3,102 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative QEG Corrections to the Yang-Mills Beta Function

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    We discuss the non-perturbative renormalization group evolution of the gauge coupling constant by using a truncated form of the functional flow equation for the effective average action of the Yang-Mills-gravity system. Our result is consistent with the conjecture that Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG) is asymptotically safe and has a vanishing gauge coupling constant at the non-trivial fixed point.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of CORFU 200

    Analysis of the mechanical behaviour of a 11.5 T Nb3Sn LHC dipole magnet according to the ring collar concept

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    According to the CERN-LHC (Large Hadron Collider) reference design, 10-tesla twin-aperture NbTi dipoles will be built with split collars that enclose both apertures. As part of the development program towards an experimental 11.5-tesla Nb3Sn LHC dipole magnet, the mechanical implications of an alternative collar concept have been studied with a finite element analysis. In this concept ring shaped collars are shrunk on each finished single aperture coil, thus providing the necessary room-temperature prestress. This system results in a major improvement of the stress distribution in the collars. It is noted that introduction of friction at the sliding planes can cause reopening of the gap between the yoke halves during excitation. This depends strongly on the value of the friction coefficient

    Orion Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) Riser Twist Load Amplification

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    Any cluster of parachute systems is subject to effects on performance due to interactions between the parachutes. One such interaction is the twisting of a riser from one parachute around that of another. Due to friction and relative motion between the risers, it is possible for the tension in the riser near the attach point to be different from the tension in the riser towards the suspension lines or canopy. This could result in system failure due to larger than expected loading. The Orion Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) designed and executed a test to quantify the amplification of the load in a parachute riser due to twist, rocking rate and angle, cluster size, and canopy load. The design of the testing approach, test matrix, and hardware are discussed along with results and findings

    Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis

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    Though statistical analyses are centered on research questions and hypotheses, current statistical analysis tools are not. Users must first translate their hypotheses into specific statistical tests and then perform API calls with functions and parameters. To do so accurately requires that users have statistical expertise. To lower this barrier to valid, replicable statistical analysis, we introduce Tea, a high-level declarative language and runtime system. In Tea, users express their study design, any parametric assumptions, and their hypotheses. Tea compiles these high-level specifications into a constraint satisfaction problem that determines the set of valid statistical tests, and then executes them to test the hypothesis. We evaluate Tea using a suite of statistical analyses drawn from popular tutorials. We show that Tea generally matches the choices of experts while automatically switching to non-parametric tests when parametric assumptions are not met. We simulate the effect of mistakes made by non-expert users and show that Tea automatically avoids both false negatives and false positives that could be produced by the application of incorrect statistical tests.Comment: 11 page

    Development of an experimental 10 T Nb3Sn dipole magnet for the CERN LHC

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    An experimental 1-m long twill aperture dipole magnet developed using a high-current Nb3Sn conductor in order to attain a magnetic field well beyond 10 T at 4.2 K is described. The emphasis in this Nb3Sn project is on the highest possible field within the known Large Hadron Collider (LHC) twin-aperture configuration. A design target of 11.5 T was chosen

    Arrangement of Photosystem II and ATP Synthase in Chloroplast Membranes of Spinach and Pea

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.We used cryoelectron tomography to reveal the arrangements of photosystem II (PSII) and ATP synthase in vitreous sections of intact chloroplasts and plunge-frozen suspensions of isolated thylakoid membranes. We found that stroma and grana thylakoids are connected at the grana margins by staggered lamellar membrane protrusions. The stacking repeat of grana membranes in frozen-hydrated chloroplasts is 15.7 nm, with a 4.5-nm lumenal space and a 3.2-nm distance between the flat stromal surfaces. The chloroplast ATP synthase is confined to minimally curved regions at the grana end membranes and stroma lamellae, where it covers 20% of the surface area. In total, 85% of the ATP synthases are monomers and the remainder form random assemblies of two or more copies. Supercomplexes of PSII and light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) occasionally form ordered arrays in appressed grana thylakoids, whereas this order is lost in destacked membranes. In the ordered arrays, each membrane on either side of the stromal gap contains a two-dimensional crystal of supercomplexes, with the two lattices arranged such that PSII cores, LHCII trimers, and minor LHCs each face a complex of the same kind in the opposite membrane. Grana formation is likely to result from electrostatic interactions between these complexes across the stromal gap.The work was supported in part by RR000592 from the National Institutes of Health to D.N. and J.R.M

    Cyclophilin D links programmed cell death and organismal aging in Podospora anserina

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Cyclophilin D (CYPD) is a mitochondrial peptidyl prolyl-cis,trans-isomerase involved in opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). CYPD abundance increases during aging in mammalian tissues and in the aging model organism Podospora anserina. Here, we show that treatment of the P. anserina wild-type with low concentrations of the cyclophilin inhibitor cyclosporin A (CSA) extends lifespan. Transgenic strains overexpressing PaCypD are characterized by reduced stress tolerance, suffer from pronounced mitochondrial dysfunction and are characterized by accelerated aging and induction of cell death. Treatment with CSA leads to correction of mitochondrial function and lifespan to that of the wild-type. In contrast, PaCypD deletion strains are not affected by CSA within the investigated concentration range and show increased resistance against inducers of oxidative stress and cell death. Our data provide a mechanistic link between programmed cell death (PCD) and organismal aging and bear implications for the potential use of CSA to intervene into biologic aging.The research was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Os75/12-1) and by the European Commission via the Integrated Project with the acronym MiMage; (LSHM-CT-2004-512020)