8 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic Attenuation in Clean d-Wave Superconductors

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    We calculate the low temperature longitudinal ultrasonic attenuation rate αS\alpha_S in clean d-wave superconductors. We consider the contribution of previously ignored processes involving the excitation of a pair of quasi-holes or quasi-particles. These processes, which are forbidden by energy conservation in conventional s-wave superconductors, have a finite phase space in d-wave superconductors due to the presence of nodes in the gap which give rise to soft low-energy electronic excitations. We find the contribution to αS\alpha_S from these processes to be proportional to TT in the regime kBTQvΔΔ0k_B T\ll Qv_{\Delta} \ll \Delta_0,(ultra-low temperature regime) and to be proportional to 1/T in the region QvFkBTΔ0Qv_F \ll k_BT \ll \Delta_0, (low temperature regime) where Q{\bf Q} is the ultrasound wave-vector and Δ0\Delta_0 is the maximum gap amplitude. We explicitly evaluate these terms, for parameters appropriate to the cuprates, for Q{\bf Q} along the nodal and the antinodal directions and compare it with the contribution from processes considered earlier(I.Vekhter et al {\it Phys. Rev.}{\bf B59}, 7123(1999)). In the ultra-low temperature regime, the processes considered by us make a contribution which is smaller by about a factor of 10 for Q{\bf Q} along the nodal direction, while along the antinodal direction it is larger by a factor of 100 or so. In the low temperature regime on the other hand the contribution made by these terms is small. However taken together with the original terms we describe a possible way to evaluate the parameter vF/vΔv_F/v_\Delta.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, accepted for publication in Physica

    Ultrasonic Attenuation in the Vortex State of d-wave Superconductors

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    We calculate the low temperature quasi-particle contribution to the ultrasonic attenuation rate in the mixed state of d-wave superconductors. Our calculation is performed within the semi-classical approximation using quasi-particle energies that are Doppler shifted, with respect to their values in the Meissner phase, by the supercurrent associated with the vortices. We find that the attenuation at low temperatures and at fields Hc1HHc2 H_{c1} \leq H \ll H_{c2} has a temperature independent contribution which is proportional to H\surd H where HH is the applied magnetic field. We indicate how our result in combination with the zero-field result for ultrasonic attenuation can be used to calculate one of the parameters vFv_F, Hc2H_{c2} or ξ\xi given the values for any two of them.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, submitted to Physica

    Strong Phase Separation in a Model of Sedimenting Lattices

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    We study the steady state resulting from instabilities in crystals driven through a dissipative medium, for instance, a colloidal crystal which is steadily sedimenting through a viscous fluid. The problem involves two coupled fields, the density and the tilt; the latter describes the orientation of the mass tensor with respect to the driving field. We map the problem to a 1-d lattice model with two coupled species of spins evolving through conserved dynamics. In the steady state of this model each of the two species shows macroscopic phase separation. This phase separation is robust and survives at all temperatures or noise levels--- hence the term Strong Phase Separation. This sort of phase separation can be understood in terms of barriers to remixing which grow with system size and result in a logarithmically slow approach to the steady state. In a particular symmetric limit, it is shown that the condition of detailed balance holds with a Hamiltonian which has infinite-ranged interactions, even though the initial model has only local dynamics. The long-ranged character of the interactions is responsible for phase separation, and for the fact that it persists at all temperatures. Possible experimental tests of the phenomenon are discussed.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev E (1 January 2000), 16 pages, RevTex, uses epsf, three ps figure

    Phase fluctuations, dissipation and superfluid stiffness in d-wave superconductors

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    We study the effect of dissipation on quantum phase fluctuations in d-wave superconductors. Dissipation, arising from a nonzero low frequency optical conductivity which has been measured in experiments below TcT_c, has two effects: (1) a reduction of zero point phase fluctuations, and (2) a reduction of the temperature at which one crosses over to classical thermal fluctuations. For parameter values relevant to the cuprates, we show that the crossover temperature is still too large for classical phase fluctuations to play a significant role at low temperature. Quasiparticles are thus crucial in determining the linear temperature dependence of the in-plane superfluid stiffness. Thermal phase fluctuations become important at higher temperatures and play a role near TcT_c.Comment: Presentation improved, new references added (10 latex pages, 3 eps figures). submitted to PR

    Effective Actions and Phase Fluctuations in d-wave Superconductors

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    We study effective actions for order parameter fluctuations at low temperature in layered d-wave superconductors such as the cuprates. The order parameter lives on the bonds of a square lattice and has two amplitude and two phase modes associated with it. The low frequency spectral weights for amplitude and relative phase fluctuations is determined and found to be subdominant to quasiparticle contributions. The Goldstone phase mode and its coupling to density fluctuations in charged systems is treated in a gauge-invariant manner. The Gaussian phase action is used to study both the cc-axis Josephson plasmon and the more conventional in-plane plasmon in the cuprates. We go beyond the Gaussian theory by deriving a coarse-grained quantum XY model, which incorporates important cutoff effects overlooked in previous studies. A variational analysis of this effective model shows that in the cuprates, quantum effects of phase fluctuations are important in reducing the zero temperature superfluid stiffness, but thermal effects are small for T<<TcT << T_c.Comment: Some numerical estimates corrected and figures changed. to appear in PRB, Sept.1 (2000