83 research outputs found

    First records of Gastrotricha from South Africa, with description of a new species of Halichaetonotus (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae)

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    During a survey of the biota of the St. Lucia Estuary in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa, a number of Gastrotricha were found among samples of meiofauna. Fresh, marine sediment yielded several specimens belonging to a total of seven species. Of these, two are already known from other regions (i.e., Dactylopodola australiensis and Heteroxenotrichula squamosa), one is described as new to science (Halichaetonotussanctaeluciae sp. n.), while the remaining four (Pseudostomella sp., Halichaetonotus sp.1, Halichaetonotus sp. 2, Xenotrichula sp.) require further collections and analysis, in order to establish the extent of their affiliation to species already described. General appearance, shape of hydrofoil scale and the occurrenceof three long spines on the dorsal side make the new species most closely related to H. australis and H. marivagus. The key differences from these taxa and between Halichaetonotus sanctaeluciae sp. n. and H. aculifer are discussed

    Invasive alien species of European Union concern: the use of a faunistic database for the knowledge and future management at a local scale

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    A research group of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with the contribution of the Province of Modena and the Emilia-Romagna Region, implemented a faunistic database named Darwin. The database gathers information chiefly on the vertebrate fauna of the province of Modena (Northern Italy). To date, over 20,000 historical and recent records have been collected, regarding 535 vertebrate species and 7 invertebrates (Bivalvia and Crustacea) of high managing interest. Darwin allows to register the modification of the local fauna, with regards to the most problematic taxa and especially to the allochthonous species, which are mainly organisms living in the lowlands that became invasive at different levels. Some of these assumed the role of key species in a variety of ecosystems (e.g., Pseudorasbora parva), some threaten certain autochthonous species already at risk (e.g., Trachemys scripta and Procambarus clarkii), others give rise to economic issues (e.g., Myocastor coypus), whilst the remaining ones have progressively lost their invasivity, becoming rare or sporadic (e.g., Ameiurus melas and Lepomis gibbosus). The database represents a strongly effective tool for the basic knowledge functional to the actions deriving from the European Regulation 2014/1143, regarding the recent “List of invasive alien species of Union concern” (EU 2016/1141). Overall, Darwin collects information on the local distribution of 32 invasive allochthonous species, 7 of which of Union concern, namely: Lithobates catesbeianus, Myocastor coypus, Procambarus clarkii, Pseudorasbora parva, Trachemys scripta, Threskiornis aethiopicus, and Oxyura jamaicensis. The first four species are established within the province, while T. scripta is diffused but not definitively confirmed as breeding, T. aethiopicus is present but not breeding, and O. jamaicensis is observed only occasionally. Thanks to the database the autochthonous species of EU interest comprised in the national IUCN Red list and their competitors could be brought into focus. For instance, we revealed the presence of merely 8 local populations of Emys orbicularis, threatened by the wide distribution of T. scripta, which is reported from over 20 sites within Modena’s territory. Furthermore, we found Austropotamobius pallipes at 122 mid-elevation sites (100-1100 m a.s.l.), whilst its direct competitor P. clarkii, currently expanding to the foothills, was recorded from 101 locations from 10 to 100 m a.s.l. These preliminary results highlight the necessity of control plans towards the two alien species, which could be developed on the basis of the already available distribution patterns. Our research group aims at the constant implementation of the database by adding information from ongoing and forthcoming studies on species of major interest. The existing data, presently used in various control plans, will pave the way to more specific investigations on the invasive alien fauna and increase the effectiveness of future managing actions

    The avian community of the karen mogensen reserve, a wealth of biodiversity within the poorly investigated and threatened environments of northwestern costa rica

