187 research outputs found

    A finite element solution of thermal wave propagation in elastic media

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    The rational theory of thermodynamics is used to develop equations governing the propagation of thermal waves. A new vector quantity is introduced to account for the thermal waves. The phenomenon of thermal wave propagation is illustrated by considering the problem of one-dimensional heat conduction in a finite slab subjected to a heat flux pulse. The solution is obtained via the finite element method. A discussion of the results and their significance is also presented

    Performance of the cutting tools in the boring machining process vermicular cast iron - CGI

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    Orientador: Anselmo Eduardo DinizDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Existe hoje uma tendência no mercado de veículos de motor diesel a fabricarem os blocos dos motores em ferro fundido vermicular devido à melhor eficiência de combustão e maior resistência à compressão, permitindo paredes de galerias mais finas com conseqüência na redução do peso do bloco, quando comparado ao bloco usual feito de ferro fundido cinzento. Desta forma, seria possível atender às novas exigências do mercado e do meio ambiente. Porém, a difícil usinabilidade deste material obriga ao levantamento de condições de usinagem e ao desenvolvimento de ferramentas que possam melhorar a produtividade dos processos de usinagem dos blocos. O mandrilamento em desbaste dos mancais do bloco do motor é uma das operações de usinagem mais carentes de desenvolvimento dentre as utilizadas na produção do bloco de ferro fundido vermicular. A variação do material da ferramenta e as condições de corte utilizadas no processo de usinagem foram as variáveis testadas neste trabalho para buscar o melhor desempenho do processo de mandrilamento do bloco. Os resultados demonstraram que ferramentas de material cerâmico sofreram um desgaste frontal excessivo da aresta de corte por difusão e as ferramentas de metal duro obtiveram um melhor resultado em comparação com a cerâmica. Com relação às condições de corte, resultados com o uso de menores velocidades de corte demonstraram um menor desgaste frontal das arestas de corte. A potência consumida do fuso foi o limitante para o máximo avanço por dente utilizado nos experimentosAbstract: Today there is a trend in the market for diesel vehicles manufactured in compacted graphite iron due to better combustion efficiency of the engine and greater resistance to compression, allowing thinner walls of galleries with a result in reducing the weight of the block, when compared to the usual block made of the gray cast iron. Thus, it would be possible to meet new market demands and the environment. However, the difficult machinability of this material requires the survey of the machining conditions and development of the tools that can improve productivity of machining processes of the blocks. The rough boring in the bearings of the engine block is one of the machining operations of the poorest development among those used in the production of compacted graphite iron block. The variation of the tool material and cutting conditions used in the machining process variables were tested in this work to get the best performance of the process of boring the block. The results show that ceramic tools have suffered excessive front wear of the cutting edge diffusion and carbide tools had a better outcome in comparison with the ceramic. With respect to cutting conditions, results from the use of lower cutting speeds showed a lower front wear of the cutting edges. The power consumption of the spindle was limited for maximum feed per tooth used in the experimentsMestradoManufaturaMestre em Engenharia Automobilistic

    Kajian pustaka efektivitas dan efek samping penggunaan obat Sacubitril/Valsartan pada pasien gagal jantung

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    Gagal jantung adalah sindrom klinis progresif yang disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan jantung untuk memompa cukup darah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan metabolisme tubuh. Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitor (ARNI) merupakan gabungan dari molekul sacubitril/valsartan yang bekerja pada RAAS dan sistem endopeptidase. Neprilsin merupakan enzim yang akan memecah natriuretik peptida (BNP dan ANP) serta pemecehan zat lain (bradikinin). Peptida natriuretik tipe-A (ANP) dan BNP memberikan efek fisiologis melalui pengikatan pada reseptor NP dan peningkatan generasi cGMP, sehingga dapat meningkatkan laju diuresis, natriuresis dan relaksasi miokard serta anti-remodeling. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji efektivitas dan efek samping sacubitril/valsartan pada pasien gagal jantung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan artikel dari database PUBMED dan GOOGLE SCHOLAR. Penelitian menggunakan 5 artikel, yang menunjukkan efektivitas pada pasien yang menerima sacubitril/valsartan ialah adanya perbaikkan pada kelas NYHA, LVEF, peningkatan jarak pada 6MWT, dan penurunan kadar NT-proBNP. Efek samping berupa hipotensi simptomatik, hiperkalemia, angioedema atau perburukan fungsi ginjal yang dialami pasien yang menerima sacubitril/valsartan tidak berbeda signifikan dibandingkan dengan pasien yang menerima enalapril. Sacubitril/valsartan dosis 23/26mg dua kali sehari, dan dititrasi ke dosis target 97/103mg dua kali sehari, efektif digunakan sebagai salah satu modalitas terapi pada pasien gagal jantung. Berdasarkan kajian literatur, sacubitril/valsartan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien gagal jantung ditandai dengan adanya perbaikan kelas New York Heart Association (NYHA), nilai EF, dan distance in six-minute walk test (6MWP), serta pengurangan NT-proBNP. Kata kunci: sacubitril/valsartan, gagal jantung, efektivitas, efek sampin

