1,404 research outputs found

    Comparative Fate of Chemically Dispersed and Beached Crude Oil in Subtidal Sediments of the Arctic Nearshore

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    A three-year investigation was conducted to examine the incorporation of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) into subtidal sediments following experimental releases of oil during the Baffin Island Oil Spill (BIOS) Project experiments. The concentrations of PHC were determined by synchronous scanning UV/Fluorescence spectroscopy, while the composition of residual saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons was determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatographic mass spectrometry. ... The eroding oil from the Bay 11 beach was compositionally quite heterogeneous, with weathered, biodegraded oil, as well as relatively unweathered oil, found on the beach and in the offshore sediments. Biodegradation of oil appeared to be restricted to the beached oil, with no significant degradation apparently occurring subtidally. After two years, the offshore oil residues still contained low molecular weight alkanes as well as alkylated naphthalenes. The situation in Bay 9, where chemically dispersed oil was discharged near the bottom, was quite different. In spite of a large water column exposure, the bottom sediments never contained more than 10 micro g/g of oil. Of this amount of oil, a significant fraction (20%) of the PHC was initially associated with the surface flocculent layer. Levels of oil in the Bay 9 sediments were on the order of 1-3 micro g/g one year after the release. Sediment PHC levels in the other less exposed bays (Bays 10 and 7) never exceeded 3 micro g/g.Key words: BIOS, experimental oil spill, petroleum hydrocarbons, arctic sediments, oil pollutionMots clés: BIOS, déversement de pétrole expérimental, hydrocarbures pétroliers, sédiments arctiques, pollution par le pétrol

    The Large Magellanic Cloud: A power spectral analysis of Spitzer images

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    We present a power spectral analysis of Spitzer images of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The power spectra of the FIR emission show two different power laws. At larger scales (kpc) the slope is ~ -1.6, while at smaller ones (tens to few hundreds of parsecs) the slope is steeper, with a value ~ -2.9. The break occurs at a scale around 100-200 pc. We interpret this break as the scale height of the dust disk of the LMC. We perform high resolution simulations with and without stellar feedback. Our AMR hydrodynamic simulations of model galaxies using the LMC mass and rotation curve, confirm that they have similar two-component power-laws for projected density and that the break does indeed occur at the disk thickness. Power spectral analysis of velocities betrays a single power law for in-plane components. The vertical component of the velocity shows a flat behavior for large structures and a power law similar to the in-plane velocities at small scales. The motions are highly anisotropic at large scales, with in-plane velocities being much more important than vertical ones. In contrast, at small scales, the motions become more isotropic.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at "Galaxies and their Masks", celebrating Ken Freeman's 70-th birthday, Sossusvlei, Namibia, April 2010. To be published by Springer, New York, editors D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, & I. Puerar

    Access to substance use treatment among young adults who use prescription opioids non-medically

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    BACKGROUND: Non-medical prescription opioid (NMPO) use is a substantial public health problem in the United States, with 1.5 million new initiates annually. Only 746,000 people received treatment for NMPO use in 2013, demonstrating substantial disparities in access to treatment. This study aimed to assess correlates of accessing substance use treatment among young adult NMPO users in Rhode Island, a state heavily impacted by NMPO use and opioid overdose. METHODS: This analysis uses data from a study of 200 Rhode Island residents aged 18 to 29 who reported NMPO use in the past 30 days. We compared individuals who had ever successfully enrolled in a substance use treatment program without ever facing barriers, individuals who had ever attempted to enroll but were unable, and individuals who never attempted to enroll. We used multinomial logistic regression to determine the independent correlates of never attempting and unsuccessfully attempting to access substance use treatment. RESULTS: Among 200 participants, the mean age was 24.5, 65.5% were male, and 61.5% were white. Nearly half (45.5%) had never attempted to enroll in substance use treatment, while 35.0% had successfully enrolled without ever facing barriers and 19.5% were unsuccessful in at least one attempt to enroll. In multivariable models, non-white participants were more likely to never have attempted to enroll compared to white participants. Previous incarceration, experiencing drug-related discrimination by the medical community, and a monthly income of 501501 - 1500 were associated with a decreased likelihood of never attempting to enroll. A history of overdose and a monthly income of 501501 - 1500 were associated with an increased likelihood of unsuccessfully accessing treatment. The most commonly reported barriers to accessing treatment were waiting lists (n = 23), health insurance not approving enrollment (n = 20), and inability to pay (n = 16). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates significant disparities in access to treatment among young adults who report NMPO use. A history of overdose was shown to correlate with experiencing barriers to substance use treatment utilization. Interventions are needed to reduce drug-related discrimination in clinical settings and to provide mechanisms that link young adults (particularly with a history of overdose) to evidence-based treatment

    Entropy of Lovelock Black Holes

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    A general formula for the entropy of stationary black holes in Lovelock gravity theories is obtained by integrating the first law of black hole mechanics, which is derived by Hamiltonian methods. The entropy is not simply one quarter of the surface area of the horizon, but also includes a sum of intrinsic curvature invariants integrated over a cross section of the horizon.Comment: 15 pages, plain Latex, NSF-ITP-93-4

    Endocrine disruptor compounds-a cause of impaired immune tolerance driving inflammatory disorders of pregnancy?