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    Despite being characterized by some of the most threatened forest ecosystems of Mesoamerica, the Nicoya Peninsula is among the least known regions of neotropical Costa Rica in terms of its birdlife. Within this region, in the framework of an ongoing international cooperation program between Italy and Costa Rica, we had the opportunity to investigate the Karen Mogensen Reserve, a protected area distinguished by the presence of a variety of habitats, including tropical dry forest and moist forest. Species richness in the Reserve was relatively high compared with similar areas in northwestern Costa Rica. A series of surveys carried out over a 20-year period documented an avian community consisting of 207 species, of which 115 were breeding in the zone and another 14 were potentially breeding. We recorded five IUCN globally Vulnerable or Near-Threatened species, along with six species reported for the first time from the Nicoya Peninsula, each representing range extension of more than 100 km. Twenty-six species, mostly breeding in the area, are at their southernmost range borders, and are likely susceptible to global environmental alterations, such as the effects of climate change. Furthermore, our study revealed the presence of two species endemic to a restricted area of Central America and four subspecies endemic to Costa Rica, along with breeding populations of two species that are geographically isolated from the main ones. The present analysis led to the ecological characterization of the resident avian community, showing that 65% of the species are strictly associated with forested environments, and especially with the understory or middle tree level, hence more vulnerable to environmental change (climatic, anthropogenic, etc.) and susceptible to local extinction. These results underscore the importance of the Karen Mogensen Reserve for bird conservation within a vulnerable environmental context, and warrant the continuation of periodic bird surveys, taxonomic study of isolated populations or endemic taxa, and improvement of local conservation measures. The data collected will be an important tool for future studies aimed at evaluating the consequences of habitat fragmentation and to monitor the effects of climate change on the resident avifauna. We exhort the creation of programs that integrate bird monitoring, ecological research, conservation initiatives, and the involvement of the local communities, by promoting environmental education, capacity-building, and income generation. To this purpose, the Karen Mogensen Reserve may represent a convincing model and valuable example to apply in similar neotropical contexts

    Habitat selection of the roe deer Capreolus capreolus (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) in an agroforestry system

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    The present study aimed at assessing the habitat preferences of the most widespread and abundant ungulate in Italy, the roe deer, in the Vallevecchia protected area (Venice). This area has been the object of naturalistic management and continuous environmental improvements in the last decades. Currently, the area is characterized by a high habitat heterogeneity, including deciduous woodlands, pine forests, wetlands, and farmlands. The study was carried out during the summers of 2017 and 2020. Data were collected along standardized transects, and the geo-localized records were divided into the corresponding habitats to calculate the Jacobs Index. In addition, chi-square test was applied, with the calculation of Pearson residuals to estimate the significance of associations to the habitats. The analyses show that in Vallevecchia the roe deer prefers woods and permanent meadows. Conversely, this ungulate avoids pine forests, wetlands and farmlands, despite their potential as sources of food and shelter. In line with other studies on agroforestry systems, wooded areas were most likely preferred because they provide shelter from disturbing factors and thermal stress, while meadows were likely chosen for trophic reasons. In this respect, we point out that in the studied area the preference for meadows was most likely due also to the availability of sprouts all year round, deriving from the constant mowing activities implemented in this habitat. In addition, our investigation underlines that the roe deer normally avoids maize and wheat crops, in accordance with similar studies. Moreover, the analyses highlight the preference for farmlands only if woods and grasslands are not present in the adjoining areas. Conversely, the proximity of these habitats results in a low impact on crops. In addition to encouraging the enforcement of current management actions in Vallevecchia, our results represent a contribution to a more effective management of the roe deer in agroforestry systems, aimed at limiting its impact in anthropized contexts and at achieving the conditions for a better coexistence of this deer with human activities

    Analysis of Prey Composition in Eurasian Reed Warblers’ Acrocephalus scirpaceus Droppings at Four Breeding Sites in Italy

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    Our aim was to investigate the among-populations diversity of prey composition in Eurasian Reed Warblers’ diets via their droppings, both to assess the ecological validity of this sampling method and to test whether the prey species most abundant in fecal samples were also the most present in the Italian study site. We collected fecal samples at four sites throughout Italy, for a total of 144 samples. Within reedbeds, the breeding habitat of the Eurasian Reed Warbler, we also collected arthropods by carrying out entomological sweepings at one of the study sites. Within the fecal samples, we identified dozens of prey species, belonging mainly to Araneae, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Aphidoidea taxa, whose compositions were not statistically different among sites. The commonest prey species were Coleoptera in the droppings (68.5%) and Diptera in the reedbeds (31.3%), although the latter was less numerous in the fecal samples. The diets of different Italian populations of Eurasian Reed Warbler emerging from our study underline a strong Coleopteran presence, without differences across Italy. Fecal samples appear to be an exhaustive method to study variation in Eurasian Reed Warbler diet and its ecological importance; however, although potential caveats do exist, such as the possible under-representation of Diptera

    An Introduction to the Study of Gastrotricha, with a Taxonomic Key to Families and Genera of the Group

