30 research outputs found

    Methionine Sulfoxides on Prion Protein Helix-3 Switch on the α-Fold Destabilization Required for Conversion

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    BACKGROUND: The conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) into the infectious form (PrP(Sc)) is the key event in prion induced neurodegenerations. This process is believed to involve a multi-step conformational transition from an alpha-helical (PrP(C)) form to a beta-sheet-rich (PrP(Sc)) state. In addition to the conformational difference, PrP(Sc) exhibits as covalent signature the sulfoxidation of M213. To investigate whether such modification may play a role in the misfolding process we have studied the impact of methionine oxidation on the dynamics and energetics of the HuPrP(125-229) alpha-fold. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using molecular dynamics simulation, essential dynamics, correlated motions and signal propagation analysis, we have found that substitution of the sulfur atom of M213 by a sulfoxide group impacts on the stability of the native state increasing the flexibility of regions preceding the site of the modification and perturbing the network of stabilizing interactions. Together, these changes favor the population of alternative states which maybe essential in the productive pathway of the pathogenic conversion. These changes are also observed when the sulfoxidation is placed at M206 and at both, M206 and M213. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results suggest that the sulfoxidation of Helix-3 methionines might be the switch for triggering the initial alpha-fold destabilization required for the productive pathogenic conversion

    Modulating RNA structure and catalysis: lessons from small cleaving ribozymes

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    RNA is a key molecule in life, and comprehending its structure/function relationships is a crucial step towards a more complete understanding of molecular biology. Even though most of the information required for their correct folding is contained in their primary sequences, we are as yet unable to accurately predict both the folding pathways and active tertiary structures of RNA species. Ribozymes are interesting molecules to study when addressing these questions because any modifications in their structures are often reflected in their catalytic properties. The recent progress in the study of the structures, the folding pathways and the modulation of the small ribozymes derived from natural, self-cleaving, RNA motifs have significantly contributed to today’s knowledge in the field

    Effective and safe proton pump inhibitor therapy in acid-related diseases – A position paper addressing benefits and potential harms of acid suppression

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    MÀntsÀlÀlÀisten pk-yritysten kÀyttÀmÀt B2B-palvelut