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    Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are prevalent and ubiquitous in our environment and have substantial potential to compromise human and animal health. Amongst the chronic health conditions associated with EDC exposure, dysregulation of reproductive function in both females and males is prominent. Human epidemiological studies demonstrate links between EDC exposure and infertility, as well as gestational disorders including miscarriage, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia, and preterm birth. Animal experiments show EDCs administered during gestation, or to either parent prior to conception, can interfere with gamete quality, embryo implantation, and placental and fetal development, with consequences for offspring viability and health. It has been presumed that EDCs operate principally through disrupting hormone-regulated events in reproduction and fetal development, but EDC effects on maternal immune receptivity to pregnancy are also implicated. EDCs can modulate both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, to alter inflammatory responses, and interfere with generation of regulatory T (Treg) cells that are critical for pregnancy tolerance. Effects of EDCs on immune cells are complex and likely exerted by both steroid hormone-dependent and hormone-independent pathways. Thus, to better understand how EDCs impact reproduction and pregnancy, it is imperative to consider how immune-mediated mechanisms are affected by EDCs. This review will describe evidence that several EDCs modify elements of the immune response relevant to pregnancy, and will discuss the potential for EDCs to disrupt immune tolerance required for robust placentation and optimal fetal development.John E. Schjenken, Ella S. Green, Tenuis S. Overduin, Chui Yan Mah, Darryl L. Russell and Sarah A. Robertso

    Complex lithium ion dynamics in simulated LiPO3 glass studied by means of multi-time correlation functions

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to study the lithium jumps in LiPO3 glass. In particular, we calculate higher-order correlation functions that probe the positions of single lithium ions at several times. Three-time correlation functions show that the non-exponential relaxation of the lithium ions results from both correlated back-and-forth jumps and the existence of dynamical heterogeneities, i.e., the presence of a broad distribution of jump rates. A quantitative analysis yields that the contribution of the dynamical heterogeneities to the non-exponential depopulation of the lithium sites increases upon cooling. Further, correlated back-and-forth jumps between neighboring sites are observed for the fast ions of the distribution, but not for the slow ions and, hence, the back-jump probability depends on the dynamical state. Four-time correlation functions indicate that an exchange between fast and slow ions takes place on the timescale of the jumps themselves, i.e., the dynamical heterogeneities are short-lived. Hence, sites featuring fast and slow lithium dynamics, respectively, are intimately mixed. In addition, a backward correlation beyond the first neighbor shell for highly mobile ions and the presence of long-range dynamical heterogeneities suggest that fast ion migration occurs along preferential pathways in the glassy matrix. In the melt, we find no evidence for correlated back-and-forth motions and dynamical heterogeneities on the length scale of the next-neighbor distance.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Wavy Strings: Black or Bright?

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    Recent developments in string theory have brought forth a considerable interest in time-dependent hair on extended objects. This novel new hair is typically characterized by a wave profile along the horizon and angular momentum quantum numbers l,ml,m in the transverse space. In this work, we present an extensive treatment of such oscillating black objects, focusing on their geometric properties. We first give a theorem of purely geometric nature, stating that such wavy hair cannot be detected by any scalar invariant built out of the curvature and/or matter fields. However, we show that the tidal forces detected by an infalling observer diverge at the `horizon' of a black string superposed with a vibration in any mode with l1l \ge 1. The same argument applied to longitudinal (l=0l=0) waves detects only finite tidal forces. We also provide an example with a manifestly smooth metric, proving that at least a certain class of these longitudinal waves have regular horizons.Comment: 45 pages, latex, no figure

    Tracking linkage to HIV care for former prisoners: A public health priority

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    Improving testing and uptake to care among highly impacted populations is a critical element of Seek, Test, Treat and Retain strategies for reducing HIV incidence in the community. HIV disproportionately impacts prisoners. Though, incarceration provides an opportunity to diagnose and initiate therapy, treatment is frequently disrupted after release. Though model programs exist to support linkage to care on release, there is a lack of scalable metrics with which to assess adequacy of linkage to care after release. The linking data from Ryan White program Client Level Data (CLD) files reported to HRSA with corrections release data offers an attractive means of generating these metrics. Identified only by use of a confidential encrypted Unique Client Identifier (eUCI) these CLD files allow collection of key clinical indicators across the system of Ryan White funded providers. Using eUCIs generated from corrections release data sets as a linkage tool, the time to the first service at community providers along with key clinical indicators of patient status at entry into care can be determined as measures of linkage adequacy. Using this strategy, high and low performing sites can be identified and best practices can be identified to reproduce these successes in other settings

    PTF1 J082340.04+081936.5: A hot subdwarf B star with a low-mass white dwarf companion in an 87-minute orbit

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    We present the discovery of the hot subdwarf B star (sdB) binary PTF1 J082340.04+081936.5. The system has an orbital period of P orb = 87.49668(1) minutes (0.060761584(10) days), making it the second-most compact sdB binary known. The light curve shows ellipsoidal variations. Under the assumption that the sdB primary is synchronized with the orbit, we find a mass of M sdB = 0.45 +0.09 -0.07 M ⊙ , a companion white dwarf mass of M WD = 0.46 + 0.12 -0.09 M ⊙ , and a mass ratio of q = M WD /M sdB = 1.03 +0.10 -0.08 . The future evolution was calculated using the MESA stellar evolution code. Adopting a canonical sdB mass of M sdB = 0.47 M ⊙ , we find that the sdB still burns helium at the time it will fill its Roche lobe if the orbital period was less than 106 minutes at the exit from the last common envelope (CE) phase. For longer CE exit periods, the sdB will have stopped burning helium and turned into a C/O white dwarf at the time of contact. Comparing the spectroscopically derived log g and T eff with our MESA models, we find that an sdB model with a hydrogen envelope mass of 5 × 10 -4 M ⊙ matches the measurements at a post-CE age of 94 Myr, corresponding to a post-CE orbital period of 109 minutes, which is close to the limit to start accretion while the sdB is still burning helium