2,067 research outputs found

    The Pursuit of Sustainable ICT4D: Lessons from Timor-Leste

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    Information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) initiatives often result in abandonment following a successful technical implementation. This article contributes to the literature on the sustainability of ICT4D projects by proposing a substantive theory of Cultivating Sustainability. A qualitative study, based on three ICT4D implementation cases in a least developed country, served to explore the question of how the sustainability of ICT4D could be enhanced. This paper suggests that sustainability needs to be cultivated proactively and continuously, from project initiation to benefit realization. The article indicates specific strategies that can help least developed countries achieving the long-lasting benefits donors and recipients anticipated

    Migração e ocupação no mercado de trabalho brasileiro

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    Individuals’ socioeconomic and demographic characteristics have always impacted their occupation. However, few empirical studies with census data have researched how migration af- fects occupation. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the determining factors of occupation in migrants and non-migrants aged 15 to 60 years in Brazilian municipalities. The data are taken from 2000 and 2010 Brazilian Demographic Censuses. The literature is reviewed, and then multinomial logistic regressions are used. The results show that fixed-date inter-municipal migrants in Brazil experience worse forms of insertion in the labor market than non-migrants in both censuses under analysis.  Las características socioeconómicas y demográficas de los individuos siempre han afectado su ocupación. Sin embargo, pocos estudios empíricos con datos censales han investigado cómo la migración afecta la ocupación. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los factores determinantes de la ocupación en migrantes y no migrantes de 15 a 60 años en municipios brasileños. Los datos se han tomado de Censos demográficos brasileños de los años 2000 y 2010. Se revisó la literatura y luego se utilizaron regresiones logísticas multinomiales. Los resultados muestran que, en los dos censos que se sometieron a análisis, los migrantes intermunicipales de fecha fija en Brasil experimentan peores formas de inserción en la ocupación que los no migrantes.As características socioeconômicas e demográficas dos indivíduos sempre afetaram sua ocupação. No entanto, poucos estudos empíricos utilizaram dados do censo para investigar como a migração afeta a ocupação. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os fatores determinantes na ocupação que migrantes e não migrantes, entre 15 e 60 anos, exercem nos municípios brasileiros. Os dados foram obtidos a partir dos censos de- mográficos brasileiros de 2000 e 2010. A literatura foi revisada e, em seguida, foram utilizadas regressões logísticas multinomiais. No Brasil, os resultados mostram que, nos dois censos analisados, os migrantes intermunicipais de data fixa experimentam piores formas de inserção ocupacional do que os nãodeixei uma migrantes

    Valorização da expressão e educação físico motora pelos professores do 1º ciclo do ensino básico em S. João da Madeira

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    O trabalho apresenta-se dividido em duas partes, sendo estas constituídas por uma parte de análise à prática decorrida nos dois últimos semestres do Curso de Mestrado de Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e uma parte que recai numa investigação sobre a Valorização da Expressão e Educação Físico Motora nos professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino básico (1º CEB). A investigação decorreu no Conselho de S. João da Madeira com professores do 1º ciclo das escolas básicas públicas da cidade. Nesta investigação para além de uma pesquisa documental foram também utilizados inquéritos por questionário, onde, os resultados e conclusões apresentam uma incoerência por parte dos professores entre o que pensam e o que realmente operam.Abstract The work is presented in two parts, these consist of an analysis part of the practice lapsed in the last two semesters of the Master Course in Preschool Education and Teaching 1st Cycle of Basic Education and a part that rests in an investigation on the Valuation of Motor Speech and Physical Education teachers in the 1st cycle of basic education The research took place in the Council of S. João da Madeira with teachers of the 1st cycle of the public basic schools of the city. In this research, in addition to desk research were also used inquiries by questionnaires, were, the results and conclusions presented by an inconsistency between what teachers think and what they actually operate

    Beyond Free Lunch: Building Sustainable ICT4D

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    Reduced Fluoresceinamine as a Fluorescent Sensor for Nitric Oxide

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    A new fluorescent sensor for nitric oxide (NO) is presented that is based on its reaction with a non fluorescent substance, reduced fluoresceinamine, producing the highly fluorescent fluoresceinamine. Using a portable homemade stabilized light source consisting of 450 nm LED and fiber optics to guide the light, the sensor responds linearly within seconds in the NO concentration range between about 10–750 μM with a limit of detection (LOD) of about 1 μM. The system generated precise intensity readings, with a relative standard deviation of less than 1%. The suitability of the sensor was assessed by monitoring the NO generated by either the nitrous acid decomposition reaction or from a NO-releasing compound. Using relatively high incubation times, the sensor also responds quantitatively to hydrogen peroxide and potassium superoxide, however, using transient signal measurements results in no interfering species


