62 research outputs found

    Analysis and adsorption of phosalone on aquatic sediment

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    Phosalone is a non systematic, wide spectrum organophosphate pesticide which was discovered in 1961 in the laboratories of the Societe des Usines Chimique Rhone-Poulenc in France. It has been approved for commercial use since 1964 in France, in Australia since 1966, in the United Kingdom in 1967 and in many other countries including Japan, Egypt, USSR and the USA. This study provides a full literature review on all aspects of phosalone including its physical, biological and chemical characteristics, and analytical methods of analysis with particular reference to soils/sediments. Furthermore, it aims to develop a method for the determintion of phosalone in aquatic sediments and to determine the adsorption of phosalone onto kaolinite

    The Peach v2.0 Release : An Improved Genome Sequence for Bridging the Gap Between Genomics and Breeding in Prunus

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    Since its release the high quality peach genome sequence (Peach v1.0) has fostered studies on comparative genomics as well as on genetic diversity, domestication and crop improvement in Prunus and related species. To improve the chromosome-scale assembly and genome annotation we performed further analyses. Extensive mapping data allowed the improvement of Peach v2.0 assembly in terms of fraction of mapped (99.2%) and orientated (97.9%) sequences and correction of misassembly issues (about 12.2 Mb of incorrectly positioned sequences). Assembled resequencing data (42x) improved base accuracy and contiguity: 859 SNPs and 1,347 Indels were corrected and 212 gaps were closed. As a result the contiguity of Peach v2.0 improved with a contig L50 of 255.4 kb (previously 214.2 kb) and a contig N50 of 250 (previously 294). Repeat annotation was enhanced including low copy repeats and the complete sequence and location of 1,157 non autonomous Helitrons. Gene prediction and annotation were improved using transcript assemblies obtained from 2.2 billion of RNA seq reads from different peach tissues and organs. In total, after masking with the improved repeat annotation, 26,873 protein-coding genes were predicted in Peach v2.1 annotation, 991 less than those predicted in Peach v1.0. Gene annotation was highly enhanced with the prediction of almost 20,000 new isoforms. The new peach release with improved assembly and annotation will be a pivotal resource for comparative genomics in the plant kingdom and will serve as a foundation for studies bridging the gap between genomics and breeding in Prunus and related species

    The MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey: I. Survey overview and highlights

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    Please abstract in the article.The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), the National Research Foundation (NRF), the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, US National Science Foundation, the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the DSI/NRF, the SARAO HCD programme, the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation.http://www.aanda.orghj2022Physic

    The fate of isoproturon and diflufenican in an agricultural sandy loam soil under laboratory and field conditions including simulation modelling

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    This paper discusses The fate of isoproturon and diflufenican in an agricultural sandy loam soil under laboratory and field conditions including simulation modelling

    Aspekte der Ornithologie Symposium zum 75. Geburtstag von Friedrich Wilhelm Merkel

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    TIB Hannover: RN 5205(97) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Infant-mother attachment in separated and married families.

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    Two contrasting predictions about the effects of parental marital separation on infants' attachment to their mothers are considered. The "early adversity" hypothesis suggests that infants will be adversely affected by negative life events and thus will develop anxious attachments to their mothers. The "protective" hypothesis claims that infants are resistant to stressors because of their limited cognitive ability, and therefore will be no more likely to develop anxious attachments than other infants. Results from 76 motherchild pairs in the "strange situation" procedure (assessing infantmother attachment) supported the "protective" hypothesis in that there were no significant differenccs between infants in two marital status groups. The role of marital status versus unfavorable life events in affecting children's development was discussed
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