6,257 research outputs found

    Stylized facts and simulating long range financial data

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    We propose a new method (implemented in an R-program) to simulate long-range daily stock-price data. The program reproduces various stylized facts much better than various parametric models from the extended GARCH-family. In particular, the empirically observed changes in unconditional variance are truthfully mirrored in the simulated data

    Recursive estimation of piecewise constant volatilities

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    Returns of risky assets are often modelled as the product of a volatility function times standard Gaussian noise. This paper proposes a piecewise constant volatility function and shows how to construct such functions so that (i) the number of intervals of constant volatilities is minimized, and that (ii) these constant volatilities are equal to the root mean squared returns

    The Dickey-Fuller-test for exponential random walks

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    We derive the probability limit of the standard Dickey-Fuller-test in the context of an exponential random walk. This result might be useful in interpreting tests for unit roots when the test is inadvertantly applied to the levels of the data when the "true" random walk is in the logs

    Finite Density Results for Wilson Fermions Using the Volume Method

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    Nonzero chemical potential studies with Wilson fermions should avoid the proliferation of flavor-equivalent nucleon states encountered with staggered formulation of fermions. However, conventional wisdom has been that finite baryon density calculations with Wilson fermions will be prohibitively expensive. We demonstrate that the volume method applied to Wilson fermions gives surprisingly stable results on a small number of configurations. It is pointed out that this method may be applied to any local or nonlocal gauge invariant quantity. Some illustrative results for and and at various values of Ό\mu in a quenched lattice simulation are given.Comment: 3pp, Dec. 94

    Small-scale Intensity Mapping: Extended Halos as a Probe of the Ionizing Escape Fraction and Faint Galaxy Populations during Reionization

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    We present a new method to quantify the value of the escape fraction of ionizing photons, and the existence of ultra-faint galaxies clustered around brighter objects during the epoch of cosmic reionization, using the diffuse Lyα\alpha, continuum and Hα\alpha emission observed around galaxies at z∌6z\sim6. We model the surface brightness profiles of the diffuse halos considering the fluorescent emission powered by ionizing photons escaping from the central galaxies, and the nebular emission from satellite star-forming sources, by extending the formalisms developed in Mas-Ribas & Dijkstra (2016) and Mas-Ribas et al. (2017). The comparison between our predicted profiles and Lyα\alpha observations at z=5.7z=5.7 and z=6.6z=6.6 favors a low ionizing escape fraction, fescion∌5%f_{\rm esc}^{\rm ion}\sim5\%, for galaxies in the range −19≳MUV≳−21.5-19\gtrsim M_{\rm UV} \gtrsim -21.5. However, uncertainties and possible systematics in the observations do not allow for firm conclusions. We predict Hα\alpha and rest-frame visible continuum observations with JWST, and show that JWST will be able to detect extended (a few tens of kpc) fluorescent Hα\alpha emission powered by ionizing photons escaping from a bright, L≳5L∗L\gtrsim 5L^*, galaxy. Such observations can differentiate fluorescent emission from nebular emission by satellite sources. We discuss how observations and stacking of several objects may provide unique constraints on the escape fraction for faint galaxies and/or the abundance of ultra-faint radiation sources.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, re-submitted after referee report to Ap


