130 research outputs found

    Complexity, Tunneling and Geometrical Symmetry

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    It is demonstrated in the context of the simple one-dimensional example of a barrier in an infinite well, that highly complex behavior of the time evolution of a wave function is associated with the almost degeneracy of levels in the process of tunneling. Degenerate conditions are obtained by shifting the position of the barrier. The complexity strength depends on the number of almost degenerate levels which depend on geometrical symmetry. The presence of complex behavior is studied to establish correlation with spectral degeneracy.Comment: 9 revtex pages, 6 Postscript figures (uuencoded

    Pengaruh CAR, NPL, ROA, ROE, LDR, BOPO terhadap Financial Distress pada Perusahaan Perbankan Go Public yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2018

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of financial performance in the form of CAR, NPL, ROA, ROE, LDR, and BOPO banking ratios on the condition of financial distress in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample used in this study was four banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis methods used are descriptive statistical methods and multiple linear regression methods. The results of this study by F Test shows that CAR (capital adequacy ratio), NPL (non-performing loans), ROA ( return on assets ) , ROE ( return on equity ), LDR (loan to deposit ratio ) and BOPO (operating costs to operating income) together have a significant influence on financial distress. While the t test CAR (capital adequacy ratio ) positive and significant effect on the financial distress in the banking company Financial Distress on banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, while the NPL (non-performing loan ), ROA (return on assets), ROE (return on equity), LDR (loan to deposit ratio) and BOPO (operating costs to operating income) have a negative and significant effect on financial distress in banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange Indonesia

    Expression site of P2RY12 in residential microglial cells in astrocytomas correlates with M1 and M2 marker expression and tumor grade

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    The role of resident microglial cells in the pathogenesis and progression of glial tumors is still obscure mainly due to a lack of specific markers. Recently P2RY12, a P2 purinergic receptor, was introduced as a specific marker for microglial cells under normal and pathologic conditions. Here we analyzed the expression of P2RY12 in astrocytomas of various malignancy grades in relation to markers for M1 and M2 macrophage activation profiles by using two web-based glioma datasets and confocal immunohistochemistry to 28 astrocytoma samples grades II-IV. In the gliomas, P2RY12 immunoreactivity delineated CD68 negative cells with otherwise microglial features from CD68 positive tumor associated macrophages (TAMs). The presence of P2RY12 positive cells correlated positively with overall survival. P2RY12 mRNA levels and membrane-bound localization of P2RY12 were inversely correlated with increasing malignancy grade, and the expression site of P2RY12 shifted from cytoplasmic in low-grade gliomas, to nuclear in high-grade tumors. The cytoplasmic expression of P2RY12 was associated with the expression of M1 markers, characteristic of the pro-inflammatory macrophage response. In contrast, the nuclear localization of P2RY12 was predominant in the higher graded tumors and associated with the expression of the M2 marker CD163. We conclude that P2RY12 is a specific marker for resident microglia in glioma and its expression and localization correspond to tumor grade and predominant stage of M1/M2 immune response

    CECR1-mediated cross talk between macrophages and vascular mural cells promotes neovascularization in malignant glioma

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    Glioblastomas (glioblastoma multiforme, GBM) are most malignant brain tumors characterized by profound vascularization. The activation of macrophages strongly contributes to tumor angiogenesis during GBM development. Previously, we showed that extracellular adenosine deaminase protein Cat Eye Syndrome Critical Region Protein 1 (CECR1) is highly expressed by M2-like macrophages in GBM where it defines macrophage M2 polarization and contributes to tumor expansion. In this study, the effect of CECR1 in macrophages on tumor angiogenesis was investigated. Immunohistochemical evaluation of GBM tissue samples showed that the expression of CECR1 correlates with microvascular density in the tumors, confirming data from the TCGA set. In a three-dimensional co-culture system consisting of human pericytes, human umbilical vein endothelial cells and THP1-derived macrophages, CECR1 knockdown by siRNA and CECR1 stimulation of macrophages inhibited and promoted new vessel formation, respectively. Loss and gain of function studies demonstrated that PDGFB mRNA and protein levels in macrophages are modulated by CECR1. The proangiogenic properties of CECR1 in macrophages were partially mediated via paracrine activation of pericytes by PDGFB–PDGFRβ signaling. CECR1–PDGFB–PDGFRβ cross-activation between macrophages and pericytes promoted pericyte migration, shown by transwell migration assay, and enhanced expression and deposition of periostin, a matrix component with proangiogenic properties. CECR1 function in (M2-like) macrophages mediates cross talk between macrophages and pericytes in GBM via paracrine PDGFB–PDGFRβ signaling, promoting pericyte recruitment and migration, and tumor angiogenesis. Therefore, CECR1 offers a new portent target for anti-angiogenic therapy in GBM via immune modulation.Oncogene advance online publication, 22 May 2017; doi:10.1038/onc.2017.145