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    Suomalaisista yrityksistÀ valtaosa on kooltaan pieniÀ ja keskisuuria, eli pk-yrityksiÀ. Koska pk-yritysten asema työllistÀjÀnÀ on kansantaloudellisesti merkittÀvÀ, on nÀiden yritysten toimintaympÀristöön kiinnitettÀvÀ jatkuvasti enemmÀn huomiota. Yritysten toimintaympÀristöjÀ kehittÀmÀssÀ ovat alueelliset elinkeinoyhtiöt, joiden tarkoituksena on huolehtia alueiden kilpailukyvyn kehittymisestÀ ja yllÀpitÀmisestÀ. Kun paikalliset yritykset menestyvÀt, turvaa se alueen työllisyyttÀ ja nÀin myös lisÀÀ asukkaiden hyvinvointia. TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö tehtiin toimeksiantona MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehitys Oy:lle. TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö on luonteeltaan ostokÀyttÀytymistutkimus, jonka tarkoituksena oli tutkia MÀntsÀlÀssÀ toimivien pk-yritysten kÀyttÀmiÀ B2B-palveluita, sekÀ yritysten tyytyvÀisyyttÀ hankittuihin palveluihin. Tutkielmassa tutkittiin myös yritysten ostopÀÀtösten taustoja, sekÀ ostopÀÀtöksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ. Yritysten ostopÀÀtösten taustoja selvitettiin haastatteluiden avulla. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin myös, onko yrityksillÀ sellaisia palvelutarpeita, joihin MÀntsÀlÀstÀ ei nykyisellÀÀn löydy palveluntarjoajia, sekÀ mistÀ yritykset pÀÀasiassa hankkivat tietoa suunnitellessaan uuden palvelun hankintaa. Vastauksia esitettyyn tutkimusongelmaan kerÀttiin kahden menetelmÀn avulla. Tutkielmaa varten tehtiin internetkysely, johon mÀntsÀlÀlÀisiÀ pk-yrityksiÀ kutsuttiin vastaamaan. LisÀksi tÀydentÀvÀnÀ aineistona kÀytettiin kolmea teemahaastattelua, jotka niin ikÀÀn on toteutettu yhteistyössÀ mÀntsÀlÀlÀisten yritysten kanssa. Tutkimustuloksista kÀy ilmi, ettÀ mÀntsÀlÀlÀiset pk-yritykset kÀyttÀvÀt B2B-palveluja laajasti ja hankkivat nÀitÀ palveluita sekÀ MÀntsÀlÀstÀ ettÀ muista kunnista. Yritykset ovat pÀÀasiallisesti tyytyvÀisiÀ hankkimiinsa palveluihin. Yritysten ostopÀÀtösten taustalla vaikuttaa merkittÀvÀsti hinnan lisÀksi paikallisuus ja kumppanuus. SelkeÀnÀ tuloksena ilmeni, ettÀ paikalliset yritykset tekevÀt laitehankintansa pÀÀasiassa muualta kuin MÀntsÀlÀstÀ. Erilaisia huoltopalveluja hankitaan paljon oman toimintaympÀristön ulkopuolelta. Uutta palvelua hankittaessa merkittÀvimmÀt tiedonhankintakanavat ovat internetin omien hakujen lisÀksi MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehityksen yritysrekisteri, sekÀ tÀstÀ rekisteristÀ johdettu MÀntsÀlÀn Nuorkauppakamarin palveluhakemisto. Suosittelut toisilta yrittÀjiltÀ mainittiin tÀrkeÀksi keinoksi saada tietoa uudesta palvelusta. Tutkielman avulla MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehitys Oy saa tietoa paikallisesti toimivista yrityksistÀ, sekÀ niiden palvelutarpeista. Tutkielma antaa tietoa siitÀ, mitkÀ palvelut ovat MÀntsÀlÀssÀ hyvin edustettuina ja minkÀlaisia palvelutarpeita kunnassa toimivilla yrityksillÀ on. Tutkielma tarjoaa paikallisesti toimiville yrittÀjille katsauksen oman toimintaympÀristönsÀ tilanteesta ja siitÀ, miten muut yritykset toteuttavat hankintojaan MÀntsÀlÀssÀ. LisÀksi tutkielmasta esille nouseva kumppanuuden merkitys ostopÀÀtökseen vaikuttavana tekijÀnÀ saattaa kannustaa yrityksiÀ miettimÀÀn paikallisten hankintojensa osuuden lisÀÀmistÀ.B2B-services used by small and medium sized enterprises in MÀntsÀlÀ The majority of Finnish companies are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Because these companies have a significant status as employers, it is increasingly important to pay attention to the operating environment of these companies. These business environments are developed by municipal development companies, which aim to increase local competitiveness and to sustain it. When local companies can be successful in their own business environments, it secures municipal employment rate and also increases welfare. This thesis is an assignment from municipal development company MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehitys Oy. The nature of this thesis is a study about organizational buying behaviour and the aim of this thesis is to research SMEs that operates in MÀntsÀlÀ. The main focus is to study companies to see what kind of B2B-services these companies use, and how satisfied they are with their current services. In this thesis, research is also focused on factors affecting organizational buyer behaviour. These factors have been studied by interviewing local companies in MÀntsÀlÀ. The study also presents what kind of B2B-services local companies would like to acquire in MÀntsÀlÀ, instead of other municipal areas and where these companies search information about new services when they found a need of a new service. Answers to these presented questions have been sought with two different research methods. The first one was internet survey questionnaire, which was send to SMEs in MÀntsÀlÀ to answer. Also as a complementary material this thesis includes three theme interviews, which companies in MÀntsÀlÀ have been taken part in. In the results of this organizational buyer behaviour research it is seen how the use of B2B-services in MÀntsÀlÀ SMEs is widespread in most situations. These services are acquired both in MÀntsÀlÀ and other municipal areas. Majority of companies are satisfied with the services they use. The factors affecting buying decision were most commonly price related factors, but also locality and partnership factors rise from the results of this thesis. Another clear conclusion of this thesis was an observation about companies acquiring most of their devices and repair services from other municipal areas than MÀntsÀlÀ. When finding information about new services, the most common way to gather information is by internet. Another ways of gathering information of new services are mentioned to be company register maintained by MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehitys Oy. References and recommendations from another entrepreneurs were also a major way to gather information about new services. The goal of this assignment was to produce new information on MÀntsÀlÀ SMEs for the use of MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehitys Oy. With this new information MÀntsÀlÀn Yrityskehitys Oy can serve local companies better. This thesis also gives local entrepreneurs valuable information about their busi-ness environment and of the way other local companies are buying their B2B-services

    Nash equilibrium strategy in the deregulated power industry and comparing its lost welfare with Iran wholesale electricity market

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    With the increasing use of different types of auctions in market designing, modeling of participants' behaviors to evaluate the market structure is one of the main discussions in the studies related to the deregulated power industries. In this article, we apply an approach of the optimal bidding behavior to the Iran wholesale electricity market as a restructured electric power industry and model how the participants of the market bid in the spot electricity market. The problem is formulated analytically using the Nash equilibrium concept composed of large numbers of players having discrete and very large strategy spaces. Then, we compute and draw supply curve of the competitive market in which all generators' proposed prices are equal to their marginal costs and supply curve of the real market in which the pricing mechanism is pay-as-bid. We finally calculate the lost welfare or inefficiency of the Nash equilibrium and the real market by comparing their supply curves with the competitive curve. We examine 3 cases on November 24 (2 cases) and July 24 (1 case), 2012. It is observed that in the Nash equilibrium on November 24 and demand of 23,487 MW, there are 212 allowed plants for the first case (plants are allowed to choose any quantity of generation except one of them that should be equal to maximum Power) and the economic efficiency or social welfare of Nash equilibrium is 2.77 times as much as the real market. In addition, there are 184 allowed plants for the second case (plants should offer their maximum power with different prices) and the efficiency or social welfare of Nash equilibrium is 3.6 times as much as the real market. On July 24 and demand of 42,421 MW, all 370 plants should generate maximum energy due to the high electricity demand that the economic efficiency or social welfare of the Nash equilibrium is about 2 times as much as the real market