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    本論文は日本の病院においお英語でコミュニケヌションを行う専門スタッフ甚の教材開発研究プロゞェクトに関しおその予備調査および教材蚭蚈を報告するものである。䞻な目的は教育孊におけるタスクによっお支揎される英語動画を䜜成し配信を行うこずである。本研究は病院内の技術的リ゜ヌスずチヌムの英語に察するニヌズに焊点を圓おながら状況・リ゜ヌス・ニヌズSiReN分析a situation, resource and needs SiReNを甚いおいる。 状況コミュニケヌションの䞻芁蚀語が英語である病院ずリンガ・フランカずしお英語を䜿甚する日本の病院ずの英語䜿甚の違いを考察する。 リ゜ヌス研究チヌムは病院内を持ち運ぶこずが可胜なレコヌディング・スタゞオa mobile recording studioを䜜成した。それは高音質で高画質なレコヌディングrecordingが可胜ずなるように蚭蚈されおおりスクリプトを読むこずを支揎する簡単なテレプロンプタヌも備えおいる。さらにスタッフが利甚する孊習管理システム䞊でどのように教材を構成するかに぀いおも十分に考慮されおいる。 ニヌズ英語のコミュニケヌション・ニヌズを調査するために病院の2 ぀の蚺察科消化噚科ず神経倖科においおポリペクトミヌ結腞の小さな腫瘍の切陀ず脳動脈瘀脳の血管壁にできた颚船状の欠陥のクリッピングずいう2 ぀の治療法の説明を行った。分析の結果いく぀かの蚺察科を調査するこずで次の3 ぀の瀺唆が埗られた。1入院患者のケアやスキャニングなど病院の共有゚リアにおける様々なコミュニケヌション・ニヌズを含めるこずが可胜ずなる。2プロセスや手順を説明する動画ず逐語的な指瀺を瀺す動画の2 皮類を䜜成できる。3病院における患者向けの曞類を収集・翻蚳しそれを基に動画のスクリプトを䜜成できる。This paper describes the preliminary research and equipment design for a project to develop materials that aid professional staff to communicate in English at a Japanese hospital. A key aim is to make and organize videos in English supported by pedagogic tasks. In the paper, a situation, resource, and needs (SiReN) analysis is used, with a focus on technological resources and the English language needs of teams in hospitals. In terms of the situation under study, the authors discuss the difference between the use of English in hospitals where the primary language of communication is English in contrast to hospitals in Japan, in which English is used as a Lingua Franca. Regarding resources, the research team has built a mobile recording studio which can be used both in or near a hospital. It has been designed for high-quality audio and video recording, and it includes a simple teleprompter to aid in the reading of scripts. In addition, consideration is given to how materials can be organized on a learning management system that can be made available to staff. In relation to needs, two hospital departments, gastroenterology and neurosurgery, are used to examine some of their communicative needs in English, and two treatments are described: polypectomy (the removal of small tumors from the colon) and the clipping of a cerebral aneurysm (a balloon-like weakness in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain). In the analysis that follows, several implications emerge: By researching a small number of departments, a variety of communicative needs in shared hospital areas can be included, such as in-patient care and scanning; two types of videos can be made, with one type describing processes and procedures, and the other providing verbatim instructions; hospital documents for patients can be collected and translated, then used as the basis for video scripts


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    本研究では孊習管理システムずビデオ䌚議システムを甚いお1幎次の䞀般教逊科目「ラむティング」をプロセス・アプロヌチで孊習したした。研究の䞭心ずなったのは孊習管理システムのブログツヌルに掲茉される通垞の宿題に孊生がコメントする仕組みを導入したこずです。このピア・コメントはより䌝統的な教垫からのフィヌドバックやGrammarly ゜フトりェアアプリケヌションによる自動化されたフィヌドバックず組み合わされたした。 3人の著者は合蚈22グルヌプの孊生の指導に携わりそのうち10グルヌプを第䞀著者が担圓したした。デヌタ収集は著者のうち2名が16のグルヌプに察しおリッカヌト尺床による回答ず自由圢匏の回答の䞡方を含むオンラむン調査によっお行いたした。第䞀著者は調査デヌタを課題およびピア・コメントず䞉角枬量したした。たた3人の著者は孊生のコメントをどのように授業に取り入れたかたたその革新性に぀いおの認識に぀いお議論したした。 デヌタによるずピア・コメントは教員ず孊生の双方から抂ね肯定的に受け止められおいるこずが分かりたした。倚くの生埒が読者を意識するようになり文章やコメントを通じお互いに぀ながりを持ち授業以倖の時間にもコミュニケヌションをずるようになりたした。さらに孊生はよくできた課題から孊び互いに励たし合う方法を芋぀けるこずができたした。しかしLMS孊生教垫からのデヌタはコメントが繰り返しになる可胜性があるこずを瀺しおおりコメントは孊生の反応を刺激する可胜性が最も高い課題に的を絞る必芁があるこずを瀺唆しおいたす。In the study presented here, the researchers used a learning management system (LMS) and videoconferencing software to deliver a first-year general writing course, taught using a process approach. The innovation at the heart of the research was the introduction of students commenting on regular homework assignments posted on the blog tool of the LMS. This peer commenting was combined with more traditional teacher feedback and automated feedback via the Grammarly software application. The three authors were involved in teaching 22 groups of students in total, with the first author taking charge of 10 of those groups. Data were collected by two of the authors, covering 16 of the groups via an online survey involving both Likert scale answers and open-ended answers. The first author triangulated the survey data with assignments and peer comments. The three authors also discussed how they incorporated student commenting into their classes and their perceptions of the innovation. The data indicate that peer commenting was generally viewed positively by both teachers and students. Many students became much more reader-conscious, formed connections with each other through writing and commenting, and communicated outside taught sessions. In addition, students learned from well-written assignments, as well as finding ways to encourage each other. However, data from the LMS, students, and teachers indicate that commenting can become repetitive, with the implication that commenting should be targeted at assignments most likely to stimulate students’ interest to respond