    A method to correlate mRNA expression datasets obtained from fresh frozen and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples: A matter of thresholds

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    Background: Gene expression profiling of tumors is a successful tool for the discovery of new cancer biomarkers and potential targets for the development of new therapeutic strategies. Reliable profiling is preferably performed on fresh frozen (FF) tissues in which the quality of nucleic acids is better preserved than in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) material. However, since snap-freezing of biopsy materials is often not part of daily routine in pathology laboratories, one may have to rely on archival FFPE material. Procedures to retrieve the RNAs from FFPE materials have been developed and therefore, datasets obtained from FFPE and FF materials need to be made compatible to ensure reliable comparisons are possible. Aim: To develop an efficient method to compare gene expression profiles obtained from FFPE and FF samples using the same platform. Methods: Twenty-six FFPE-FF sample pairs of the same tumors representing various cancer types, and two FFPE-FF sample pairs of breast cancer cell lines, were included. Total RNA was extracted and gene expression profiling was carried out using Illumina's Whole-Genome cDNA-mediated Annealing, Selection, extension and Ligation (WG-DASL) V3 arrays, enabling the simultaneous detection of 24,526 mRNA transcripts. A sample exclusion criterion was created based on the expression of 11 stably expressed reference genes. Pearson correlation at the probe level was calculated for paired FFPE-FF, and three cut-off values were chosen. Spearman correlation coefficients between the matched FFPE and FF samples were calculated for three probe lists with varying levels of significance and compared to the correlation based on all measured probes. Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to verify performance of the included probe lists to compare matched FPPE-FF samples. Results: Twenty-seven FFPE-FF pairs passed the sample exclusion criterion. From the profiles of 27 FFPE and FF matched samp

    Periostin Is Expressed by Pericytes and Is Crucial for Angiogenesis in Glioma

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    The expression of the matricellular protein periostin has been associated with glioma progression. In previous work we found an association of periostin with glioma angiogenesis. Here, we screen gliomas for POSTN expression and identify the cells that express periostin in human gliomas. In addition, we study the role of periostin in an in vitro model for angiogenesis. The expression of periostin was investigated by RT-PCR and by immunohistochemistry. In addition, we used double labeling and in situ RNA techniques to identify the expre

    Lattice Pseudospin Model for ν=1\nu=1 Quantum Hall Bilayers

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    We present a new theoretical approach to the study of ν=1\nu=1 quantum Hall bilayer that is based on a systematic mapping of the microscopic Hamiltonian to an anisotropic SU(4) spin model on a lattice. To study the properties of this model we generalize the Heisenberg model Schwinger boson mean field theory (SBMFT) of Arovas and Auerbach to spin models with anisotropy. We calculate the temperature dependence of experimentally observable quantities, including the spin magnetization, and the differential interlayer capacitance. Our theory represents a substantial improvement over the conventional Hartree-Fock picture which neglects quantum and thermal fluctuations, and has advantages over long-wavelength effective models that fail to capture important microscopic physics at all realistic layer separations. The formalism we develop can be generalized to treat quantum Hall bilayers at filling factor ν=2\nu=2.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. The final version, to appear in PR

    Magic, Emotion and Practical Metabolism:Affective Praxis in Sartre and Collingwood

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    This article develops a new way of understanding the integration of emotions in practical life and the practical appraisal of emotions, drawing on insights from both J-P. Sartre and R. G. Collingwood. I develop a concept of ‘practical metabolism’ and show that emotions need to be understood not only as transformations from determinate to indeterminate practical intuitions, but also as transformations in the reverse direction. Firstly, I provide a new conception of the dynamic phenomenal structure of the emotions that can resolve significant tensions in the Sartre’s theory. Secondly, I develop that theory to shed light on the diverse socially mediated roles of emotions in practical life by drawing on Collingwood’s philosophy of magic. Thirdly, I deploy the notion of practical metabolism to address the appraisal of emotions, setting out a framework for understanding the various ways in which emotional expression is subject to structural breakdown
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