55 research outputs found

    Training graduate students to be teachers

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    Pedagogic education of graduate students, when and where it exists, is restricted to theoretical courses or to the participation of the students as teachers' assistants. This model is essentially reproductive and offers few opportunities for any significant curriculum innovation. To open an opportunity for novelty we have introduced a new approach in Biochemistry Teaching, a course included in the Biochemistry Graduate Program of the Biochemistry Department (Universidade Estadual de Campinas and Universidade de São Paulo). The content of the course consists of a) choosing the theme, b) selecting and organizing the topics, c) preparing written material, d) establishing the methodological strategies, e) planning the evaluation tools and, finally, f) as teachers, conducting the course as an optional summer course for undergraduate students. During the first semester the graduate students establish general and specific educational objectives, select and organize contents, decide on the instructional strategies and plan evaluation tools. The contents are explored using a wide range of strategies, which include computer-aided instruction, laboratory classes, small group teaching, a few lectures and round table discussions. The graduate students also organize printed class notes to be used by the undergraduate students. Finally, as a group, they teach the summer course. In the three versions already developed, the themes chosen were Biochemistry of Exercise (UNICAMP), Biochemistry of Nutrition (UNICAMP) and Molecular Biology of Plants (USP). In all cases the number of registrations greatly exceeded the number of places and a selection had to be made. The evaluation of the experience by both graduate and undergraduate students was very positive. Graduate students considered this experience to be unique and recommended it to their schoolmates; the undergraduate students benefited from a more flexible curriculum (more options) and gave very high scores to both the courses and the teachers.1457146

    Potassium Concentration In Blood Of Brazilian Athletes Using Naa

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)In this study the potassium levels in blood were determined in male athletes, age 18 to 26 years, before, during and after the tread mill exercise protocol using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA). These data are important to check the potassium imbalance in blood during the period of competition preparation. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.1351336339Brazilian Physical Society (SBF),Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP),Coordenacao Aperfeicoamento Pessoal Ensino Super. (CAPES),Rio de Janeiro Research Foundation (FAPERJ),National Research Council (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Versieck, L., (1988) Anal. Chim. Acta, 204, p. 63Kovacs, L., Zamboni, C.B., Oliveira, L., Salvador, V.L.R., Sato, I.M., Azevedo, M.R., Analysis of serum and whole blood using NAA for clinical investigation (2008) J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 278, pp. 543-545Medeiros, J.A.G., Zamboni, C.B., Zahn, G.S., Oliveira, L.C., Dalaqua Jr., L., Software para realização de análises hematológicas utilizando processo radioanalítico Proceeding of 39° Congresso Brasileiro de Patologia Clinica (SP, Brasil, 2005

    Effects of different general anesthetics on serum hemolysis and hepatic and muscular glycogenolysis in rats

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    Anesthetics can affect the structure and biological function of tissues and systems differentially. The aim of the present study was to compare three injectable anesthetics generally used in experiments with animals in terms of the degree of hemolysis and glycogenolysis occurring after profound anesthesia. Twenty-four male Wistar rats (330-440 g) were divided into three groups (N = 8): chloral hydrate (CH), ketamine + xylazine (KX), Zoletil 50® (zolazepam and tiletamine) + xylazine (ZTX). After deep anesthesia, total blood was collected. The liver and white (WG) and red gastrocnemius (RG) muscles were also immediately removed. The degree of serum hemolysis was quantified on the basis of hemoglobin concentration (g/L). Hepatic and muscular glycogen concentrations (mmol/kg wet tissue) were quantified by the phenol-sulfuric method. The CH and KX groups exhibited serum hemolysis (4.0 ± 2.2 and 1.9 ± 0.9 g/L, respectively; P < 0.05) compared to the ZTX group, which presented none. Only KX induced elevated glycogenolysis (mmol/kg wet tissue) in the liver (86.9 ± 63.2) and in WG (18.7 ± 9.0) and RG (15.2 ± 7.2; P < 0.05). The CH and ZTX groups exhibited no glycogenolysis in the liver (164.4 ± 41.1 and 176.8 ± 54.4, respectively), WG (28.8 ± 4.4, 32.0 ± 6.5, respectively) or RG (29.0 ± 4.9; 25.3 ± 8.6, respectively). Our data indicate that ZTX seems to be an appropriate general anesthetic for studies that seek to simultaneously quantify the concentration of glycogen and serum biochemical markers without interferences. ZTX is reasonably priced, found easily at veterinary markets, quickly induces deep anesthesia, and presents a low mortality rate.1035103