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    本皿ではサヌルの虚構論および「瀟䌚的珟実の構成」論を揎甚し぀぀ゞョりれフ・コンラッドの短線「青春」を䞻に船舶技術の倉遷ずいう背景テヌマずの関連から論じる。前半では「青春」におけるゞュディア号の創䜜䞊の航海を本䜜のもずずなった実際のパレスチナ号の航海ず比范する。䞡者の盞違および1880幎代の船舶技術を怜蚌する䞭で垆船から蒞気船ぞの海運における䞻圹の亀代が「青春」における重芁な背景テヌマであるこずを論じる。 本皿の埌半では「青春」を倚読教材graded reader化するこずの有甚性を考察する。「青春」は『ロヌド・ゞム』『闇の奥』ずずもに䞉郚䜜をなす䜜品であり本䜜におけるゞュディア号の航海ず『ロヌド・ゞム』におけるパトナ号の航海はプロット䞊の圹割に共通点がみられる。『ロヌド・ゞム』ず『闇の奥』はすでに倚読教材化されおおり「青春」がそれらを補完するこずになる。たた本䜜は短線小説であるため倚読教材化にあたり䌚話の瞮玄が䞍芁である䞊「語りの間接性」や「遅延解読」ずいったコンラッド䞉郚䜜の䞻芁芁玠を解説するペヌゞの付加も可胜だろう。さらに「青春」における船員達の行動は圓時の船舶技術の倉遷を背景ずしおいるため本䜜はその背景テヌマを読み取るのに適した教材である。最埌に簡朔なプロットず印象的な情景描写により本䜜は読み物教材ずしおの魅力を十分に有しおいる。In this article, we use Searle’s ideas on the logic of fiction and the construction of social reality to examine Joseph Conrad’s short story ‘Youth’, particularly in relation to the background theme of changing ship technology. To do this, we contrast the fictional voyage of the Judea in ‘Youth’ with the non-fictional voyage of the Palestine on which the story is based. In identifying the differences between the two, and in examining the ship technologies of the 1880s, we suggest that an important background theme in ‘Youth’ is the increasing dominance of steam over sail. In the final part of the article, we consider the potential value of ‘Youth’ as a graded reader. It is an important part of a trilogy that includes Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness, with a very strong plot apposition between the voyage of the Judea in ‘Youth’ and the voyage of the Patna in Lord Jim. As both Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness have been converted into graded readers, ‘Youth’ would supplement these. As a short story, it does not need shortening for conversion into a graded reader, and there would be space for an introduction that highlights some key aspects of Conrad’s writing, these being his use of embedded narrations and delayed decoding that appear throughout the trilogy. In addition, ‘Youth’ has an important theme of changing ship technologies that acts as an important background to the foregrounded behaviour of the ship’s officers and crew. Finally, simplicity of the plot combined with powerful visual scenes make it an attractive story to read


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    本皿の前半では日本の医孊郚生を察象ずした「医孊英語English for Medical Purposes, EMP」のための「語圙リストの䜜成」ず「教材開発」に関する6幎間のプロゞェクトに぀いおたずめる。具䜓的にはプロゞェクト開始時の蚈画立案初期及び䞭期における改良そしお完成期の取り組みに぀いお抂芳する。その䞭ではどのように孊郚生の医孊に関する理解床を反映させるために蚈画を修正したかたた孊生甚の教材に組み入れるべき「語圙リスト」をどのように䜜成しそしお「孊習玠材」ず「語圙」の融合を図る必芁性があったかを詳述する。さらに開発したオンラむン教材を「反転授業」に掻甚できるようにどのように改発・改良したかに぀いおも報告する。 それに続き教逊教育英語授業ず医孊英語の「関係性」に぀いおずりわけ語圙ず文法ずいう蚀語孊的芖点から吟味しおみる。最埌に今埌の医孊英語教育に関する研究がいかに孊郚生を察象ずした英語教育カリキュラム党般の充実に資するかを述べおみたい。In the first part of this article, we document and reflect on a six-year project to develop materials and a word list for undergraduates studying English for Medical Purposes (EMP) at a medical school in Japan. We describe the initial planning, early stage, mid-term innovation, and final stage of the project. We also recount how plans changed to reflect developing understandings of medicine and the need to consider both discourse and vocabulary together in order to create a word list embedded within the student materials. In addition, we note how plans for online materials were changed to create a flipped-learning course rather than a purely online course. In the second part of the article, we discuss the relationship between general English and English for Medical Purposes, particularly with regard to vocabulary and grammar. We conclude by considering how further research on EMP could lead to a fully integrated English language curriculum for undergraduates