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    The emergence of the new paradigm of sustainable construction related to the concern of excessive energy consumption of our society, led to the investigation of techniques, materials and construction solutions that could causes less environmental impact. Consequently, the interest given to ancient techniques that dealt with earth constructive solutions aroused, which has captivated the interest of architects, builders and people in general. Although this type of material is associated to a less dignified and poor construction, the search for modern expression in new buildings’ design has shown the physical and plastic potential of the usage of earth in modern architecture. However, the regulation of the constructions’ minimum requirements related to materials’ mechanical strength and thermal performance (such as the Portuguese Thermal Building Regulation- RCCTE), has been one of the biggest obstacles in spreading and growing the application of this technique. This study intends to increase the knowledge of the thermal behavior of this type of construction. In this article, the results of in situ measurement campaigns, carried out during the summer and winter periods, are presented. They were performed on three different single-family dwellings located in Abrantes, Portugal. These dwellings were built using the rammed-earth technique, each one having walls with 50-55 cms of thickness. Several experimental measurements were conducted in order to evaluate the rammed-earth wall thermal behavior, such as: the incident global radiation on vertical plane of the facade; indoor and outdoor environment temperatures and moisture; indoor and outdoor surfaces wall temperatures; and heat flows. The experimental results revealed a large thermal inertia of the walls, which led to low indoor temperatures in both seasons. The results demonstrate the need to improve the thermal conductivity of the earth in order to meet the minimum requirements imposed by the Building Regulations

    Displaybook - Bringing online identity to situated displays

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    This work is part of a study in which we aim to explore multiple bridges between on-line and off-line forms of socialisation by creating bi-directional connections between Facebook and situated social interactions. In this paper, we specifically describe a study on the use of public displays for the public presentation of data from the Facebook profiles of people near the display. The key challenge is how to map the concept of sharing information within a social network, to the concept of sharing information with the places you visit. For this to be viable, people must have full control over what they share and in what circumstances they will share it. This paper addresses this issue by studying the sharing alternatives, how this sharing of profile data in a public display is perceived by people and what are the main factors affecting that perception. The results suggest that, overall, people seem to be willing to expose parts of their Facebook profiles if given proper privacy controls. However, the study has also revealed a clear gap between privacy control in Facebook and the type of privacy controls that would be needed for this particular use of Facebook information

    A Valorização da Expressão Motora nos Educadores de Infância: um estudo nos Jardins de Infância do concelho de Viseu

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    O presente relatório é fruto do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, em contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar e de 1º CEB, tendo por finalidade a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1ºciclo do Ensino Básico. O mesmo integra duas partes complementares de componente individual: uma reflexão crítica sobre as práticas desenvolvidas em contexto de estágio e uma investigação empírica que pretende apurar a valorização atribuída ao domínio da Expressão Motora por parte dos Educadores de Infância, do concelho de Viseu, assim como, compreender a importância curricular atribuída. Para o efeito, recorreu-se a materiais desenvolvidos em contexto de prática e formação académica, bem como a autores de referência em Educação, para uma melhor reflexão e introspeção das práticas implementadas, das competências e conhecimentos adquiridos. Nesta medida, tendo em consideração que a prática educativa incidiu em dois níveis de ensino com características e especificidades próprias, este documento reporta-se, de uma forma sintetizada, ao trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito destes dois níveis de ensino. Incide numa apreciação reflexiva de todo o percurso, face ao novo modelo de educador e professor, fomentando e contribuindo para o próprio crescimento profissional e para o desenvolvimento ativo dos alvos de um estudo permanente: as crianças. Ser pedagogo, na atualidade, implica lidar com problemas sociais que se manifestam e exigem à escola um desempenho de novas tarefas na socialização das crianças, adolescentes e dos jovens, na promoção do seu desenvolvimento individual e na realização da sua instrução. Estas novas funções inevitavelmente traduziram alterações na docência, nos papéis desempenhados pelo pedagogo, provocando o alargamento e diversificação da função docente.This report is the result of the work conducted within the Supervised Teaching Practice in the context of Pre-school Education and of the 1st year of primary school, with the purpose of obtaining a Master's degree in Pre-school Education and Teaching 1st year of Primary School. It comprises two complementary parts of a single component: a critical reflection on the practices developed in the context of an empirical investigation stage and to determine the value assigned on the field of Motor Expression by the kindergarten teachers in the municipality of Viseu, as well as, to understand its curriculum relevance. For that purpose, we used the materials developed in the context of practical and academic training as well as the authors of reference in education for better reflection and introspection of the practices implemented, as well, the skills and knowledge acquired. Taking into account that educational practice focused on two levels of education with its features and specificities, this document refers, in a synthesized way, to work within these two levels of education. It also focuses on a reflective appreciation of the entire path, based on the new educator and teacher’s model, fostering and contributing to their own professional growth and development of active targets of an ongoing study: children. Currently, being a teacher involves dealing with social problems that arise and require the school performance of new tasks in the socialization of children, adolescents and young people, promoting individual development and realization of their education. These new functions will inevitably translate changes concerning teaching, the roles of educator, causing enlargement and diversification of the teaching function