    Concentration Of Ca In Blood Of Amateur Runners Using Naa

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)In this study the Ca levels were determined in amateur runners blood at LABEX (Laboratório de Bioquímica do Exercício - UNICAMP, Brazil), using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. The range established at rest (162 - 410 mgL-1) when compared with control group (51 - 439 mgL-1) suggests that there is a dependency of these limits in the function of the adopted physical training. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.15297678Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Sao Paulo (FAPESP),Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ),Cons. Nac. Desenvolv. Cient. Tecnol. (CNPq),Coordenacao Aperfeicoamento Pessoal Nivel Super. (Capes),Eletrobras Eletronuclear,SINC do BrasilFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Speich, M., Pineau, A., Ballereau, F., (2001) Clin. Chim. Acta, 312, pp. 1-11Charoenphandhu, N., (2007) J. Sports Sci. Technol, 7, pp. 171-181Bronner, F., Pansu, D., (1999) J. Nutr., 129, pp. 9-12Nieves, J.W., (2005) Am J Clin Nutr., 81, pp. 1232S-1239SMantoanelli, G., Vitalle, M.S.S., Amancio, O.M.S., (2002) Rev. Nutr., 15, pp. 319-340Kovacs, L., Zamboni, C.B., Oliveira, L.C., Salvador, V.L.R., Sato, I.M., Azevedo, M.R., Radioana, J., (2008) Nucl. Chem., 278, pp. 543-545Medeiros, J.A.G., Zamboni, C.B., Zahn, G.S., Oliveira, L.C., Dalaqua, L.J., Software para realização de análises hematológicas utilizando processo radioanalítico Proceeding of 39° Brazilian Congress of Clinical Pathology / Medicine Laboratorial CD ROM, (2005

    Evaluation by blue native polyacrylamide electrophoresis colorimetric staining of the effects of physical exercise on the activities of mitochondrial complexes in rat muscle

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    Blue native polyacrylamide electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) is a technique developed for the analysis of membrane complexes. Combined with histochemical staining, it permits the analysis and quantification of the activities of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation enzymes using whole muscle homogenates, without the need to isolate muscle mitochondria. Mitochondrial complex activities were measured by emerging gels in a solution containing all specific substrates for NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase enzymes (complexes I and IV, respectively) and the colored bands obtained were measured by optique densitometry. The objective of the present study was the application of BN-PAGE colorimetric staining for enzymatic characterization of mitochondrial complexes I and IV in rat muscles with different morphological and biochemical properties. We also investigated these activities at different times after acute exercise of rat soleus muscle. Although having fewer mitochondria than oxidative muscles, white gastrocnemius muscle presented a significantly higher activity (26.7 ± 9.5) in terms of complex I/V ratio compared to the red gastrocnemius (3.8 ± 0.65, P < 0.05) and soleus (9.8 ± 0.9, P < 0.001) muscles. Furthermore, the complex IV/V ratio of white gastrocnemius muscle was always significantly higher when compared to the other muscles. Ninety-five minutes of exhaustive physical exercise induced a decrease in complex I/V and complex IV/V ratios after all resting times (0, 3 and 6 h) compared to control (P < 0.05), probably reflecting the oxidative damage due to increasing free radical production in mitochondria. These results demonstrate the possible and useful application of BN-PAGE-histochemical staining to physical exercise studies.93994

    Flow cytometry immunophenotyping for diagnostic orientation and classification of pediatric cancer based on the EuroFlow Solid Tumor Orientation Tube (STOT)

