129 research outputs found

    Respectful maternity care in the UK using a decolonial lens

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    Respectful maternity care (RMC) is part of a global movement addressing the previous absence of human rights in global safe maternal care guidance. RMC is grounded in kindness, compassion, dignity and respectful working conditions. The decolonisation movement in healthcare seeks to dismantle structural biases set up from a historically white, male, heteronormative Eurocentric medical system. This article applies a decolonising lens to the RMC agenda and examines barriers to its implementation in UK healthcare systems. Searches of peer-reviewed journals about decolonising maternity care in the UK revealed little. Drawing from wider information bases, we examine power imbalances constructed throughout a history of various colonial biases yet lingering in maternity care. The overarching findings of our analysis revealed 3 areas of focus: professional structures and institutional biases; power imbalances between types of staff and stakeholders of care; and person-centred care through a decolonial lens. To uproot inequity and create fairer and more respectful maternity care for women, birthing people and staff, it is vital that contemporary maternity institutions understand the decolonial perspective. This novel enquiry offers a scaffolding to undertake this process. Due to significant differences in colonial history between Western colonising powers, it is important to decolonise with respect to these different territories, histories and challenges

    Heritable patterns of tooth decay in the permanent dentition: principal components and factor analyses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dental caries is the result of a complex interplay among environmental, behavioral, and genetic factors, with distinct patterns of decay likely due to specific etiologies. Therefore, global measures of decay, such as the DMFS index, may not be optimal for identifying risk factors that manifest as specific decay patterns, especially if the risk factors such as genetic susceptibility loci have small individual effects. We used two methods to extract patterns of decay from surface-level caries data in order to generate novel phenotypes with which to explore the genetic regulation of caries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The 128 tooth surfaces of the permanent dentition were scored as carious or not by intra-oral examination for 1,068 participants aged 18 to 75 years from 664 biological families. Principal components analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA), two methods of identifying underlying patterns without <it>a priori </it>surface classifications, were applied to our data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The three strongest caries patterns identified by PCA recaptured variation represented by DMFS index (correlation, r = 0.97), pit and fissure surface caries (r = 0.95), and smooth surface caries (r = 0.89). However, together, these three patterns explained only 37% of the variability in the data, indicating that <it>a priori </it>caries measures are insufficient for fully quantifying caries variation. In comparison, the first pattern identified by FA was strongly correlated with pit and fissure surface caries (r = 0.81), but other identified patterns, including a second pattern representing caries of the maxillary incisors, were not representative of any previously defined caries indices. Some patterns identified by PCA and FA were heritable (h<sup>2 </sup>= 30-65%, p = 0.043-0.006), whereas other patterns were not, indicating both genetic and non-genetic etiologies of individual decay patterns.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrates the use of decay patterns as novel phenotypes to assist in understanding the multifactorial nature of dental caries.</p

    Robust Models for Optic Flow Coding in Natural Scenes Inspired by Insect Biology

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    The extraction of accurate self-motion information from the visual world is a difficult problem that has been solved very efficiently by biological organisms utilizing non-linear processing. Previous bio-inspired models for motion detection based on a correlation mechanism have been dogged by issues that arise from their sensitivity to undesired properties of the image, such as contrast, which vary widely between images. Here we present a model with multiple levels of non-linear dynamic adaptive components based directly on the known or suspected responses of neurons within the visual motion pathway of the fly brain. By testing the model under realistic high-dynamic range conditions we show that the addition of these elements makes the motion detection model robust across a large variety of images, velocities and accelerations. Furthermore the performance of the entire system is more than the incremental improvements offered by the individual components, indicating beneficial non-linear interactions between processing stages. The algorithms underlying the model can be implemented in either digital or analog hardware, including neuromorphic analog VLSI, but defy an analytical solution due to their dynamic non-linear operation. The successful application of this algorithm has applications in the development of miniature autonomous systems in defense and civilian roles, including robotics, miniature unmanned aerial vehicles and collision avoidance sensors

    A Model for the Detection of Moving Targets in Visual Clutter Inspired by Insect Physiology

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    We present a computational model for target discrimination based on intracellular recordings from neurons in the fly visual system. Determining how insects detect and track small moving features, often against cluttered moving backgrounds, is an intriguing challenge, both from a physiological and a computational perspective. Previous research has characterized higher-order neurons within the fly brain, known as ‘small target motion detectors’ (STMD), that respond robustly to moving features, even when the velocity of the target is matched to the background (i.e. with no relative motion cues). We recorded from intermediate-order neurons in the fly visual system that are well suited as a component along the target detection pathway. This full-wave rectifying, transient cell (RTC) reveals independent adaptation to luminance changes of opposite signs (suggesting separate ON and OFF channels) and fast adaptive temporal mechanisms, similar to other cell types previously described. From this physiological data we have created a numerical model for target discrimination. This model includes nonlinear filtering based on the fly optics, the photoreceptors, the 1st order interneurons (Large Monopolar Cells), and the newly derived parameters for the RTC. We show that our RTC-based target detection model is well matched to properties described for the STMDs, such as contrast sensitivity, height tuning and velocity tuning. The model output shows that the spatiotemporal profile of small targets is sufficiently rare within natural scene imagery to allow our highly nonlinear ‘matched filter’ to successfully detect most targets from the background. Importantly, this model can explain this type of feature discrimination without the need for relative motion cues

