BACKGROUND: The in vitro diagnosis of pollen-related food allergy presents low specifi city and reproducibility with many conventional extracts. This can be improved using natural purifi ed allergens, recombinant purifi ed allergens, or both. OBJECTIVE: We compared specifi c immunoglobulin (Ig) E determination (sIgE), the basophil activation test (BAT), the histamine release test (HRT), and the cellular allergen stimulation test (CAST) using natural and recombinant allergens in the diagnosis of peach allergy. METHODS: Thirty-two peach allergic patients were studied. Skin prick tests were performed with commercial peach and extract with Mal d 1, nPru p 3, and profi lin (nPho d 2). sIgE, BAT, CAST, and HRT were determined using rPru p 3, rMal d 3, rBet v 1, rMal d 1, and rMal d 4. RESULTS: Agreement between the techniques was good with all the allergens, except HRT with rMal d 1 and rMal d 4. With rPru p 3, sIgE, CAST, BAT, and HRT showed sensitivity values of 88%, 81%, 72%, and 69% and specifi city values of 100%, 93%, 97%, and 83%, respectively. In patients with systemic symptoms or contact urticaria, the values were 100%, 85%, 81%, and 81%. In patients with oral allergy syndrome, sensitivity to profi lins or homologues of Bet v 1 was detected in 100% of the cases by all the techniques, except by HRT with rMal d 1, which detected 66% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: The use of single allergens in the in vitro diagnosis of peach allergy by specifi c IgE determination, BAT, and CAST offers high specifi city and sensitivity, with better results than the HRT

    La cultura Ainu : una anàlisi sociocultural

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    Avui en dia, la presència de minories ètniques i culturals al Japó és un fet present poc reconegut socialment. Entre les diverses minories, centraré el meu estudi en els ainu. Aquests havien aconseguit tenir una cultura i una llengua pròpia, fins que l'aparició dels japonesos a Hokkaido, va encaminar la seva història cap a l'extinció, degut a les fortes polítiques d'assimilació a les que foren sotmesos. Una minoria socialment rebutjada, que ha anat recuperant forces sent cada cop més visible gràcies als mitjans de comunicació, entre d'altres. Les realitats que afecten a aquesta minoria són múltiples, aparentment tendint cap a una major difusió i reconeixement social. Tot i així, el rebuig i la discriminació cap a aquesta minoria segueix sent força patent. Així doncs, a traves d'aquest treball exploraré el perfil sociocultural de l'ètnica ainu amb l'objectiu d'esbrinar quins van ser els factor que han produït aquesta exclusió. El treball es compondrà de dues parts, la primera de contextualització i la segona més enfocada al anàlisi social i lingüístic, seguit finalment d'unes conclusions.Hoy en día, la presencia de minorías étnicas y culturales en Japón es un hecho presente poco reconocido socialmente. Entre las diversas minorías, centraré mí estudio en los ainus. Estos habían conseguido tener una cultura y una lengua propia, hasta que la aparición de los japoneses en Hokkaido, encaminó su historia hacia la extinción, debido a las fuertes políticas de asimilación a las que fueron sometidos. Una minoría socialmente rechazada, que ha ido recuperando fuerzas siendo cada vez más visible gracias a los medios de comunicación, entre otros. Las realidades que afectan a esta minoría son múltiples, aparentemente tendiendo hacia una mayor difusión y reconocimiento social. Sin embargo, el rechazo y la discriminación sigue siendo bastante patente. Así pues, a través de este trabajo exploraré el perfil sociocultural de la etnia ainu con el objetivo de averiguar cuáles fueron los factores que han producido esta exclusión social. El trabajo se compondrá de dos partes, la primera de contextualización y la segunda más enfocada al análisis social y lingüístico, seguido finalmente de unas conclusiones.Nowadays, the presence of ethnic and cultural minorities in Japan is a little socially recognized fact. Among the various existing minorities, I will focus my study on the ainu. They had got a culture and a language of their own, until the appearance of the Japanese in Hokkaido led them toward extinction, due to the strong assimilation's policies they were subjected to. They are a socially rejected minority that has been increasingly recovering strength, mostly thanks to the media, among others. The realities affecting this minority are multiple, apparently showing a tendency towards a greater development and the attainment of social recognition. However, rejection and discrimination against them are still quite evident. Through this study, I will explore the cultural profile of the ainu ethnic group, in order to identify which were the factors that led to their social exclusion. It will consist of two parts, the first of contextualization and the second focused on social and linguistic analysis, finally followed by conclusions
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