21,875 research outputs found

    Cancellation of quantum mechanical higher loop contributions to the gravitational chiral anomaly

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    We give an explicit demonstration, using the rigorous Feynman rules developed in~\0^{1}, that the regularized trace \tr \gamma_5 e^{-\beta \Dslash^2} for the gravitational chiral anomaly expressed as an appropriate quantum mechanical path integral is β\beta-independent up to two-loop level. Identities and diagrammatic notations are developed to facilitate rapid evaluation of graphs given by these rules.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX and psfig (many figures

    High-velocity gas towards the LMC resides in the Milky Way halo

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    To explore the origin of high-velocity gas in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) we analyze absorption lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of a Galactic halo star that is located in front of the LMC at d=9.2 kpc distance. We study the velocity-component structure of low and intermediate metal ions in the spectrum of RXJ0439.8-6809, as obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) onboard HST, and measure equivalent widths and column densities for these ions. We supplement our COS data with a Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectrum of the nearby LMC star Sk-69 59 and with HI 21cm data from the Leiden-Argentina-Bonn (LAB) survey. Metal absorption towards RXJ0439.8-6809 is unambiguously detected in three different velocity components near v_LSR=0,+60, and +150 km/s. The presence of absorption proves that all three gas components are situated in front of the star, thus being located in the disk and inner halo of the Milky Way. For the high-velocity cloud (HVC) at v_LSR=+150 km/s we derive an oxygen abundance of [O/H]=-0.63 (~0.2 solar) from the neighbouring Sk-69 59 sightline, in accordance with previous abundance measurements for this HVC. From the observed kinematics we infer that the HVC hardly participates in the Galactic rotation. Our study shows that the HVC towards the LMC represents a Milky Way halo cloud that traces low-column density gas with relatively low metallicity. It rules out scenarios in which the HVC represents material close to the LMC that stems from a LMC outflow.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; submitted to A&A Letter

    Towards a holographic realization of the quarkyonic phase

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    Large-N_c QCD matter at intermediate baryon density and low temperatures has been conjectured to be in the so-called quarkyonic phase, i.e., to have a quark Fermi surface and on top of it a confined spectrum of excitations. It has been suggested that the presence of the quark Fermi surface leads to a homogeneous phase with restored chiral symmetry, which is unstable towards creating condensates breaking both the chiral and translational symmetry. Motivated by these exotic features, we investigate properties of cold baryonic matter in the single flavor Sakai-Sugimoto model searching for a holographic realization of the quarkyonic phase. We use a simplified mean-field description and focus on the regime of parametrically large baryon densities, of the order of the square of the 't Hooft coupling, as they turn out to lead to new physical effects similar to the ones occurring in the quarkyonic phase. One effect, the appearance of a particular marginally stable mode breaking translational invariance and linked with the presence of the Chern-Simons term in the flavor brane Lagrangian, is known to occur in the deconfined phase of the Sakai-Sugimoto model, but turns out to be absent here. The other, completely new phenomenon that we, preliminarily, study using strong simplifying assumptions are density-enhanced interactions of the flavor brane gauge field with holographically represented baryons. These seem to significantly affect the spectrum of vector and axial mesons and might lead to approximate chiral symmetry restoration in the lowest part of the spectrum, where the mesons start to qualitatively behave like collective excitations of the dense baryonic medium. We discuss the relevance of these effects for holographic searches of the quarkyonic phase and conclude with a discussion of various subtleties involved in constructing a mean-field holographic description of a dense baryonic medium.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures; v2: inset plot in Fig. 10 removed, coloring in Fig. 13 fixed, typos fixed, matches published versio

    Further search for a neutral boson with a mass around 9 MeV/c2

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    Two dedicated experiments on internal pair conversion (IPC) of isoscalar M1 transitions were carried out in order to test a 9 MeV/c2 X-boson scenario. In the 7Li(p,e+e-)8Be reaction at 1.1 MeV proton energy to the predominantly T=0 level at 18.15 MeV, a significant deviation from IPC was observed at large pair correlation angles. In the 11B(d,n e+e-)12C reaction at 1.6 MeV, leading to the 12.71 MeV 1+ level with pure T=0 character, an anomaly was observed at 9 MeV/c2. The compatibility of the results with the scenario is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Entanglement, Holography and Causal Diamonds

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    We argue that the degrees of freedom in a d-dimensional CFT can be re-organized in an insightful way by studying observables on the moduli space of causal diamonds (or equivalently, the space of pairs of timelike separated points). This 2d-dimensional space naturally captures some of the fundamental nonlocality and causal structure inherent in the entanglement of CFT states. For any primary CFT operator, we construct an observable on this space, which is defined by smearing the associated one-point function over causal diamonds. Known examples of such quantities are the entanglement entropy of vacuum excitations and its higher spin generalizations. We show that in holographic CFTs, these observables are given by suitably defined integrals of dual bulk fields over the corresponding Ryu-Takayanagi minimal surfaces. Furthermore, we explain connections to the operator product expansion and the first law of entanglement entropy from this unifying point of view. We demonstrate that for small perturbations of the vacuum, our observables obey linear two-derivative equations of motion on the space of causal diamonds. In two dimensions, the latter is given by a product of two copies of a two-dimensional de Sitter space. For a class of universal states, we show that the entanglement entropy and its spin-three generalization obey nonlinear equations of motion with local interactions on this moduli space, which can be identified with Liouville and Toda equations, respectively. This suggests the possibility of extending the definition of our new observables beyond the linear level more generally and in such a way that they give rise to new dynamically interacting theories on the moduli space of causal diamonds. Various challenges one has to face in order to implement this idea are discussed.Comment: 84 pages, 12 figures; v2: expanded discussion on constraints in section 7, matches published versio

    High-pressure study of the non-Fermi liquid material U_2Pt_2In

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    The effect of hydrostatic pressure (p<= 1.8 GPa) on the non-Fermi liquid state of U_2Pt_2In is investigated by electrical resistivity measurements in the temperature interval 0.3-300 K. The experiments were carried out on single-crystals with the current along (I||c) and perpendicular (I||a) to the tetragonal axis. The pressure effect is strongly current-direction dependent. For I||a we observe a rapid recovery of the Fermi-liquid T^2-term with pressure. The low-temperature resistivity can be analysed satisfactorily within the magnetotransport theory of Rosch, which provides strong evidence for the location of U_2Pt_2In at an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. For I||c the resistivity increases under pressure, indicating the enhancement of an additional scattering mechanism. In addition, we have measured the pressure dependence of the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T_N= 37.6 K) of the related compound U_2Pd_2In. A simple Doniach-type diagram for U_2Pt_2In and U_2Pd_2In under pressure is presented.Comment: 21 pages (including 5 figures); pdf forma

    Gauged W Algebras

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    We perform an Hamiltonian reduction on a classical \cw(\cg, \ch) algebra, and prove that we get another \cw(\cg, \ch') algebra, with chch\ch\subset\ch'. In the case \cg=S\ell(n), the existence of a suitable gauge, called Generalized Horizontal Gauge, allows to relate in this way two \cw-algebras as soon as their corresponding \ch-algebras are related by inclusion.Comment: 11 p., Latex. There was a misprint on the last autho