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    Early diagnosis of pediatric cancer is key for adequate patient management and improved outcome. Although multiparameter flow cytometry (MFC) has proven of great utility in the diagnosis and classification of hematologic malignancies, its application to non-hematopoietic pediatric tumors remains limited. Here we designed and prospectively validated a new single eight-color antibody combination-solid tumor orientation tube, STOT-for diagnostic screening of pediatric cancer by MFC. A total of 476 samples (139 tumor mass, 138 bone marrow, 86 lymph node, 58 peripheral blood, and 55 other body fluid samples) from 296 patients with diagnostic suspicion of pediatric cancer were analyzed by MFC vs. conventional diagnostic procedures. STOT was designed after several design-test-evaluate-redesign cycles based on a large panel of monoclonal antibody combinations tested on 301 samples. In its final version, STOT consists of a single 8-color/12-marker antibody combination (CD99-CD8/(nu)myogenin/CD4-EpCAM/CD56/GD2/(sm)CD3-CD19/(cy)CD3-CD271/CD45). Prospective validation of STOT in 149 samples showed concordant results with the patient WHO/ICCC-3 diagnosis in 138/149 cases (92.6%). These included: 63/63 (100%) reactive/disease-free samples, 43/44 (98%) malignant and 4/4 (100%) benign non-hematopoietic tumors together with 28/38 (74%) leukemia/lymphoma cases; the only exception was Hodgkin lymphoma that required additional markers to be stained.& nbsp;In addition, STOT allowed accurate discrimination among the four most common subtypes of malignant CD45(-) CD56(++) non-hematopoietic solid tumors: 13/13 (GD2(++) (nu)myogenin(-) CD271(-/+) (nu)MyoD1(-) CD99(-) EpCAM(-)) neuroblastoma samples, 5/5 (GD2(-) (nu)myogenin(++) CD271(++) (nu)MyoD1(++) CD99(-/+) EpCAM(-)) rhabdomyosarcomas, 2/2 (GD2(-/+) (nu)myogenin(-) CD271(+) (nu)MyoD1(-) CD99(+) EpCAM(-)) Ewing sarcoma family of tumors, and 7/7 (GD2(-) (nu)myogenin(-) CD271(+) (nu)MyoD1(-) CD99(-) EpCAM(+)) Wilms tumors. In summary, here we designed and validated a new standardized antibody combination and MFC assay for diagnostic screening of pediatric solid tumors that might contribute to fast and accurate diagnostic orientation and classification of pediatric cancer in routine clinical practice.Stemcel biology/Regenerative medicine (incl. bloodtransfusion

    Crop residue harvest for bioenergy production and its implications on soil functioning and plant growth: A review

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    Overreaching-induced Oxidative Stress, Enhanced Hsp72 Expression, Antioxidant And Oxidative Enzymes Downregulation

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    Overreaching (OVR) is defined as the initial phase of overtraining syndrome and is known as a metabolic imbalance leading to short-term fatigue. Exercise increases reactive oxygen species production, which can oxidize intracellular structures impairing cell function and thus leads to OVR process. The aim of this work is to study the behavior of oxidative stress markers in subjects submitted to an OVR protocol. Thirty rats were divided in exercise and control group, and submitted to an 8-week-endurance training (ET) and a 3-week-OVR protocol. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs), reactive carbonylated derivatives (RCD), glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT) and citrate synthase (CS) activities and stress protein HSP72 were measured in soleus (SO), extensor digital longus (EDL) and semitendinuous (ST) muscles. ET induced significant enhancement (P<0.05) in CS, GR, CAT, TBARs, RCD and HSP72 in SO, EDL and ST. OVR induced higher levels (P<0.05) of TBARs, RCD and HSP72 compared with ET only in SO, while in EDL and ST all measured parameters ranged at same levels reached during ET. We concluded that stress-induced OVR protocol is fiber type dependent, the SO muscle fiber type I being the most affected by this treatment. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard.1816776Aebi, H., Catalase (1984) Methods in Enzymology., p. 105. , In: Packer, L., ed. 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