    Effect of Benzotriazole Derivatives on Steel Corrosion in Solution Simulated Carbonated Concrete

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    The aim of this research was to develop corrosion protection systems for reinforced concrete structures under carbonation attack. Benzotriazole (BTA) and BTA derivatives were used as two separate protection systems: inhibition and pickling protection systems. The experiments were performed in Simulated Concrete Pore (SCP) solutions with and without severe carbonation attack. Electrochemical techniques, i.e. potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance were used to assess the steel corrosion protection systems. The potentiodynamic polarization studies showed a reduction in the corrosion rate and a shifting in the corrosion potential to more noble potential for the steel specimen in the simulated carbonated concrete solution. In addition, a large increase in the steel interfacial resistance was observed by Electrochemical Impedance Studies (EIS) due to the formation of steel-BTA derivative complex on the surface. BTA derivatives provided a good protection for the steel in SCP simulated carbonated concrete solutions. This study indicates the applicability of these compounds for steel corrosion protection in reinforced concrete structures

    Retrospective analysis of a personal casuistry in reduction mammoplasty using the inferior pedicle technique for various indications

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast reduction surgery has been widely discussed, as different techniques are used to perform this procedure. The pursuit for aesthetics combined with surgical procedures that cause less unsightly scars promoted the development of alternative methods for breast reduction. The aim of this study was to conduct a bibliographic review of this technique, and present a personal casuistry regarding reduction mammoplasty using the inferior pedicle technique and compare it with those in the existing literature. METHODS: This study describes the surgical approach used in 60 patients, their experience, and the results obtained with reduction mammoplasty performed with the inferior pedicle technique. The patients were followed up in outpatient settings at 15, 30, and 60 days; 3 months; 6 months; and 1 year. RESULTS: Some complications occurred in the postoperative period but did not impair the final results. These include partial loss of sensitivity of the nipple-areolar complex, partial necrosis of the areola, hematomas, fat necrosis, and suture dehiscence. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained by using the inferior areolar complex in reduction mammoplasty proved, in my personal casuistry, to be similar to those found in the existing literature, with regard to complications and aesthetic outcomes. With this technique, the sensitivity and vascularization of the nipple-areola complex can be properly maintained, thus resulting in low complication rates. Moreover, it can also be used in medium-breast hypertrophy, mastopexy procedures, and silicone implant placement

    Kur'ân âyetlerindeki eş anlamlılık olgusunun belâgî i'câz yönüBakara suresi örneği