    Homo-PROTACs:bivalent small-molecule dimerizers of the VHL E3 ubiquitin ligase to induce self-degradation

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    E3 ubiquitin ligases are key enzymes within the ubiquitin proteasome system which catalyze the ubiquitination of proteins, targeting them for proteasomal degradation. E3 ligases are gaining importance as targets to small molecules, both for direct inhibition and to be hijacked to induce the degradation of non-native neo-substrates using bivalent compounds known as PROTACs (for 'proteolysis-targeting chimeras'). We describe Homo-PROTACs as an approach to dimerize an E3 ligase to trigger its suicide-type chemical knockdown inside cells. We provide proof-of-concept of Homo-PROTACs using diverse molecules composed of two instances of a ligand for the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) E3 ligase. The most active compound, CM11, dimerizes VHL with high avidity in vitro and induces potent, rapid and proteasome-dependent self-degradation of VHL in different cell lines, in a highly isoform-selective fashion and without triggering a hypoxic response. This approach offers a novel chemical probe for selective VHL knockdown, and demonstrates the potential for a new modality of chemical intervention on E3 ligases.Targeting the ubiquitin proteasome system to modulate protein homeostasis using small molecules has promising therapeutic potential. Here the authors describe Homo-PROTACS: small molecules that can induce the homo-dimerization of E3 ubiquitin ligases and cause their proteasome-dependent degradation

    A Markov computer simulation model of the economics of neuromuscular blockade in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the intensive care unit (ICU) is clinically challenging and costly. Neuromuscular blocking agents may facilitate mechanical ventilation and improve oxygenation, but may result in prolonged recovery of neuromuscular function and acute quadriplegic myopathy syndrome (AQMS). The goal of this study was to address a hypothetical question via computer modeling: Would a reduction in intubation time of 6 hours and/or a reduction in the incidence of AQMS from 25% to 21%, provide enough benefit to justify a drug with an additional expenditure of 267(thedifferenceinacquisitioncostbetweenagenericandbrandnameneuromuscularblocker)?METHODS:Thebasecasewasa55yearoldmanintheICUwithARDSwhoreceivesneuromuscularblockadefor3.5days.AMarkovmodelwasdesignedwithhypotheticalpatientsin1of6mutuallyexclusivehealthstates:ICUintubated,ICUextubated,hospitalward,longtermcare,home,ordeath,overaperiodof6months.Thenetmonetarybenefitwascomputed.RESULTS:OurcomputersimulationmodelingpredictedthemeancostforARDSpatientsreceivingstandardcarefor6monthstobe267 (the difference in acquisition cost between a generic and brand name neuromuscular blocker)? METHODS: The base case was a 55 year-old man in the ICU with ARDS who receives neuromuscular blockade for 3.5 days. A Markov model was designed with hypothetical patients in 1 of 6 mutually exclusive health states: ICU-intubated, ICU-extubated, hospital ward, long-term care, home, or death, over a period of 6 months. The net monetary benefit was computed. RESULTS: Our computer simulation modeling predicted the mean cost for ARDS patients receiving standard care for 6 months to be 62,238 (5% – 95% percentiles 42,25942,259 – 83,766), with an overall 6-month mortality of 39%. Assuming a ceiling ratio of 35,000,evenifadrug(thatcost35,000, even if a drug (that cost 267 more) hypothetically reduced AQMS from 25% to 21% and decreased intubation time by 6 hours, the net monetary benefit would only equal $137. CONCLUSION: ARDS patients receiving a neuromuscular blocker have a high mortality, and unpredictable outcome, which results in large variability in costs per case. If a patient dies, there is no benefit to any drug that reduces ventilation time or AQMS incidence. A prospective, randomized pharmacoeconomic study of neuromuscular blockers in the ICU to asses AQMS or intubation times is impractical because of the highly variable clinical course of patients with ARDS