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    Gastrotricha is a group of meiofaunal-sized, free-living invertebrates present in all aquatic ecosystems. The phylum includes over 860 species globally, of which 505 nominal species have been recorded in marine sandy sediments; another 355 taxa inhabit the freshwater environments, where they are recurrent members of the periphyton and epibenthos, and, to a lesser degree, of the plankton and interstitial fauna. Gastrotrichs are part of the permanent meiofauna and, in general, they rank among the top five groups for abundance within meiobenthic assemblages. The diversity, abundance, and ubiquity of Gastrotricha allow us to suppose an important role for these animals in aquatic ecosystems; however, ecological studies to prove this idea have been comparatively very few. This is mainly because the small size and transparency of their bodies make gastrotrichs dicult to discover in benthic samples; moreover, their contractility and fragility make their handling and morphological survey of the specimens rather dicult. Here we oer an overview, describe the basic techniques used to study these animals, and provide a key to known genera in an attempt to promote easy identification and to increase the number of researchers who may be interested in conducting studies on this understudied ecological group of microscopic organisms

    Gastrotricha: A Marine Sister for a Freshwater Puzzle

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    Background: Within an evolutionary framework of Gastrotricha Marinellina flagellata and Redudasys fornerise bear special interest, as they are the only Macrodasyida that inhabit freshwater ecosystems. Notwithstanding, these rare animals are poorly known; found only once (Austria and Brazil), they are currently systematised as incertae sedis. Here we report on the rediscovery of Redudasys fornerise, provide an account on morphological novelties and present a hypothesis on its phylogenetic relationship based on molecular data. Methodology/Principal Findings: Specimens were surveyed using DIC microscopy and SEM, and used to obtain the 18 S rRNA gene sequence; molecular data was analyzed cladistically in conjunction with data from 42 additional species belonging to the near complete Macrodasyida taxonomic spectrum. Morphological analysis, while providing new information on taxonomically relevant traits (adhesive tubes, protonephridia and sensorial bristles), failed to detect elements of the male system, thus stressing the parthenogenetic nature of the Brazilian species. Phylogenetic analysis, carried out with ML, MP and Bayesian approaches, yielded topologies with strong nodal support and highly congruent with each other. Among the supported groups is the previously undocumented clade showing the alliance between Redudasys fornerise and Dactylopodola agadasys; other strongly sustained clades include the densely sampled families Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae and most genera. Conclusions/Significance: A reconsideration of the morphological traits of Dactylopodola agadasys in light of the new information on Redudasys fornerise makes the alliance between these two taxa very likely. As a result, we create Anandrodasys gen. nov. to contain members of the previously described D. agadasys and erect Redudasyidae fam. nov. to reflect this novel relationship between Anandrodasys and Redudasys. From an ecological perspective, the derived position of Redudasys, which is deeply nested within the Macrodasyida clade, unequivocally demonstrates that invasion of freshwater by gastrotrichs has taken place at least twice, in contrast with the single event hypothesis recently put forward

    Kinorhyncha from Italy, a revision of the current checklist and an account of the recent investigations

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    Except for the noticeable investigations carried out in 1928 by Karl Zelinka in the Gulf of Naples and Gulf of Trieste, research on the Italian kinorhynch fauna has been rather erratic in space and time. According to the current checklist of the Italian marine biota, 48 species of Kinorhyncha were reported up to 2008 along the Italian coastlines. However, 31 of them are considered nomina dubia and hence of doubtful utility. Here we point out those taxa and provide new information based on recent publications and on novel investigations carried out in selected areas of the Adriatic Sea (3 localities), Ligurian Sea (4), Tyrrhenian Sea (8), and Ionian Sea (1). New data derives from qualitative as well as from quantitative samples. The analysis of the new samples yielded 6 families, 9 genera, and 29 species, of which only 16 were previously recorded from peninsular waters. In summary, we recorded one new genus and two new species for Italy, together with 13 additional species that appear new to science. Particularly interesting is the finding of two new species belonging to rare genus Condyloderes, as it represents the first record of this taxon in the Mediterranean Sea. The most speciose genus is Echinoderes, followed by Pycnophyes with 10 and 8 species, respectively. The former genus includes the taxon showing the highest abundance, Echinoderes capitatus, with recorded densities up to 184 ind./10cm2, while the latter includes the most common species Pycnophyes communis, found in 7 out of the 16 new investigated localities. New faunistic information prompted the revision of the checklist, which in the new version includes 36 species in 9 genera and 6 families. Old and new data were utilized for a preliminary discussion on the geographic distribution of the recorded fauna, from which it appeared that five species only can be considered ubiquitous in the four Italian sea basins, whereas the other taxa appear to be restricted to one or two seas. However, many sectors of the Italian coastline remain unexplored. Besides those areas (e.g., mid Tyrrhenian and Ionian coasts), future research should be focused on peculiar habitats, such as submarine caves, lagoons, and coarse biogenic sediments, as many species and species records come from these neglected biotopes, often representing biodiversity hotspots