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    "Kur'ân Âyetlerindeki Eş Anlamlılık Olgusunun Belâgî İ'câz Yönü: Bakara Suresi Örneği" başlıklı bu çalışmada hem tefsir hem de belagât ilminin alanına giren önemli bir konu ele alınmıştır. Araştırma önsüz, giriş, üç bölüm ve sonuçtan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada yakın anlamlılık/eş anlamlılık kavramları hakkında detaylı bilgi verilmiş, bu kelimelerin aynı itibar ile aynı anlamı ifade eden sözcükler olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra eş anlamlılık olgusu hakkında Arap dilbilimcilerin tartışmalarına yer verilmiş, bu olgunun i'câzü'l-Kur'ân ile ilişkisine temas edilmiştir. Araştırmada yer verilen bu teorik bilgilerin Bakara suresi üzerinde pratik yönden uygulaması yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda Bakara suresi üzerinde yapılan incelemeler sonucu Kur'ân âyetlerinde kullanılan eş anlamlılık olgusunun i'câzın zirvesinde olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Öyle ki, kullanılan sözcüklerden bir tanesi bile değiştirildiğinde okuyucunun aldığı edebî zevk ortadan kalkacak, dinleyicinin duyduğu aheng bozulacaktır. Araştırmada farklı tefsirler arası yapılan karşılaştırmada bazı tefsircilerin eş anlamlı kelimeleri açıklarken gerekli hassasiyeti göstermedikleri anlaşılmış, araştırmada bu hususa gerekçeleriyle yer verilmiştir. Araştırmanın ana hedefi Bakara suresinde eş anlamlı kelimeleri içeren Kur'ân âyetlerini tespit etmek ve bu sözcüklerin belâgî yönünü ortaya koymaktır. Bu hedefe ulaşmak için araştırmada analitik endüktif yönteme başvurulmuştur. Araştırmada şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır: Bakara suresinde eş anlamlı diyebileceğimiz yirmi yedi adet isim türünden kelime bulunmaktadır. Bu kelimeler şunlardır: eş-şekk-er-reyb, el-kalb-el-fuâd-es-sadr,. Fiil türünden ise şu kelimelerin eş anlamlı oldukları tespit edilmiştir: Enzele-nezzele, câe-etâ, kesebe-iktesebe.The research tackles a topic of great importance in the science of Quranic rhetoric and the science of interpretation, and it consists of an introduction, a preface, three chapters, and a conclusion. It tries to clarify the meaning of the phenomenon of synonymy in the sense of convergence in the meaning and to show the difference and non-harmony among Arabic linguists and scholars of interpretation. The research also displays the relationship between this phenomenon and Quranic Eijaz. Further, Synonymy in brief, means a single word that refers to a mono semantic item after it has been applied to Surat Al-Baqarah, and this unique phenomenon in Holy Quran has reached its peak of 'eijaz' in a way that if a single utterance is substituted by another one, a misbalance will be noticed by the readers and listeners, and examples of this include the synonymous words in the Surat Al-Baqarah. It became clear through comparing the interpretations that there is no accuracy by some scholars in interpreting some synonymous items in the same Surah. So, depending on that, the researcher raises some problematic questions such as: What are the Quranic verses that contain the synonymous utterances in the term on convergence in Surat Al-Baqarah? And what's the rhetorical sense in them? To reply to these problems, the inductive-analytical method was utilized. The research reached the following conclusions that could be jotted down as follows: 1- The differences between the names that are thought to be synonymous in Surat Al-Baqarah are Twenty-seven names including (shak and raib 'doubt', qalb, fouad -both referring to the heart- and sadr 'chest') 2- The differences between the verbs that appear to be synonymous in Surat Al-Baqarah including (anzala and nazzala 'sent down', ja'a and ata 'came', and kasaba and iktasaba 'earned / acqu

    Adopters and non-adopters of low-cost household latrines: A study of corbelled pit latrines in 15 districts of Malawi

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    The Sustainable Development Goals will challenge low- and middle-income settings to look at new approaches for rural sanitation. In 2013, Mzuzu University, in partnership with United Nations Children\u27s Fund (UNICEF) Malawi, started a low-cost latrine program in rural areas using the corbelled latrine design supported by locally owned sustainable businesses. The objective of this work was to trace customers (early household adopters) and non-customers through field observations and interviews in 15 districts of Malawi. The research team spent 193 personnel work days in data collection and found 21 households as adopters in 7 districts. Most respondents had a preference with regard to the design of the sanitation facility they would like to use. Although sharing of sanitation facilities was common, the corbelled latrine is promoted as a single household pit latrine design. Unfortunately, 8% (23/304) of non-adopters responded they practiced open defecation. Households were satisfied with the corbelled latrine design, and no latrine was found to have collapsed during field visits. To promote the corbelled latrine in Malawi, the following are recommended: (1) education of frontline government extension workers towards non-subsidized household latrines; (2) identification of rural low-income households as the best target for potential adopters; and (3) linkage of low-cost sanitation technologies to community mobilization campaigns led by the government, such as Community Led Total Sanitation

