226 research outputs found

    Réception de Monsieur Fabian Leendertz le 2 mars 2017

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    Політична освіта як складова політичної соціалізації молоді

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    Політична освіта та виховання молоді є основою підвищення її політичної активності. Для досягнення відповідного рівня цієї активності необхідне світосприйняття, сформоване згідно з принципами демократії, національної ідеї, а також особиста зацікавленість молодої людини в прогресивному розвитку суспільства, її участь в суспільно політичній діяльності

    Reservoirs and vectors of bartonellae and rickettsiae in New Caledonia

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    Les bartonelloses et les rickettsioses sont des infections à transmission vectorielle souvent graves chez l’homme, mais asymptomatiques chez les animaux. Afin d’identifier de potentiels réservoirs et/ou vecteurs d’infections dues à Bartonella spp. et à Rickettsia spp. en Nouvelle-Calédonie, nous avons effectué des prélèvements de sang sur : 64 chiens, 8 chats, 30 bovins, 25 chevaux et 29 cerfs rusa (Rusa timorensis). 329 parasites externes hématophages (tiques, puces, mouches piqueuses) ont été collectés sur ces mêmes animaux. Quatre souches de Bartonella henselae ont été isolées chez les chats (50 %) et six de B. chomelii chez les bovins (20%). Bartonella aff. schoenbuchensis a été détectée chez 31% des cerfs ; Rickettsia felis chez 81% des 21 puces récoltées sur les chiens et B. clarridgeiae dans 1% des puces. Nos études confirment que les infections à bartonelles et rickettsies pourraient devenir une préoccupation croissante de santé publique en Océanie et montrent l’intérêt des nouveaux outils de diagnostic moléculaire pour la compréhension de ces maladies.Bartonellosis and rickettsiosis are vector-borne infections often asymptomatic in animals. In order to identify potential sources and vectors of Bartonella spp. and Rickettsia spp. infection in New Caledonia, we collected blood samples from 64 dogs, 8 cats, 30 cattle, 25 horses and 29 wild deer (Rusa timorensis). 329 associated blood-sucking parasites were also collected. We isolated four strains of Bartonella henselae from cats (50%) and six of Bartonella chomelii from cattle (20%). Deers (31%) were infected by Bartonella aff. schoenbuchensis. Rickettsia felis was detected in 81 % of 21 fleas collected from dogs and Bartonella clarridgeiae in 1% of fleas. Our data confirmed that Bartonella and Rickettsia infections could be an increasing public health concern in Oceania and showed the interest of new molecular diagnostic tools for understanding these diseases

    Toxoplasmosis and Chagas disease : report of severe cases of troops in French Guiana and review on foodborne mode of transmission in Amazonia

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    In contrast with the usual clinical feature of toxoplasmosis, a cosmopolitan disease, severe cases with visceral disorders have been reported in non-immunocompromised adult patients, particularly in French Guiana. Most of the cases seem to result from the consumption of undercooked game meat or ingestion of non-filtered surface water. In Amazonia, a sylvatic cycle of toxoplasmosis involves large felids as definitive hosts and numerous mammals and birds as intermediate hosts. Atypical strains of Toxoplasma gondii, characterized by increased virulence, are involved in these complex cycles. Although Chagas disease, caused by another protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, has been known for a long time, a new foodborne mode of transmission to man seems to emerge. Several outbreaks have been reported, mainly in Brasil, resulting from the contamination of food items by infected Triatominae or their dejections. When food or water are taken from the natural environment, measures have to be implemented in order to prevent these serious diseases.Contrastant avec la toxoplasmose habituelle, maladie cosmopolite, des formes sévères avec atteinte viscérale sont apparues chez des patients adultes non immunodéprimés, notamment en Guyane française. La consommation de viande de gibier mal cuite ou l'ingestion d'eau de surface non filtrée semblent être à l'origine de la plupart des cas. En Amazonie, un cycle sylvestre de la toxoplasmose s'établit entre les grands félidés hôtes définitifs et de nombreux mammifères et oiseaux, hôtes intermédiaires. Dans ces cycles complexes, circulent des souches atypiques de Toxoplasma gondii, caractérisées par une virulence accrue. Bien que la maladie de Chagas, provoquée par un autre protozoaire, Trypanosoma cruzi, soit connue de longue date, le mode de transmission à l'homme par la voie alimentaire semble émerger. Plusieurs foyers sont rapportés, surtout au Brésil, résultant de la contamination de denrées par des Triatominae infectées ou leurs déjections. Lorsque des ressources en aliments ou en eau sont prélevées dans le milieu naturel, des mesures sont à appliquer pour prévenir l'apparition de ces maladies graves

    Molecular Investigation and Phylogeny of Species of the \u3ci\u3eAnaplasmataceae\u3c/i\u3e Infecting Animals and Ticks in Senegal