    Anti-calmodulins and Tricyclic Adjuvants in Pain Therapy Block the TRPV1 Channel

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    Ca2+-loaded calmodulin normally inhibits multiple Ca2+-channels upon dangerous elevation of intracellular Ca2+ and protects cells from Ca2+-cytotoxicity, so blocking of calmodulin should theoretically lead to uncontrolled elevation of intracellular Ca2+. Paradoxically, classical anti-psychotic, anti-calmodulin drugs were noted here to inhibit Ca2+-uptake via the vanilloid inducible Ca2+-channel/inflamatory pain receptor 1 (TRPV1), which suggests that calmodulin inhibitors may block pore formation and Ca2+ entry. Functional assays on TRPV1 expressing cells support direct, dose-dependent inhibition of vanilloid-induced 45Ca2+-uptake at µM concentrations: calmidazolium (broad range)≥trifluoperazine (narrow range)>chlorpromazine/amitriptyline>fluphenazine>>W-7 and W-13 (only partially). Most likely a short acidic domain at the pore loop of the channel orifice functions as binding site either for Ca2+ or anti-calmodulin drugs. Camstatin, a selective peptide blocker of calmodulin, inhibits vanilloid-induced Ca2+-uptake in intact TRPV1+ cells, and suggests an extracellular site of inhibition. TRPV1+, inflammatory pain-conferring nociceptive neurons from sensory ganglia, were blocked by various anti-psychotic and anti-calmodulin drugs. Among them, calmidazolium, the most effective calmodulin agonist, blocked Ca2+-entry by a non-competitive kinetics, affecting the TRPV1 at a different site than the vanilloid binding pocket. Data suggest that various calmodulin antagonists dock to an extracellular site, not found in other Ca2+-channels. Calmodulin antagonist-evoked inhibition of TRPV1 and NMDA receptors/Ca2+-channels was validated by microiontophoresis of calmidazolium to laminectomised rat monitored with extracellular single unit recordings in vivo. These unexpected findings may explain empirically noted efficacy of clinical pain adjuvant therapy that justify efforts to develop hits into painkillers, selective to sensory Ca2+-channels but not affecting motoneurons

    Priming with a Recombinant Pantothenate Auxotroph of Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Boosting with MVA Elicits HIV-1 Gag Specific CD8+ T Cells

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    A safe and effective HIV vaccine is required to significantly reduce the number of people becoming infected with HIV each year. In this study wild type Mycobacterium bovis BCG Pasteur and an attenuated pantothenate auxotroph strain (BCGΔpanCD) that is safe in SCID mice, have been compared as vaccine vectors for HIV-1 subtype C Gag. Genetically stable vaccines BCG[pHS400] (BCG-Gag) and BCGΔpanCD[pHS400] (BCGpan-Gag) were generated using the Pasteur strain of BCG, and a panothenate auxotroph of Pasteur respectively. Stability was achieved by the use of a codon optimised gag gene and deletion of the hsp60-lysA promoter-gene cassette from the episomal vector pCB119. In this vector expression of gag is driven by the mtrA promoter and the Gag protein is fused to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis 19 kDa signal sequence. Both BCG-Gag and BCGpan-Gag primed the immune system of BALB/c mice for a boost with a recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing Gag (MVA-Gag). After the boost high frequencies of predominantly Gag-specific CD8+ T cells were detected when BCGpan-Gag was the prime in contrast to induction of predominantly Gag-specific CD4+ T cells when priming with BCG-Gag. The differing Gag-specific T-cell phenotype elicited by the prime-boost regimens may be related to the reduced inflammation observed with the pantothenate auxotroph strain compared to the parent strain. These features make BCGpan-Gag a more desirable HIV vaccine candidate than BCG-Gag. Although no Gag-specific cells could be detected after vaccination of BALB/c mice with either recombinant BCG vaccine alone, BCGpan-Gag protected mice against a surrogate vaccinia virus challenge

    What Is Stochastic Resonance? Definitions, Misconceptions, Debates, and Its Relevance to Biology

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    Stochastic resonance is said to be observed when increases in levels of unpredictable fluctuations—e.g., random noise—cause an increase in a metric of the quality of signal transmission or detection performance, rather than a decrease. This counterintuitive effect relies on system nonlinearities and on some parameter ranges being “suboptimal”. Stochastic resonance has been observed, quantified, and described in a plethora of physical and biological systems, including neurons. Being a topic of widespread multidisciplinary interest, the definition of stochastic resonance has evolved significantly over the last decade or so, leading to a number of debates, misunderstandings, and controversies. Perhaps the most important debate is whether the brain has evolved to utilize random noise in vivo, as part of the “neural code”. Surprisingly, this debate has been for the most part ignored by neuroscientists, despite much indirect evidence of a positive role for noise in the brain. We explore some of the reasons for this and argue why it would be more surprising if the brain did not exploit randomness provided by noise—via stochastic resonance or otherwise—than if it did. We also challenge neuroscientists and biologists, both computational and experimental, to embrace a very broad definition of stochastic resonance in terms of signal-processing “noise benefits”, and to devise experiments aimed at verifying that random variability can play a functional role in the brain, nervous system, or other areas of biology