    Effect of water quality in hematological and biochemical parameters in blood of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in two lakes of Kosovo

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    The aim of the current investigation is to evaluate the impact of water quality in hematological and biochemical blood profile in two habitats of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) captured in Batllava and in Radoniqi Lake. It has been found that Radoniqi Lake is characterized with increased levels of physicochemical parameters (T, DO, PO4-3, NO3-N, NO2-N). In Radoniqi Lake were recorded also heavy metal content such as Cd, Pb, Ni and Cu while in Batllava Lake only presence of Cu was recorded. Given the developed agriculture in the region where Radoniqi Lake is located, increased level of PO4-3, Cd and Cu can be attributed to agricultural pollution. Blood is taken for hematological (RBC, Hgb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBC), and biochemical (ALP, AST, ALT, Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, Total lipid, Total protein) analysis from twenty fish of each lake. The results of hematological parameters show that there is a difference between investigated fishes of respective lakes. There are slight differences in the values of Hgb, MCHC and WBC, while the changes are significant in RBC, MCV and MCH. By contrast, the biochemical parameters have shown significant differences, with the exception of the amount of cholesterol, where the differences are insignificant. Given the water quality of the two lakes, the results of this research show that water quality affects the health condition of fish. The high values of hematological and biochemical parameters in the fish of Radoniqi Lake are indicative that these fish suffer from stress caused by water pollution with heavy metals


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    Performance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) merupakan trend terbaru perencaan maupun evaluasi bangunan terhadap gempa. Performance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) dilakukan untuk memperkirakan kondisi inelastis bangunan saat terjadi gempa untuk mendapatkan level kinerjanya. Bangunan Gedung Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado sesuai dengan gambar kerja yang ada. Bangunan merupakan bangunan eksisting beton bertulang dengan ketinggian 13 lantai dan tinggi total bangunan 56 m dengan lebar 21 m yang akan di evaluasi berdasarkan konsep PBEE. Analisis pushover (build-in pada program SAP2000) berdasarkan ATC – 40 (capacity spectrum method) dimana kondisi kerusakan (damage states) dikategorikan dalam berbagai level, FEMA – 356 dan FEMA – 440 (displacement coefficient method) merupakan metode dengan memodifikasi respon elastic linier sistem struktur sehingga diperoleh perpindahan yang disebut sebagai target perpindahan. Dari Hasil penelitian didapat nilai perpindahan maksimum 0,998 m dan gaya geser maksimum 3017866,5 kg untuk arah X dan untuk arah Y nilai perpindahan maksimum 0,728 m dan gaya geser maksimum 2590323,88. Dari hasil evaluasi struktur FEMA 356 dan ATC 40 maka level kinerja struktur bangunan tinjauan berada pada batas antara Life Safety (LS) – Collapse Prevention (CP). Kata Kunci: Pushover analysis, Level kinerja, Kerentanan, Keruntuha

    Antioxidant activity of vitamin C and E versus oxidative stress induced by heavy metals in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

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    The present study was undertaken to investigate the antioxidant activity of vitamins C and E singly and together in modulating levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA), total protein, and glucose in different organs (gills, liver, & muscles) and plasma of common carp exposed to heavy metals (Pb, Cd, & Hg). The division of fish into two groups (control group and experimental group) was done after acclimatization. Seven days after exposure to heavy metals, the results showed a significant increase in the level of MDA in all organs of the experimental group (B) compared to those of the control group (A). Metal exposure caused a significant increase in the level of glucose in the liver and plasma (group B), while in muscles and gills, it caused a decrease in the amount of glucose (group B). Heavy metals have caused a slight decrease in total protein (gills, liver, & muscles). Seven days after exposure, the fish were split into three groups: one group was fed with vitamin C, another group with vitamin E, and the third group was fed with both vitamins (C & E). Results show that the addition of vitamins C and E as a food supplement resulted in the restitution of MDA and glucose values similar to those of the control group in all three investigated organs. But in terms of the amount of total protein, the results show that the addition of vitamins (C, E, & C+E) could not restore these values. Otherwise, in most cases, these two vitamins (C & E) administered together have shown more ameliorative effects than in the case of separate administration