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    Background: Our study aimed to assess the diversity of the species of Anaplasmataceae in Senegal that infect animals and ticks in three areas: near Keur Momar Sarr (northern region), Dielmo and Diop (Sine Saloum, central region of Senegal), and in Casamance (southern region of Senegal). Methods: A total of 204 ticks and 433 blood samples were collected from ruminants, horses, donkeys and dogs. Ticks were identified morphologically and by molecular characterization targeting the 12S rRNA gene. Molecular characterization of species of Anaplasmataceae infecting Senegalese ticks and animals was conducted using the 23S rRNA, 16S rRNA, rpoB and groEL genes. Results: Ticks were identified as Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (84.3%), Hyalomma rufipes (8.3%), Hyalomma impeltatum (4.9%), R. bursa (1.5%) and R. muhsamae (0.9%). The overall prevalence of Anaplasmataceae infection in ticks was 0.9%, whereas 41.1% of the sampled animals were found infected by one of the species belonging to this family. We identified the pathogen Anaplasma ovis in 55.9% of sheep, A. marginale and A. centrale in 19.4% and 8.1%, respectively, of cattle, as well as a putative new species of Anaplasmataceae. Two Anaplasma species commonly infecting ruminants were identified. Anaplasma cf. platys, closely related to A. platys was identified in 19.8% of sheep, 27.7% of goats and 22.6% of cattle, whereas a putative new species, named here provisionally “Candidatus Anaplasma africae”, was identified in 3.7% of sheep, 10.3% of goats and 8.1% of cattle. Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys were identified only from dogs sampled in the Keur Momar Sarr area. Ehrlichia canis was identified in 18.8% of dogs and two R. e. evertsi ticks removed from the same sheep. Anaplasma platys was identified in 15.6% of dogs. Neither of the dogs sampled from Casamance region nor the horses and donkeys sampled from Keur Momar Sarr area were found infected by an Anaplasmataceae species. Conclusions: This study presents a summary of Anaplasmataceae species that infect animals and ticks in three areas from the northern, central and southern regions of Senegal. To our knowledge, our findings demonstrate for the first time the presence of multiple Anaplasmataceae species that infect ticks and domestic animals in Senegal. We recorded two potentially new species commonly infecting ruminants named here provisionally as Anaplasma cf. platys and “Candidatus Anaplasma africae”. However, E. canis was the only species identified and amplified from ticks. None of the other Anaplasmataceae species identified in animals were identified in the tick species collected from animals

    Contribution of qPCR in detection of infections of ruminants with Anaplasmataceae: case study in the Basque country and in Corsica

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    Les Anaplasmataceae sont des bactéries intracellulaires transmises aux animaux et à l’homme, principalement par les tiques. Les Anaplasma spp. (A. marginale, A. phagocytophilum…) et les Ehrlichia spp. (E. canis, E. ruminantium...) en sont les principaux représentants d’importance économique et sanitaire. Les outils de diagnostic disponibles jouent un rôle déterminant dans leur identification. Nous proposons une approche globale par un système permettant d’identifier la plupart des espèces d’Anaplasmataceae. Il est basé sur le gène codant l’ARNr 23S ; il couple une qPCR et une PCR standard avec deux jeux d’amorces suivie d’un séquençage. Il est testé pour en vérifier la spécificité, puis mis en oeuvre à partir de prélèvements de sang de ruminants et de tiques : dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques, des brebis suspectes d’infection sont porteuses d’A. ovis et leurs tiques Rhipicephalus bursa, d’A. ovis, d’A. phagocytophilum et d’une nouvelle ehrlichia. En Haute-Corse, une forte prévalence d’infections par les Anaplasmataceae est détectée dans des élevages (bovins, ovins, caprins) où la symptomatologie rétrocède lors de traitements à l’oxytétracycline. La spécificité et la sensibilité du système de diagnostic utilisé et sa capacité à identifier de nouvelles espèces offrent des perspectives pour l’étude de l’épidémiologie des Anaplasmataceae et permettront de mettre en évidence de nouveaux réservoirs.The intracelullar bacteria Anaplasmataceae are transmitted by ticks both to animals and to man. The most important species for the economy and for health are Anaplasma spp. (A. marginale, A. phagocytophilum…) and Ehrlichia spp. (E. canis and E. ruminantium...). Whilst current means of diagnosis are indispensible they could be improved. We therefore propose a global approach which will identify most of the species of Anaplasmataceae. It is based on the genetic code ARNr 23S and involves dividing a qPCR into a standard PCR and sequencing. This specificity has been tested, verified and demonstrated in blood samples from ruminants and ticks. Sheep (from Atlantic-Pyrenees) suspected of being infected, were shown to be carriers of A. ovis and their ticks (Rhipicephalus bursa) had A. ovis, A. phagocytophilum and also a new species of ehrlichia. In Corsica, a strong incidence of Anaplasmataceae was detected in the blood of cattle, sheep and goats in which symptoms antedated treatment with oxytetracycline. The specificity and sensibility of this method of diagnosis, as well as its ability to detect new species, are advantageous for further studies of Anaplasmataceae, and facilitate the search for new sources of infection