7,780 research outputs found

    Wetting of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Crenellated Substrates: A Frank–Oseen Approach

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    We revisit the wetting of nematic liquid crystals in contact with crenellated substrates, studied previously using the Landau–de Gennes formalism. However, due to computational limitations, the characteristic length scales of the substrate relief considered in that study limited to less than 100 nematic correlation lengths. The current work uses an extended Frank–Oseen formalism, which includes not only the free-energy contribution due to the elastic deformations but also the surface tension contributions and, if disclinations or other orientational field singularities are present, their core contributions. Within this framework, which was successfully applied to the anchoring transitions of a nematic liquid crystal in contact with structured substrates, we extended the study to much larger length scales including the macroscopic scale. In particular, we analyzed the interfacial states and the transitions between them at the nematic–isotropic coexistence

    Violência, mobilidade humana e práticas socioculturais na tríplice fronteira entre Brasil, Paraguai e Argentina

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Ciências Sociais AplicadasEsta pesquisa tiene como objetivo comprender la proyección del IIRSA (​ Iniciativa para la Integración de la Infraestructura Regional Suramericana) ​ y de otros planos geoestratégicos sobre la región de la Triple Frontera entre Paraguay, Brasil y Argentina. Es focada en la interacción entre gestiones públicas de seguridad fronteriza y de movilidad humana en las prácticas de violencia simbólica y estructural relacionadas a esas gestiones y políticas públicas, entrelazandolas con fenómenos, tantos nacionales (políticas de Estado), como locales ( desplazamiento forzado de personas, conflictos agrarios, violencia inter-individual en el ámbito de conflictos dentro​ ​ de​ ​ determinados​ ​ grupos​ ​ sociales)Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Fungos entomopatogênicos: catálogo de isolados.

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    Remessa do material; Informações contidas neste catálogo.bitstream/item/60080/1/Documentos-188.pd

    Sharp affine Sobolev type inequalities via the Lp Busemann–Petty centroid inequality

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    We show that the Lp Busemann-Petty centroid inequality provides an elementary and powerful tool to the study of some sharp affine functional inequalities with a geometric content, like log-Sobolev, Sobolev and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities. Our approach allows also to characterize directly the corresponding equality cases.Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superiorInstituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e AplicadaConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoFundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerai

    Analysis of differences in public and convergence ecological policy for family farmers approach to local development: a comparative study between Spain and Brazil

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    Este artigo examinou a convergência e divergência das políticas públicas direcionadas para produtores agrícolas de base econômica familiar no Brasil e na Espanha. A partir da elaboração de um quadro comparativo, foi possível reconhecer que a Espanha, por ser um país com mais capital social, investimentos estruturais e cultura cooperativista, abarca com maior profundidade as políticas públicas existentes. O trabalho é exploratório e utilizou-se de dados bibliográficos, documentais, bem como a percepção da pesquisa de campo realizada anteriormente. Conclui-se que, apesar de melhor apreensão da Espanha no que se refere às políticas públicas existentes, o Brasil adota políticas semelhantes, podendo se esperar avanços análogos. No entanto são necessárias implementações nas políticas públicas existentes, tanto na Espanha (dependente da PAC), quanto no Brasil, no sentido de garantir a produção agrícola familiar e sua sustentabilidade. Fica evidenciado, no presente artigo, que políticas públicas para agricultura familiar, que garantam o desenvolvimento local, são clamores mundiais.This article examined the convergence and divergence of public policies for farmers family economic base in Brazil and Spain. From the preparation of a comparative table it was able to recognize that Spain, as a country with more social capital, structural investments and cooperative culture embraces in greater depth the existing policy. The work is exploratory and used to bibliographical, documentary evidence as well as the perception of previously conducted field research. It concluded that although better understanding of Spain in respect of existing policies, Brazil adopt similar policies may be expected advances analogs. However, implementations are required in existing public policies, both in Spain and in Brazil, to ensure the family agricultural production and sustainability. It is shown in this article, that public policies for family farming, to ensure local development, are world clamors

    Gravitational Slingshot of Young Massive Stars in Orion

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    The Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) is the nearest region of massive star formation and thus a crucial testing ground for theoretical models. Of particular interest amongst the ONC's ~1000 members are: \theta^1 Ori C, the most massive binary in the cluster with stars of masses 38 and 9 MSun (Kraus et al. 2009); the Becklin-Neugebauer (BN) object, a 30 km/s runaway star of ~8 MSun (Tan 2004); and the Kleinmann-Low (KL) nebula protostar, a highly-obscured, ~15 MSun object still accreting gas while also driving a powerful, apparently "explosive" outflow (Allen & Burton 1993). The unusual behavior of BN and KL is much debated: How did BN acquire its high velocity? How is this related to massive star formation in the KL nebula? Here we report the results of a systematic survey using ~ 10^7 numerical experiments of gravitational interactions of the \theta^1C and BN stars. We show that dynamical ejection of BN from this triple system at its observed velocity leaves behind a binary with total energy and eccentricity matching those observed for \theta^1C. Five other observed properties of \theta^C are also consistent with it having ejected BN and altogether we estimate there is only a <~ 10^{-5} probability that \theta^1C has these properties by chance. We conclude that BN was dynamically ejected from the \theta^1C system about 4,500 years ago. BN has then plowed through the KL massive-star-forming core within the last 1,000 years causing its recently-enhanced accretion and outflow activity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted to Ap