23 research outputs found

    Effects of a large-scale, natural sediment deposition event on plant cover in a Massachusetts salt marsh

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    In mid-winter 2018, an unprecedented sediment deposition event occurred throughout portions of the Great Marsh in Massachusetts. Evaluation of this event in distinct marsh areas spanning three towns (Essex, Ipswich, and Newbury) revealed deposition covering 29.2 hectares with an average thickness of 30.1±2.1 mm measured shortly after deposition. While sediment deposition helps marshes survive sea level rise by building elevation, effects of such a large-scale deposition on New England marshes are unknown. This natural event provided an opportunity to study effects of large-scale sediment addition on plant cover and soil chemistry, with implications for marsh resilience. Sediment thickness did not differ significantly between winter and summer, indicating sediment is not eroding or compacting. The deposited sediment at each site had similar characteristics to that of the adjacent mudflat (e.g., texture, bivalve shells), suggesting that deposited materials resulted from ice rafting from adjacent flats, a natural phenomenon noted by other authors. Vegetative cover was significantly lower in plots with rafted sediment (75.6±2.3%) than sediment-free controls (93.1±1.6%) after one growing season. When sorted by sediment thickness categories, the low thickness level (1-19 mm) had significantly greater percent cover than medium (20-39 mm) and high (40-90 mm) categories. Given that sediment accretion in the Great Marsh was found to average 2.7 mm per year, the sediment thickness documented herein represents ~11 years of sediment accretion with only a 25% reduction in plant cover, suggesting this natural sediment event will likely increase long-term marsh resilience to sea level rise.Published versio

    The role of occupied d states in the relaxation of hot electrons in Au

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    We present first-principles calculations of electron-electron scattering rates of low-energy electrons in Au. Our full band-structure calculations indicate that a major contribution from occupied d states participating in the screening of electron-electron interactions yields lifetimes of electrons in Au with energies of 1.0−3.0eV1.0-3.0 {\rm eV} above the Fermi level that are larger than those of electrons in a free-electron gas by a factor of ∼4.5\sim 4.5. This prediction is in agreement with a recent experimental study of ultrafast electron dynamics in Au(111) films (J. Cao {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 58}, 10948 (1998)), where electron transport has been shown to play a minor role in the measured lifetimes of hot electrons in this material.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Plasmonic excitations in noble metals: The case of Ag

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    The delicate interplay between plasmonic excitations and interband transitions in noble metals is described by means of {\it ab initio} calculations and a simple model in which the conduction electron plasmon is coupled to the continuum of electron-hole pairs. Band structure effects, specially the energy at which the excitation of the dd-like bands takes place, determine the existence of a subthreshold plasmonic mode, which manifests itself in Ag as a sharp resonance at 3.8 eV. However, such a resonance is not observed in the other noble metals. Here, this different behavior is also analyzed and an explanation is provided.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure